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This module explores the role of culture in achieving school goals and the best practices in institution building. It also discusses how leaders shape and identify institutional values.
Figure I: Pedler, Burgoyne, and Boydell's Life Stages of the Learning Company The Transforming Company 7 5 The Wilderness Company 4 The Established Company 3 Success or Complexity The Dying Company The Rational Company 2 6 The Pioneer Company 1 The Infant Company TIME OR EFFORT
Figure II : A Matrix to Compare the Various Theoretical Models
Expressions/ Embodiment of the charism End-in-view Targets Programs Projects Processes Practices Policies Structures System Vision - Mission Foundational Principles Core Values Virtues Charism of the Founder Spirit that leads Spirit of Faith Communion in Mission Zeal in Service The Foundation = Lasallian Story
The Person of A Leader Basic Assumptions Trusted to lead through vision = Creative vision that inspires ~~~~~ Trusted to lead through power = Dedicated power that enables ~~~~~ Empowered to lead through spiritual gifts rooted in his/her Baptismal consecration. Looks through ministry as a spiritual gift: authority derived from the mission. = ~~~~~ Following the lead of the Spirit – fulfilling God’s will
Best practices in institution buildingThe Role of Institutional Culture in the Productivity of Schools Cross Reference: Hard Copy written by Dr. Ben Teehankee
How are schools different from companies? • Regulations limit schools’ ability to raise tuition to meet rising costs • School success is different to measure because of intangible product – education – which takes long to produce • Schools employ “knowledge workers” who need to have a say to be fulfilled. Authoritarianism can also be counter-productive to school learning climates
What is the role of culture in achieving school goals? • By themselves, tight traditional management controls such as budgets and directives, can lead to a less than ideal learning climate • Conversely, an “anything goes” management may lead to incoherent teaching approaches and wasteful activities • Culture strives to achieve a balanced “loose-tight” approach to management of schools
What is school culture? • The shared values of its members. • All the assumptions that lie behind the way things are done in the organization. • Patterns of behavior in the school. • Two levels of culture • Visible: behaviors and common objects (e.g., regular meetings and adequate meeting rooms); espoused values (e.g., strategies, goals, policies, philosophies) • Invisible: beliefs, deeply held values and assumptions (e.g., value of teamwork)
Organization with aligned culture Highly committed; aligned member Vision School Less committed; aligned member
Organization with mis-aligned culture Highly committed; aligned member Vision School Completely misaligned member Less committed; Less aligned member
How does culture come about? • An institution’s unique history • An institution’s structures, policies, procedures and processes • The actions of the institution’s leaders
How does a school identify institutional values? • Research institutional history and look for values which have special meaning identity • Research target markets – institutions or entities which absorb the school’s graduates – for preferred values for hiring or admission. • Research and reflect on the values needed for society to progress in a positive and humane manner. • Internal discussions with school members on a meaningful workplace
How do leaders shape culture? • What leaders pay attention to, measure, and control on a regular basis • How leaders react to critical incidents and organizational crises • Observed criteria by which leaders allocate scarce resources • Deliberate role modeling, teaching and coaching • Observed criteria by which leaders allocate rewards and status • Observed criteria by which leaders recruit, select, promote, retire, and excommunicate organization members. From Edgar Schein
Emerging Accomplished Exemplary Formal statement The school mentions its espoused values in its vision-mission statement The school provides a detailed conceptual definition and rationalization of its espoused values The school has a comprehensive and widely disseminated documentation of its values and the operationalization of these values for all sectors of the school Institutional Culture Rubric
Emerging Accomplished Exemplary Membership involvement Represent atives of various school sectors were involved in identifying the espoused values Sectoral representatives were instrumental in identifying the operationalization of the school values Some sectors actively pursue activities which support the values. The school regularly involves all sectors of the school in revisiting and celebrating the school’s values. All sectors of the school actively model the values, including staff and students Institutional Culture Rubric
Emerging Accomplished Exemplary Leadership practices Key leaders regularly communicate and model the values Most leaders actively model and support the values. All school leaders participate in the continuous communication of school values to new members and students. All school leaders support the values through their attention, modeling and support of members who pursue the values. Institutional Culture Rubric
Emerging Accomplished Exemplary Training and development activities Orientation of new members covers the values. Orientation of new members is followed up by further learning activities in support of the values. A system is in place to regularly orient, train and support all school members on the values on a continuing basis Institutional Culture Rubric
Emerging Accomplished Exemplary Integration with instructional activities The values are prominently displayed in classrooms and mentioned by teachers. The values are integrated in a number of key instructional activities of the school, such as in specific assignments or class activities The values are effectively integrated in all instructional offerings of the school and extensively included in various types of learning activities. Institutional Culture Rubric
Leadership The art of getting others to want to do something you are convinced should be done. Vance Packard The Pyramid Climbers
The Heartbeat.... “Virtues strengthen the heartbeat of schools. A strong heartbeat is a school’s best defence against the obstacles leaders face as they work to change schools for the better” Sergiovanni 2007
Being competentto perform jobs expected of them Being clear about core valuesand performance goals Commitment Feeling appreciatedfor performance Having influenceover what they do FOUR CRITICAL CONDITIONS FOR BUILDING COMMITMENT
The Virtuous Cycle of Humanistic Administration Admins developcharacter and competence Culture of characterand competencedevelops Admins become trustworthy to co-workers Co-workersmanifest productivityand commitment
… or An admin who willnurture people so thatthey will flourish and beproductive? A humanistic administrator. A good steward of schools. What kind of admin would you like to be? An admin who willextract as much production as you can from people while leaving them spent, sick or neglectedin the end?
