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Explore area requirements of orthogonal drawings for ternary trees, from simple recursion to complex strategies for area minimization. Research includes binary and ternary tree drawing areas optimization.
On the Area Requirements of Straight-Line OrthogonalDrawings of Ternary Trees Roma Tre University, Rome, Italy Barbara Covella, Fabrizio Frati, and Maurizio Patrignani
Orthogonal drawings • We consider orthogonal drawings of graphs • each edge is a sequence of axis-parallel segments • Drawings are planar • We always assume that the maximum degree of the nodes is four bend bend
Computing orthogonal drawings • Minimizing the number of bends in an orthogonal drawing of a planar graph with a fixed combinatorial embedding can be done in polynomial time • [Tamassia, 87] • If one is allowed to change the embedding (as we always assume in this paper) then bend minimization is NP-hard • [Garg & Tamassia, 01]
height = 4 width = 3 Orthogonal drawings of trees • A tree always admits an orthogonal drawing without bends • Hence, the research focuses on area requirements • the width (height) of a drawing is the numberof vertical (horizontal) grid lines touched by the drawing • the area of the drawingis width height area = 12
Binary trees and drawing area • General binary trees • O(n log log n) area bound • [Chan et al., 02][Shin et al., 00] • recently improved to n2O(log* n) • where log* n denotes iterated logarithm • result due to [Chan, 18] • Complete binary trees • O(n) area • [Shiloach 76][Crescenzi et al., 92] root
Ternary trees and drawing area • In this paper we address ternary trees • Area bounds for general ternary trees • O(n1.631) area • [Frati 08] • O(n1.576) area root this paper
Drawing invariant • All our drawings will respect the top-visibility property • the vertical half-line emanating from the root of a (sub)tree T and directed upwards does not intersect the drawing of T root
Top-visibility property and recursion • The top visibility property allows us to exploit recursion
Top-visibility property and recursion • The top visibility property allows us to exploit recursion • recursively draw the three subtrees of a node v
Top-visibility property and recursion • The top visibility property allows us to exploit recursion • recursively draw the three subtrees of a node v • arrange the threedrawings around vpreserving thetop-visibility property
General ternary trees • A node v may have three subtrees of very different sizes • Based on the number of the nodes that they contain, the three subtrees of v are denoted by Lv (large) Mv (medium), and Sv (small) • ties are arbitrarily broken Mvmedium subtree Svsmall subtree v Lvlarge subtree
Simple recursion strategies? • Unfortunately, it is not easy to devise an area-efficient drawing strategy based on recursively arranging the drawings of these subtrees v Lv Mv Sv v Lv Mv Sv
A complex recursion strategy • A heavy-pathis a path starting from the root of T and recursively descending into the largest subtree • A heavy-path has only medium and small subtrees attached to it
A complex recursion strategy • Exploiting heavy-paths [Frati, 08] achieved O(n1.631) area L M S • Denote by W(n) and H(n) the maximum width and the maximum height of the drawing of a tree with n nodes, respectively
W(n) O(n) H(n) A complex recursion strategy • W(n) trivially belongs to O(n) • H(n) = H(na)+H(nb)+1 • where na and nb are the sizes of the largest subtrees above and below the heavy-paths, respectively • [Frati, 08] proved • na+nb ≤ 2n/3 and hence H(n) ≤ n0.631
Worst case for [Frati, 08] • The worst case is when you have a very sparse tree until you reach a “balanced” node that is the root of three subtrees of the same size n/3 nodes H(n) O(1) nodes n/3 nodes n/3 nodes • In this case you have • na+nb 2n/3 • H(n) = n0.631
x A more complex recursion strategy • Node x is the first node that has two subtrees with at least n/p nodes • p is a parameter to be determined later • if x does not exists or if it is at distance less than two from the root we treat the configuration as a special case
x A more complex recursion strategy • Node x is the first node that has two subtrees with at least n/p nodes • p is a parameter to be determined later • if x does not exists or if it is at distance less than two from the root we treat the configuration as a special case
A more complex recursion strategy • Again, W(n) trivially belongs to O(n) W(n) O(n) • Regarding H(n) we show that • H(n) 2 nc - 1 where • Setting p = 9.956 we obtain • H(n) O(n0.576)
General ternary trees Theorem 1 Every n-node ternary tree admits a planar straight-line orthogonal drawing in O(n1.576) area
Complete ternary trees: drawing area • O(n1.262) area • [Frati, 08] • Recently improved to O(n1.118) area • [Ali, 15] • We explore the area requirements of drawings that satisfy the “subtree separation property”
Subtree separation property • We say that a drawing of a tree has the subtree separation property whenever the bounding boxes of any two disjoint subtrees do not overlap • either of these two constructions preserve the subtree separation property and achieve O(n1.262) area [Frati, 08]
No subtree separation property • In the following drawing the subtree separation property is not satisfied • construction used by [Ali, 15] achieving O(n1.118) area
Our results for complete trees • If the subtree separation property is enforced • we show an O(n1.149) area upper bound for complete ternary trees • we present a polynomial-time algorithm to produce optimal area drawings • we conjecture a superlinear lower bound for complete ternary trees
1-2 Drawings • A 1-2 drawing of a ternary tree is inductively defined as an arrangement of the (not necessarily congruent) 1-2 drawings of its three subtrees according to one of these two configurations Configuration 1 Configuration 2 • observe that 1-2 drawings trivially satisfy the subtree separation property
1-2 Drawings and subtree separation Theorem 2 For any complete ternary tree, one of its planar orthogonal drawings achieving minumum area and satisfying the subtree separation property is a 1-2 drawing • Consequence • if you enforce the subtree separation property restricting to 1-2 drawings is not a limitation!
1-2 drawings of complete ternary trees Theorem 3 A complete ternary tree admits a 1-2 drawing in O(n1.149) area • construction used • observe that the subtree separation property is satisfied
Polynomial-time algorithm • We devised a polynomial-time algorithm to compute optimal-area drawings of complete ternary trees • We computed optimal-area drawings up to depth 20 • 5 days computation on an Ubuntu linux box with two 4-core 3.16 GHz CPU and 48 GB RAM
Function fitting and conjecture • According to the least squares optimization method, a function in the form f(n) = a·nb + c that better fits the computed values of the minimum area has • a = 3.3262 • b = 1.047 • c = -181,209.1337 Conjecture 1 There exists a constant ε > 0 such that n-node complete ternary trees require Ω(n1+ε) area in any planar straight-line orthogonal drawing satisfying the subtree separation property
Open problems • General ternary trees • Do they admit drawings in near-linear area? • Complete ternary trees • Do they admit drawings (not necessarily complying with the subtree separation property) in near-linear area? • Improve the bound of O(n1.149) area on drawings satisfying the subtree separation property • Prove/disprove conjecture
Questions? Questions? A minimum area drawing of a complete ternary tree of depth eight
Questions? Questions? A minumum area drawing of a complete ternary tree of depth six