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System of Environmental-Economic Accounts (SEEA), Drawing the National Plan

Mozambique's move towards integrating environment accounts in National Accounts for sustainable development. Process, challenges, and future plans outlined.

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System of Environmental-Economic Accounts (SEEA), Drawing the National Plan

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  1. System of Environmental-Economic Accounts (SEEA), Drawing the National Plan Mozambique Nairobi, December 11, 2017

  2. Brief overview of Mozambique National Accounts(NA) Mozambique complies NA using SNA, currently still in process of changing from SNA 1993 to SNA2008; Actually have 4 base years (1991,1996, 2003, 2009) and still in changing process to 2014 base year; Our GDP serie, beggins in 1991 up to 2016; Visão do SEN: Ser a principal referência estatística para o desenvolvimento nacional

  3. Brief overview of Mozambique National Accounts(NA) According to SNA, production is classified as a physical process realized under responsability, control and management of an institutional unit, in wich capital and labor are used to transform intermediate goods and services to produce other goods and services that can be sold, changed or self consumed; For be considered production it must come from an activitie that must be taken under a responsability and control, of institutional unit on what is being produced. Visão do SEN: Ser a principal referência estatística para o desenvolvimento nacional

  4. Brief overview of Mozambique National Accounts(NA) Depending on the circunstances, natural processes can not be considered as a production, Ex:Planted forests are considered production (there are some actions envolved in the growth process) Aquaculture also considered production, but Fish growth on sea not( there are no intervention of institutional units) Nevertheless the satellites accounts have the same struture as the conventional National Accounts, that consistis on value of stocks and flows of goods and services; Mozambique does not yet include environment accounts in the official NA compilation, but there is acknowledge that it provides a set of indicators to monitor environmental-economic performance; ; Visão do SEN: Ser a principal referência estatística para o desenvolvimento nacional

  5. The environment accounts Actually we´re included as a coordinate in the compilation of Tourism Satellite Account, and Health Satellite Account with the respective Ministrys; Attending to the international and national plans about sustainable development, there still some actions that have been taken to incorporate the environmental accounting in National Accounts; The NCSD – National Council of Sustainable Development in coordination with the ministry of Land, Water and Rural Development (MITADER) are the authorities that are leading the process; Visão do SEN: Ser a principal referência estatística para o desenvolvimento nacional

  6. Theenvironment accounts (cont.) Other sectors that are main potential information data sources providers(Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Agriculture, Fishing) also included as a part of the group, including National Institute of Statistics (there´s no official document that obliges to compile environment accounts); The involved sectors, are invited to join to NCSD to try to drawn a national plan to implement the Gaberone Declaration wich preview that one of the priorities is to do Natural capital accounting; Visão do SEN: Ser a principal referência estatística para o desenvolvimento nacional

  7. Theenvironment accounts (cont.) This sectors must define according to the identified needs of the Gaberone´s declaration, information to permit the promotion of sustainable development, including all needs (human resourses, materials, operational costs) to achieve this objective, and will be introduced on the plan; Some colleagues, on their own, were trained by the united nations online courses on how to compile SEEA accounts. In this context, once the INE is included in the group selected to try to draw the National Plan, the individual members have pledged to share the contents learned during the training with the group. Visão do SEN: Ser a principal referência estatística para o desenvolvimento nacional

  8. Theenvironment accounts (cont.) With the extension of the internal strategic plan until 2019, some activities are already foreseen to include natural capital in national accounts; The National Institute of Statistics (INE) depends of the other sectors to have regular information to compile environment accounts in the future; The National Institute of Statistics are interested and disposed to compile this accounts since we have technical assistance and funds for that. Visão do SEN: Ser a principal referência estatística para o desenvolvimento nacional

  9. Thank you Visão do SEN: Ser a principal referência estatística para o desenvolvimento nacional

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