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For Hajj Application Process from USA you would require copy of Mahram Letter for Females, Certificate of Meningitis, Marriage Certificate, Birth Certificate for Minors, Passport size pictures, Passport & Green Card, Shahadah Certificate for Converted Muslims from local islamic organization or Masjid.
Documents NeededBY SARA INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL www.SaraInternationalTravel.com | info@sarainternationaltravel.com | +1 718.848.1222
Credit Card Approval Form Pilgrims charging their credit card must use this form. Credit Card can only be used to purchase the ticket portion of the trip. Download Form www.SaraInternationalTravel.com | info@sarainternationaltravel.com | +1 718.848.1222
Documents Needed for Pilgrims A PDF version of the terms and conditions can be found here. Click to download. Shahadah Certificate If you converted to Islam you will need to obtain a certificate of conversion from your local Islamic Organization or Masjid. Click here to download form. www.SaraInternationalTravel.com | info@sarainternationaltravel.com | +1 718.848.1222
Certificate of Meningitis The Meningitis vaccine must be administered by a licensed doctor prior to submitting the visa application form. Copy of Marriage Certificate If you are traveling with a spouse a copy of the marriage certificate is needed as proof of marriage. (It will need to be translated if not in English) www.SaraInternationalTravel.com | info@sarainternationaltravel.com | +1 718.848.1222
Copy of Birth Certificate for Minors www.SaraInternationalTravel.com | info@sarainternationaltravel.com | +1 718.848.1222
Passport Pictures • Our office requires 4 (Four) passport sized pictures with Name & Passport # written on the back of each. www.SaraInternationalTravel.com | info@sarainternationaltravel.com | +1 718.848.1222
Ministry of Hajj: Hajj “Tax” This is an electronic payment Sara Travel makes on your behalf. It is paid to the Ministry of Hajj – we will add this to your invoice. Sara Travel will process this for you. www.SaraInternationalTravel.com | info@sarainternationaltravel.com | +1 718.848.1222
Zabihah (Qurbani) A sacrifice is needed for the completion of the Hajj. We will add this to your invoice. Sara Travel will process this for you. Note: Acceptable forms of payment are cash and check. Mail all payments to our office at 106-08 liberty avenue, Ozone Park 11417 NY. Please call us before you send a payment. www.SaraInternationalTravel.com | info@sarainternationaltravel.com | +1 718.848.1222
Our Scholars Some of the top Islamic scholars who have made Hajj with us! “Sara International Travel is a well know Hajj and Umrah travel agency of United States who offers reliable Hajj 2020 packages. ” www.SaraInternationalTravel.com | info@sarainternationaltravel.com | +1 718.848.1222
Contact us: Website: www.sarainternational travel .com Email: info@sarainternationaltravel.com Mobile No: +1 718.848.1222 Office Address: 106-08 Liberty Avenue, Ozone Park, NY, 11417 www.SaraInternationalTravel.com | info@sarainternationaltravel.com | +1 718.848.1222