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Modular kitchen in Kannur

Kerala's unique architectural style is well-known, and your modular kitchen design should complement it. Depending on your choices, use traditional Modular kitchen design Kerala features or choose a clean and modern look. Choose a color scheme and finishings.

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Modular kitchen in Kannur

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Presentation Transcript

  1. LIRA KITCHEN Modularkitchen ModularkitchenpriceinKerala 2 2 / 0 6 / 2 0 2 3

  2. Page2 01 AboutUs OurServices SalesProcessTimeline 04 CurrentPropertyListing 05 ComparativeAnalysis 06 OpenHouseSchedule 07 ContactUs TableofContents 2 2 / 0 6 / 2 0 2 3 M O D U L A R K I T C H E N D E S I G N K E R A L A

  3. Page3 LIRA WHYCHOOSE Our services andsupport aredesigned togive our customersthebestpossibleexperience.OurQuality and Trust will never be compromised. As a result, ourpromises are kept. 2 2 / 0 6 / 2 0 2 3 M O D U L A R K I T C H E N D E S I G N E R S I N K E R A L A

  4. Page4 Services Our modular kitchens are designed to meet the individualrequirementsandpreferencesof each customer. LiraKitchenprovidesprofessionaldesign consultationservicestohelpcustomers makeinformeddecisionsabouttheir modularkitchendesign. LiraKitchenuseshigh-qualitymaterials andfinishestoensuredurabilityand longevityoftheirmodularkitchens. 2 2 / 0 6 / 2 0 2 3 M O D U L A R K I T C H E N D E A L E R S I N C A L I C U T

  5. Page5 https://www.lirakitchen.com/ ContactUs Forfurtherinformationanddetail Lira Kitchen, Nikshan Electronics, Nikshan Arena, Bank Rd, Padanapalam,Kannur Kerala 670001 Lira Kitchen, Door No. 2/2525 B-11, 3rd floor, Olive Arcade, NH Byepass, Malaparamba, Calicut,Kerala 673009 B E S T M O D U L A R K I T C H E N I N K A N N U R 2 2 / 0 6 / 2 0 2 3

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