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Counter Reformation Strategies to Halt Protestant Spread

Explore the Catholic Church's efforts in the Counter Reformation to combat Protestantism. Discover ideas from the Council of Trent, Jesuits, and strategies to maintain Church authority. Uncover the Church's response and the results of these initiatives.

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Counter Reformation Strategies to Halt Protestant Spread

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  1. Quickwrite: • The Protestant Reformation is sweeping across Central Europe, England, and even Scandinavia! You have been hired by the Pope to develop ideas that the Church can implement in order to stop believers from converting to these new heretical faiths. What are your top 3 ideas? Hurry, you must act quickly, or Protestantism may overrun Europe!

  2. The Counter Reformation 1530s-1648 The Catholic Church’s Response to the Protestant Reformation

  3. The Church had two tactics: 1. Reform the Church from Within 2. Stop the Spread of Protestantism Water Torture during the Inquisition The Counter Reformation

  4. 1. Reform Within the Church • The Council of Trent Purpose: The Church held three meetings to discuss reform AND define official church teachings • Some ideas for improvement: What the church changed • Educate priests so church practices are uniform • Ensure there is discipline or punishment when a church official violates church teachings • Ban indulgences • New religious order to be examples in the community • But many church teachings and complaints of the Protestants were ignored: what the church refused to change • Rituals and ceremonies remain unchanged • Taught that “faith alone” was not enough, needed the Church • Bible to be kept in Latin, no other languages/translations allowed • Pope is supreme leader, Pope still lives in luxury

  5. Reform Within the Church • The Council helped revitalize the Catholic Church, as did the creation of new Catholic groups- Jesuits • These new religious orders were created to focus on performing charity and good works in communities • This reaffirmed the Catholic tradition that you needed more than just faith to be saved • Lived among the poor and sick, opened hospitals • Opened schools • Encouraged pious and simple living Gotta help the sick and needy, faith is not enough, LUTHER!

  6. 2. Stopping the Spread of Protestantism • The Church needed to prove it was still a powerful institution, like it was in the Middle Ages • Continued to stress importance of following the Church’s teachings • Still taught that different ways of thinking= not acceptable! • The Church also took measures to reassert its authority in the following ways: • New orders (Jesuits) • The Inquisition • Making a list of prohibited books You need the church for guidance! Stop reading that eternally damned Martin Luther!!!!

  7. The Church Reacts Questions: • How does Pope Leo X describe Martin Luther in P1? • What does the Pope call Luther in P2? • According to P2, what are Luther’s true motives for spreading his ideas? • According to P3, why does the Church need to take a stand against Luther? • What is the main “virtue” of “ecclesiastical discipline” in P4? • According to P6/7, what is the punishment for anyone who spreads Luther’s teachings?

  8. Protestant Reformation v. Counter Reformation • Create a chart comparing the Protestant Reformation and the Catholic Reformation Think about… • the people involved in both Reformations • the reasons for both Reformations • the goals of both Reformations

  9. Was the Counter-Reformation a success? The Church did not win back many of the “lost souls” that had converted to Protestantism… But, it shed its reputation for corruption and it spread widely through missionary work

  10. Europe in 1555

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