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Tracking Greenhouse Gases

This presentation on tracking and goal-setting for greenhouse gases in healthcare discusses the urgent need for action due to rising emissions. It covers how to track emissions, set goals, and make organizational commitments, focusing on Scope 1 and 2 emissions in healthcare facilities.

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Tracking Greenhouse Gases

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Tracking Greenhouse Gases A Guide for Tracking and Goal Setting in Health Care Presentation to HEARRT September 26, 2018

  2. Introduction: Lauren Koch

  3. Avoided Emissions by Presenting Virtually: .455 tons carbon dioxide

  4. Today’s Agenda 01 03 Why you should track Setting a goal 02 04 How to track and set a baseline Making other commitments

  5. Why track

  6. Hospital climate action is urgent

  7. Business as usual scenario could triple health care’s emissions Global health spending is rapidly growing at the same time that the world is committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. A business as usual scenario could triple health care's already significant contribution to emissions.

  8. Health care contributes to climate change Energy use for heating, cooling, lighting, & water use 10% of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions Waste anesthetic gases Waste hauling, treatment, & landfill gases Meat production & food transport Fleet vehicles Employee commutes Supplies & materials

  9. This is about patient and community health.

  10. How to track

  11. Defining Organizational Boundaries Considerations: • Hospitals • Administrative facilities • Leased facilities • Leased fleet vehicles • Resources: • Practice Greenhealth GHG Toolkit (coming October 2018) • GHG Protocol Corporate Standard

  12. Scopes Defined: 1 Scope 1: • Stationary combustion of fuels (e.g. boilers, generators, onsite incinerators) • Mobile fuel combustion by fleet vehicles • Refrigerants • Waste anesthesia gas

  13. Scopes Defined: 2 Scope 2: • Purchased electricity • Purchased steam or hot water • Purchased chilled water

  14. Scopes Defined: 3 Scope 3: • Fuel and energy-related activities (not in 1 or 2) • Transportation and distribution of products • Purchased goods or services • Capital goods • Disposal of waste generated in operations • Employee business travel • Employee commute • Processing of sold products • End of life treatment of sold products • Leased Assets

  15. Limited Scope 3 Recommendations: • Purchased goods or services  Less Meat • Disposal of waste generated in operations • Employee business travel • Employee commute

  16. But…what are we really talking about?? Just Scopes 1 and 2, really.

  17. How do I get (mainly energy) emissions data and track it? • ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager • Practice Greenhealth GHG Tracking Spreadsheet • Practice Greenhealth awards application

  18. What about fleet vehicles and anesthetic gases? • Data gathering • AG: Pharmacy can often get you the Isoflurane, Sevoflurane and Desflurane order information • AG: Nitrous Oxide can be difficult to gather because it’s used in multiple places. Often by going directly to the vendor where it’s purchased to get a comprehensive report • Fleet vehicles: Itemize the vehicles in the hospital’s fleet by model year, vehicle type, and fuel type. Vehicle types include passenger cars, light-duty trucks (vans, pickup trucks, SUVs), medium-duty trucks, heavy trucks, buses, and helicopters. Fuel types vary by vehicle type. • Awards tool - Anesthetic Gas and Fleet Vehicles tables updated • Units updated to commonly available units for Isoflurane, Sevoflurane, and Desflurane (100 mL, 250 mL, 240 mL) • Nitrous Oxide: Just need total pounds purchased • Fleet vehicles table will be able to calculate greenhouse gas emissions for you • More Resources: • Practice Greenhealth Transportation Toolkit • Practice Greenhealth GHG Toolkit (coming October 2018) • Practice GreenhealthAnesthestic Gas Toolkit (coming November 2018)

  19. What about refrigerants? Find purchase data through invoices Estimation methodology **Because this is so highly regulated in health care, there is less opportunity to identify reductions.**

  20. Setting a goal

  21. This follows the same pattern as other goal setting processes. • Alignment with strategic priorities and mission • Identifying successes to date • Finding cost savings opportunities

  22. Practice Greenhealth Recommended Goals • Level 1: Establish a baseline GHG inventory and continue to track Scopes 1 and 2. • Level 2: Set a goal: Reduce GHGs by XX% by 20XX from baseline year 20XX (Scopes 1 and 2). • Level 3: Set a goal: Carbon neutral by 20XX (Scopes 1 and 2)

  23. Where is the health care sector on tracking?

  24. Where is the health care sector on goals? Making PROGRESS.

  25. Action by other sectors Higher Education: • President’s Climate Commitment • Corporations / Businesses: • 90% of Fortune 500 companies report to the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) using the GHG Protocol standard • Power Forward: 48% of Fortune 500 companies have a climate goal and the annual emission reductions from these efforts are the equivalent to taking 45 coal-fired power plants offline for one year. • 145 companies committed to 100% renewable electricity • States/Cities: • California – SB 100 • Boston – Green Ribbon Commission • New York City – Mayors Carbon Challenge

  26. Other commitments

  27. Health Care Climate Challenge

  28. Take your commitment to the next level!

  29. How to take action Set a greenhouse gas goal for the hospital / health system Reduce OR energy use & waste Invest in renewable energy Educate your community Choose local, sustainable foods & reduce food waste Reduce, reuse, recycle Include climate risks in emergency preparedness plans Carpool, bike, walk, or take public transport

  30. Questions: Lauren Koch lkoch@hcwh.org https://practicegreenhealth.org/topics/climate-and-health https://noharm-uscanada.org/issues/us-canada/climate-and-health

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