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Calibration of the charge response of p / m / e

Calibration of the charge response of p / m / e. The Bethe-Block curve calibration. Important to improve the particle ID capability based on DE/DX information. The available de/dx information is at present stored in 2 YBOS banks:. Packed address of the ADC channel

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Calibration of the charge response of p / m / e

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  1. Calibration of the charge response of p/m/e The Bethe-Block curve calibration Important to improve the particle ID capability based on DE/DX information

  2. The available de/dx information is at present stored in 2 YBOS banks: • Packed address of the ADC channel • Packed address of the crossed wires from DHRE2 • Packed address of the extrapolated crossed wires • Drift time of the IN wire • Drift time of the OUT wire • Collected charge in ADC counts • Track length • Effective track length bank DEDX • one for reconstructed track • same ID of the DTFS bank • of the corresponding track • Number of the analyzed tracks • Dtfs address of the analyzed track • Number of sampling • Number of sampling used for the truncated mean • Average de/dx value • Truncated mean • 10. Pull of de/dx in electron , muon, pion • and kaon hypothesis • 11.14. Bethe-Block reference curves for • electrons, muons, pions and kaons • (Pe – Pm) / P • Pe/P bank DEID • one for event

  3. f  p+ p- p0 • 1.m from pion flight decays in events 2 . K± m± n p in [177,310] MeV/c pmax= 285 MeV/c 1.Ke3 (via KLtag) 2.Bhabha events Calibration events Ev/pb-1 PIONS f  p+ p- p0 ~ 0.9 106 pmax= 462 MeV/c MUONS ~ 106 ELECTRONS ~ 0.3 106 pmax = 510 MeV/c

  4. Use: tracks extrapolated to the calorimeter TOF information to reduce contamination (at few permil level) Even considering few % global selection efficiency for some events categories, we have a lot of calibration events

  5. d3p drc dkc dk0 bha (clb) • Q/L vs p • for p/m/e • fit at the BB curve BBCALIB Calibration constants Check the particle ID capability by looking at the pull distributions :

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