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Industrial Training Briefing. http://fes.utar.edu.my/current-students/itp/. IT Chairman for LKC FES Dr Lee Kim Yee ( kylee @utar.edu.my ) Room FE 7(3), 8 th Floor. https://www.jobstreet.com.my/career-resources/employers-fresh-graduates-unrealistic-expectations/#.WnPP8ryWaM9.
Industrial Training Briefing http://fes.utar.edu.my/current-students/itp/ IT Chairman for LKC FES Dr Lee Kim Yee (kylee@utar.edu.my) Room FE 7(3), 8th Floor
Briefing outline • Introduction: Industrial Training ProgrammePart 1: Before Industrial Training • Part 2: During Industrial Training • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) • Q&A
Industrial Training Programme • Industrial training provides the impetus for students to comprehend and appreciate real-life working experiences. • Students may realise their ambition and ascertain their certain career path from the experience gained during industrial training. • The attachment provides students the opportunity to meet and network with people in the industry.
UEGE3114/UEBA2836/UEBQ3916/UECM2596/UECS2596/UEEP2506 : Course Learning Outcomes CO1: Applyknowledge of mathematics/sciences/engineering fundamentals (C3) CO2: Apply technical skills and modern tools in the work place (P4) CO3: Comply with the relevant rules and guidelines to professional practice (A2) CO4: Follow code of ethics and standards of professional conduct (A2) CO5: Demonstrate written and oral communication skills (A3) CO6: Demonstrate the ability to work independently and as part of a team (A3) CO7: Demonstrate life-long learning and self-improvement (A3) *your assigned tasks during the internship should cover all the COs Cognitive (C); Psychomotor (P); Affective (A)
Assessment Methods An Industrial Training student who has obtained 50 marks and above, will be awarded a “pass” grade while a “fail” grade will be given to a student who has obtained less than 50 marks.)
CO Attainment Improvement (CO5) CO5: Demonstrate written and oral communication skills (A3) • There are many written and oral communication workshops/training class/ Utarsoftskillcourses, students are encourage to participate and improve their skills. • importance of having meaningful conversation with supervisors and peers during the industrial training. • Report writing video: http://tinyurl.com/lrjwzoz • Oral skill video: http://tinyurl.com/mvex3em
Pre-requisites • The students who are eligible to apply for internship Must Fulfill the following requirements based on the results of Jan 2019 Trimester: (1) CGPA ≥ 2.0 (2) GPA ≥ 2.0 (3) Total credit hours earned ≥ 45/52/60 hrs • Result of May 2019 will NOT BE CONSIDERED. • The student who does not fulfil these UTAR requirements CANNOT Proceed their industrial training.
Requirements to Proceed Internship:(University policy) • Students are not allowed to conduct their industrial training in their last trimester. • If you have to do so, please write the reason (in a *cover letter) clearly during pre-registration, with result transcript to Deputy Dean. Approval is subject to your justification. [*The template of cover letter is in the pre-registration form.] For Special Cases (IT Appeal & Postpone),please prepare: 1) A cover letter to Deputy Dean, Dr Lim Jee Hock 2) Study Plan (with acknowledgement from AA & HoD), 3) Result transcript. Submit to Deputy Dean through online system by Week 2 Friday.
Industrial Training Guidelines • The whole industrial training process takes two (2) trimesters: • One trimester for conducting pre-registration and placement process. (Part 1: Before IT) • One trimester for conducting the actual industrial training and oral presentation. (Part 2: During IT)
Training Details • 3 months training period (Must fulfill minimum 12 weeks without personal leaves) • From 1st Oct 2019to 31st Dec 2019. Instruction: • Go to http://fes.utar.edu.my/current-students/itp/ to access all the information and student’s resources for ITP (or google- itputar) • Follow the flow in the website.
LKCFES Industrial Training Website http://fes.utar.edu.my/current-students/itp/
CIDB Green Card Application • Compulsory for all CI & QS students: • Application SOP, Registration Guide For other programmes, students have to take initiative to approach the person-in-charge (DCI- DrHuangYF, Dr Chong SY) if they want to apply the CIDB Geen Card (for those plan to undergo industrial training at construction site)
Flowchart (before IT) • 1) IT Briefing • *Postpone/Appeal • (Due date: Friday, Week 2) • 2) E-Resume • 3) Pre-registrataion • (Due date: Friday, Week 3) • Auto-generate support letter • 4) IT Placement • (Week 3- 14) • Option A/Option B • ESiFair(26 June 19) • 5) IT Confirmation • (Due date: Monday, Week 14) Failed to comply the due date have to meet the IT chairman and Deputy Dean (Dr Lim Jee Hock) to explain your problem. Case will be recorded.
E-Resume *New incognito window (Ctrl+Shift+N) • Click the link in the website to access the E-resume share folder. • Follow the step-by-step instruction in the folder. Must logon with 1utar account to access * Update the link in UTAR E-portfolio • There are plenty of resume template online! Download one and modify it accordingly. • Prepare it properly, so that your strength and potential are highlighted!
IT Pre-registration • Students who wish to undergo the industrial training MUST PRE-REGISTER with IT Coordinator and prepare an e-Resume(Due date: Friday, Week 3). • Those are eligible but failed to submit IT pre-registration or postponement form have to meet the IT chairman and Deputy Dean (Dr Lim Jee Hock) to explain their problem. Case will be recorded. *Internship trimester: October 2019
Support Letter & Offer Letter Template • Support letter is issued by faculty and is often required by companies as proof that students are seeking placement for industrial training. • Issuance of these letters are done automatically when you COMPLETE the online pre-registration (it will send to your 1utar email). • Make sure the info you key for pre-registration are correct.
