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The Buying Decision Process v. Key Selling Components

Explore the steps of the buying decision process, from need recognition to post-purchase evaluation. Understand the roles of information search, examining alternatives, choosing the best, and post-purchase considerations. Key components include customer needs discovery, information gathering, alternative assessment, and post-buying reflection. Adopt a strategic sales approach to meet client needs effectively and enhance customer satisfaction.

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The Buying Decision Process v. Key Selling Components

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  1. ___________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ _________________________________________________________ ___________________ ___________________ The Buying Decision Processv. Key Selling Components

  2. The Buying ProcessStep 1: Need Recognition • When customers feel a need strongly enough, • they will aggressively • ______________________ • Often customers are not aware they have a problem or need • __________________________ Create or Discover Needs? Discover

  3. The Buying Process Step 2: Information Search • Once a need is felt, customers look for information • about their • ___________________________________________ • Customers use a variety of information sources • Media • Public contacts • Personal contacts • Professional experts

  4. The Buying Process Step 3: Examine Alternatives What are we selling in our selling process? • _______________________ • _______________________ • _______________________ • How long the search will last or how many alternative will be considered depends on many factors • ________________________ • or the associated _____________ • dictates how much ________________________ or conscious involvement there will be in the purchase decision.

  5. Examine Alternatives “Blind” evaluations of product performance are fairly rare • Product and performance are important in the decision, but so are • The trust and credibility of the _____________________ • brand and service of the ______________ • The reputation of the _________________

  6. The Buying Process Step 3: Examine Alternatives • Usual steps Salesperson attributes (ourselves) • ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Store, company & brand • ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Product • ________________________________________________________________________________________________

  7. OURSELVES • Toward relationship marketing • Creating confidence through: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ • Positioning yourself as the “GO-TO” person for future business

  8. COMPANY • Qualifications of the company to satisfactorily deliver the products/services proposed. • Build on: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ • Emphasize company’s unique ability to meet client’s needs.

  9. PRODUCT/SERVICE • Know the customer’s needs • Communicate how product/service will meet these needs • ____________________________________________ • FEATURES: attributes of the product/service; physical, service dimensions, warranty. Follow-up • BENEFITS: ways features are translated into VALUE for the client • _______________________________________________

  10. The Buying Process Step 4: Choose Best Alternative • After the customer • Perceives the ________________ • (You have _________________________________________________ • Acquires adequate information • Analyzes alternatives • he/she is ready to make a ____________

  11. Choice • This may be a difficult process • Buyers may not feel comfortable __________________ • May be a time of intense ______________ • Contract terms and conditions will play a role • Engineers may be involved in complex designs • Discussions may include ________________________________________

  12. The Buying Process Step 5: Post Purchase Evaluation • After a decision is made • the customer often begins to worry • “Did I do the right thing?” • “Should I have looked around more?” • “Did I get a good deal?” • After the sale, ______________________________________ • (Dissonance is a gap between expected and actual results) • This is sometimes called • “________________________________”

  13. Adoption of Technology (Q3Ch5) • Adoption refers to the process by which new technologies or ideas are embraced, accepted and ___________________________________ • Understanding how your customer considers and adopts new ideas can be very important to the • __________________________

  14. Innovators • Innovators - First 2.5% to adopt . . . • ___________________________ • to try an untried brand or idea • ____________________________ • See themselves as _____________________________ • Frequently read research publications • Well educated • Approach to problem solving is • ___________________________ • Able to deal with • ___________________________

  15. Early Adopter • Early Adopters -- the next 13.5% to adopt • ______________________ • to try a new idea or technology • ______________________ • to embrace a new product or idea • Refer to themselves as “one of the first” • ______________________ • Stay up to date with • _________________________________

  16. Early Majority • Early Majority -- next 34% to adopt • ________________________________ • to try a new idea or technology • Jump aboard ship when there is • _______________________________ • _________________________________ • Have many contacts in the community

  17. Late Majority • Late Majority -- Next 34% to pick up the idea • Attitude is • ________________________________ • _______________________________ • about new ideas • Tend to be Less well-read & • _________________________________ • Rely more on • _________________________________ • Travel outside community • _________________________________

  18. Laggards • Laggards, the last 16% to adopt a new idea • ___________________________ • ___________________________ • Less well read & • _____________________________ • ___________________________ • In leadership roles? • _____________________________ • Community groups? • _____________________________

  19. Opinion Leaders • A customer (potential) _______________________________________ • They are easy to find but _______________________________________ • They can _______________________________________ They are found on the boards of directors of industry organizations, cooperatives, school boards, and churches

  20. Brad, Cargill Ag Horizons Opinion Leaders _____________________________ _________________________ ______________________________________________

  21. “DISCing” to Understand Consumer Behavior How the customer deals with … • Dominance ___________________________________________ • Influence ___________________________________________ • Steadiness ___________________________________________ • Compliance ___________________________________________

  22. However, each individual tends to have _____________________________________________________ Behavioral Styles Each of us is a blend of all four types of behavior, as is each customer

  23. Behavioral Styles • Dominance describes an individual’s approach to getting results and solving problems • High dominance people want to solve problems _________________________________ • Low dominance people tend to solve problems in a more ________________________________________________________________________

  24. Behavioral Styles Influencedescribes a person’s approach to people and emotions • High influence people tend to be _____________________________________________ • Low influence people are _____________________________________________

  25. Behavioral Styles Steadinessdescribes the preferred pace each person follows in their social and work environment High steadiness people prefer an environment that is more ____________________________________________________ Low steadiness people represent the classic __________________________

  26. Behavioral Styles Compliancedescribes a person’s ability to be comfortable with rules High compliance people • Have no problem ___________________________________________ • Expect others to ______________________ Low compliance people • Like to work ________________ • See rules as __________________

  27. Buyer Types • ____________________ • ____________________ • ____________________ • Each type is within each individual.

  28. Key Decision Preferences for Buyer Types

  29. The Relationship Buyer • __________________ • __________________ • Trusts sources __________________ • Don’t need to __________________ • Like ___________________

  30. Economic/price • Always _________________ • Compare ____________________ • React ___________________ • Service ____________________ • _____________________ • Rely on __________________________ sources • _______________________

  31. Business/value • Combines the _______________________________ • ____________________________ • ____________________________ • ____________________________ • Has ________________________ • _____________________shopper • Considers _______________________________ • we all think this is us!

  32. Remember The Buying Process Step 2: Information Search • Relationship buyer … Bases decision on word of _______________________________________________________ Sales process short with trust! • Economic/price buyer … Two searches; • __________________________________________________ • __________________________________________________ • Business/value … New large purchases will take a _____________________________

  33. David Gress, Sales PersonAudio/Video clip sponsored by the Barnhart Fund for Excellence PERSONALITY TYPES ______________________ ______________________ ______________________

  34. In Charge! Quiet or shy Personal/friendly ________________ ________________ ________________ BUYER PERSONALITY TYPES

  35. Indicators of Assertiveness 6-35 McGraw-Hill/Irwin

  36. Indicators of Responsiveness 6-36 McGraw-Hill/Irwin

  37. Responsive/Assertive

  38. Cues for Recognizing Social Styles

  39. __________________ ____________________________________ __________________ ____________________________________ In Charge! Economic/price or Business Value Quiet or shy Personal/friendly Relationship MORE BUYER PERSONALITY TYPES

  40. Familiarity Classes for Buying • ________________________ No knowledge of the product Much effort should go into the purchase • ________________________ Change in existing product, price or supplier • ________________________ Renewals – the customer loyalty goal.

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