Roles of Educational Leaders in Culture Building Towards A Distinct Spirituality • MODELING :“Live by Example.” • 2. PATHFINDING :Leaders open a new paths because they have vision. • ALIGNING :Leaders ensure that structures and systems reflect the vision-mission-core values of the institution/organization. • 4.EMPOWERING :This is the results/integration of the three roles.
Culture and Spirituality • Two dimensions in the exercise of leadership: • Culture affects Spirituality. • Spirituality or the lack of it influences the exercise of leadership or authority. Culture Spirituality motivation meanings meanings faith
C. CHALLENGE : Create an alternative to the prevailing culture. • to arrive at a prophetic stance, • to generate prophetic witnesses of an alternative Lasallian culture/option that integrates Faith, Culture and Life via Evangelizing Education that is Spirit-led and Empowering. • BUILDING BLOCKS IN THE LEARNING ORGANIZATION • (According to Garvin, Edmondson, Gino HBR 2008) • AREAS that can foster – • knowledge sharing • idea development • learning from mistakes • holistic thinking • BUILDING BLOCKS 1 • Supportive Learning Environment • Psychological Safety • Appreciation of Differences • Openness to New Ideas • Time for Reflection
BUILDING BLOCKS 2 • 2. Concrete Training Processes and Practices • Experimentation • Information Collection • Analysis • Education and Formation – Training • Information Transfer • BUILDING BLOCKS 3 • 3. Leadership that Reinforces Learning • CONCLUSION • Culture building is a process; it takes time and collaboration/teamwork. Nature has a way of showing this.
If between friends and partners we were geese... Ah!
The next season, when you see the geese migrating, going to a warmer place, to sort the winter... Pay attention that they fly in a “V” formation. Maybe you will be interested in knowing why they do it this way...
The whole flock increases the flight efficiency by 71% compared to just one bird flying alone.
Lesson 1: Sharing the same direction and working as a team, get us to the destination quicker and easier. By helping each other the accomplishments are greater!.
When a goose leaves the formation…
It feels the resistance of the air and the difficulties of flying alone....
Then, it quickly comes back to the formation to take advantage of the flock’s power in its front.
Lesson 2: By staying in tune and united beside those who are going in the same direction, the effort will be less. It will be easier and faster to reach the goals. Everyone will be inclined to accept and give help.
When the leader goose gets tired of flying...
It goes to the end of the “V” formation while another goose takes the lead.
Lesson 3: To share the leadership, there must be mutual respect between us all the time... Sharing the hardest problems and tasks.. Gathering our abilities and combining our faculties, talents and resources….
g g g The geese flying on a “V” formation, they quack to encourage the ones in the front. g g In that way, they keep the same speed. g
g Lesson 4: When there is courage and encouragement, the progress is greater… A timely word of encouragement, always motivates, helps and strengthens… It produces the best of benefits... g g g g g
When a goose gets sick, is injured or gets tired,
and it must leave the formation...
othergeese leave the formation too, and they fly with it to help it out and protect it. They remain with it until it dies or is able to fly again. They reach their bevy or they just make another “V” formation.
Lesson 5: Let’s stay beside each other no matter what the differences… specially in times of difficulty and great challenges..
If we bond together and support each other, if we make true the spirit of teamwork, regardless of our differences, we can rise to meet our challenge.
If we understand the real value of friendship, if we are aware of the value of sharing, LIFE WILL BE EASIER AND THE PASSING OF DAYS MORE FULFILLING ..