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Greek and Latin Roots JEOPARDY

Greek and Latin Roots JEOPARDY. Directions. Get into TWO TEAMS Sit in a semi circle Buzzer Rules There is a buzzer on the iPad in front of you—BE GENTLE. (Don’t break our iPads —we have to turn them back in! ) If you know the answer, hit the buzzer.

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Greek and Latin Roots JEOPARDY

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  1. Greek and Latin RootsJEOPARDY

  2. Directions • Get into TWO TEAMS • Sit in a semi circle • Buzzer Rules • There is a buzzer on the iPad in front of you—BE GENTLE. (Don’t break our iPads—we have to turn them back in!) • If you know the answer, hit the buzzer. • If you get it wrong, your team LOSES points!

  3. JEOPARDY! 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 500

  4. Unit One FIB—100 Harry may be a good chess player, but he’s not _____________. petulant evince invincible protracted retract Back to Queue Answer: INVINCIBLE

  5. Unit One FIB—200 The relationship between the main characters __________ the main themes of the novel. evinced deduced induct conducive impetuous Back to Queue Answer: evineced

  6. Unit One FIB—300 Certain kinds of soil are more ________ to growing prize roses. evinced deduced induct conducive impetuous Back to Queue Answer: CONDUCIVE

  7. Unit One FIB—400 I hardly expected a grown man to become so ____________ when I awakened him at three in the morning. Petulant evince invincible protracted retract Back to Queue Answer: PETULANT

  8. Unit One FIB—500 Wasn’t it kind of _________ to volunteer for a job you knew nothing about? evinced deduced induct conducive impetuous Back to Queue Answer: IMPETUOUS

  9. Unit One MC—100 The _________ argument that raged in the office for days was not __________ to getting work done. • provincial; petulant • impetuous; provincial • petulant; protracted • protracted; conducive Back to Queue Answer: D

  10. Unit One MC—200 Can we __________ from the uproar in the newspapers that the senator has refused to _________ his controversial statement? • retract; induce • deduce; retract • evince; deduce • retract; evince Back to Queue Answer: B

  11. Unit One MC—300 What was the __________ for the supposedly _________ hockey team’s decision not to play in the game? • conviction; induce • impetus; invincible • impetus; petulant • provincial; retract Back to Queue Answer: ?

  12. Unit One MC—400 Sam became so ________ that he ran away and climbed a tree, and nothing could ________ him to come down. • protracted; intractable • conducive; evince • petulant; induce • provincial; retract Back to Queue Answer: C

  13. Unit One MC—500 Nothing ______ Ben’s tendency to act without thinking more than his _______ decision to become a daredevil pilot. • evinces; impetuous • retracts; impetuous • induces; intractable • deduces; retract Back to Queue Answer: A

  14. Unit Two FIB—100 A(n) _______ summary of the day’s events will be enough for me. Compunction concise infringe infraction fractious Back to Queue Answer: CONCISE

  15. Unit Two FIB—200 Only special kind of surgery can _______ the tumor from the body. excise epitome punctilious anatomy pungent Back to Queue Answer: EXCISE

  16. Unit Two FIB—300 If Danielle feels any ___________ at all for lying about her homework, she should go to her teacher and apologize. compunction concise infringe infraction fractious Back to Queue Answer: COMPUNCTION

  17. Unit Two FIB—400 The author’s exhaustive writing on French history took up several weighty ___________. dichotomy infractions Tomes punctilious anatomy incisive Back to Queue Answer: TOMES

  18. Unit Two FIB—500 Your ___________ wit seems to cut through all the necessary information and get right to the heart of the matter. dichotomy Infractions tomes punctilious anatomy incisive Back to Queue Answer: PUNCTILIOUS

  19. Unit Two MC—100 Even though Alec had committed only a minor _________ of the company rules, he was punished severely because he showed no _________. • infraction; compunction • infraction; anatomy • epitome; compunction • epitome; anatomy Back to Queue Answer: A

  20. Unit Two MC—200 Barbara is the _______ of a well-behaved child and would never ______ upon her siblings’ rights. • dichotomy; excise • epitome; excise • epitome; infringe • dichotomy; infringe Back to Queue Answer: C

  21. Unit Two MC—300 For her _____ essays and _______ attention to detail, Victoria was named best student of her English class. • fractious; pungent • punctilious; excise • fractious; concise • incisive; punctilious Back to Queue Answer: D

  22. Unit Two MC—400 There was a definite _________ in her personality; on the one hand, she had a(n)_________ intelligence, but on the other hand, she seemed to have an understanding of other people. • dichotomy; incisive • infraction; excise • anatomy; infringe • epitome; excise Back to Queue Answer: A

  23. Unit Two MC—500 The _________ young brothers stopped their fighting and screaming when the ___________ aroma of dinner from the kitchen hit their nostrils. • incisive; concise • fractious; pungent • punctilious; fractious • pungent; incisive Back to Queue Answer: B

  24. Unit Three FIB—100 The __________ for the theft of the statue has not yet been determined. motive emissary abject motif expel Back to Queue Answer: MOTIVE

  25. Unit Three FIB—200 The high winds and cold rain _________ us to postpone the picnic. compelled emoted conjecture abject motif Back to Queue Answer: COMPELLED

  26. Unit Three FIB—300 During the negotiations, the vice president of one company was sent as a(n) __________ to the other company. motive emissary abject motif expel Back to Queue Answer: EMISSARY

  27. Unit Three FIB—400 The central ___________ of despair over lost love in the opera is introduced when the heroine takes the stage. compelled emoted conjecture abject motif Back to Queue Answer: MOTIF

  28. Unit Three FIB—500 There was a heated debate over whether the cabinet official had been _____________ in his duties when he did not report the accounting error. dismissive motive dejected remiss impulse Back to Queue Answer: DISMISSIVE

  29. Unit Three MC—100 The scientific community is usually __________ of new theories at first, saying they are mere __________ instead of fact. • emotive; conjecture • dismissive; conjecture • dejected; motive • dismissive; motive Back to Queue Answer: B

  30. Unit Three MC—200 The sea captain was almost overwhelmed by the ________ to abandon his ship, but he knew he would be _________ in his duties to the passengers if he id not help them. • conjecture; dismissive • motif; emotive • emissary; dejected • impulse; remiss Back to Queue Answer: D

  31. Unit Three MC—400 The ________ look on the face of our _________ to the opposing army told me he had failed to deliver his message. • dismissive; conjecture • emotive; emissary • abject; motif • dejected; emissary Back to Queue Answer: D

  32. Unit Three MC—300 While no ______ for the theft of the money has been established, we know that the thief was living in _______ poverty and could not even afford food for his family. • conjecture; abject • motif; remiss • motive; abject • emissary; emotive Back to Queue Answer: C

  33. Unit Three MC—500 I wanted to finish my paper on the recurring ________ I had found in the novel, but other factors _______ me to give it up. • conjecture; expelled • emissary; compelled • motif; compelled • emissary; expelled Back to Queue Answer: C

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