Placement of Industrial Training • Students are required to work out their own placement with the assistance of the Faculty’s Industrial Training Committee according to the procedures that have been set by the Faculty. • The discretion of whether or not to accept a student as an industrial trainee lies entirely with the company. • NO CHANGING nor SWAPPING of jobs upon CONFIRMED placement without obtaining approval from their Faculty. • No working in close relative’s company to avoid conflict of interest. • All placements must be conducted for FULL TIME basis. • All students must inform the Faculty their industrial training appointment as soon as they receive the offer. Students are required to submit IT Placement Confirmation (Company Offer Letter and Indemnity Letter by student and parents/guardian) to their IT Coordinator before conducting their industrial training. • Final placements will be decided by the Industrial Training Committee
Engineering & Science internship Fair New for 2019!!! by ITC & EFS Date : 26 June 2019 (Week 5, Wednesday) Venue : MPH, KB Block Time : 9.00 am to 3.30 pm • Students are require to bring their Resume/e-resume and talk to at least 3 companies. • Walk-in interview will be conducted. • Get the stamp from the company as proof. Submit the form for: (1) attendance, (2) Free gift … *attire: smart casual Attendance is compulsory!!! (bring your student ID card for barcode scanning) Those absent have to meet the Deputy Dean (Dr Lim Jee Hock) to explain their problem. Case will be recorded, and warning letter might be issued if there is no solid reason.
Company list for ESi Fair • Under List of Company: Option B • 35 Companies, > 300 internship vacancies • Encourage to apply in advance, first come first secured basis.
Placement of IT (Option A: Faculty Arrangement) • Refer to Option A: List of LKC FES Industrial Training Cooperative Partner (ITCP)-Anchored, Mou, IAP company. • The student must communicate with lecturer-in-change for the positions advertised by the Faculty throughlecture-in-chargeby week 4. • The company may interview, or may just accept the student recommended by the Faculty vialecture in charge. • However, once the arrangement is done, the student must accept the offer. Example of Option A Company List:
Placement of IT (Option B: Self-Applying) • Refer to Option B: List of the company. • Avoid applying to too many companies at one time, as companies do not prefer students keep rejecting offers. Example of Option B Company List: Quick facts: > 700 intern vacancies > 120 companies * The list will be released after the pre-registration process.
Other Option: Search for Own Company • Find company which offers industrial training relevant to your programme. • Search the Internet or newspaper etc. • www.Jobstreet.com.my • www.JobsDB.com.my • www.yellowpages.com.my • Ask lecturers, family members, relatives and friends for recommendations. • Call the company for availability first! • Work conducted in the selected company should be able to cover all the COs.
Industrial training/placement outside Malaysia • Students are allowed to undergo the industrial training abroad. • Please refer to the procedure and guideline here. • Students must fulfill the immigration requirements of the designated country of the industrial training/placement. • DCInterNet and DISS will be informed to assist the student in applying for the necessary (e.g. application of visa, purchase of insurance, letters of indemnity, etc.). • Kindly contact the International Division of the University for any assistance or clarifications on immigration matters.
Example of Application Cover Letter/Email for Placement [Student name] [Address] [Tel]/[Email] [Date] [Title, Name] [Position(e.g. HR Manager)] [Company name] [Address] [Tel]/[Email] ……….. (For email, this part above is NOT necessary) Dear [Title, Name], RE: Application for Industrial Training Attachment I am a year 3 student pursuing the B.Eng. (Hons) Electronic & Communications Engineering at UniversitiTunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR), and wish to apply as a trainee for Industrial Training at your company. Our industrial training period is from 1Oct to 31 Dec 2019. I enclose herewith my resume. I shall be most grateful if my application is considered favourably. Please contact our industrial training programme coordinators Dr. IT coordinator name (itcname@utar.edu.my) for any inquiry on the training programme. Thank you very much. Yours faithfully, ………………………… [Student name], [IC] You may refer to: Appendix D Samples Letters(University Sample) or get the cover letter from internet
Confirmation of Placement • Get ready the Offer Letter from company + Indemnity Letters • Letter of Undertaking & Indemnity for UTAR Given By Student • Letter of Undertaking & Indemnity for UTAR Given By Parents/ Guardian • Submit online IT placement confirmation • Submit original (hardcopy) Indemnity Letters & Offer Letter to IT coordinator • Due date: week 14 (Monday)
Summary of the Placement Procedures • Prepare your e-resume and submit the pre-registration form by Week 3, Friday. • Find your placement (cover letter, UTAR support letter, and resume). • Attend ESi Fair- 9am – 3.30 pm, 26 June 2019 (Compulsory!!!) • Submit online IT placement confirmation (offer letter & Indemnity letters to coordinator in hardcopy). • Register Industrial Training during the Course Registration period and pay the tuition fee. • Report to your training company on time.
Flowchart (During) 1) Report to Company 2) IT Plan (Due date: 1st week, Friday) 3) IT Visitation 4) Appraisal by Company (2 weeks before IT end) 5) IT Report submission (Due date: 1 week before oral presentation) 6) Oral presentation 7) Student Survey
Attitude on Industrial Training • Be punctual to work. • Positive, can-do attitude. • Put in efforts and interest in your work. • Try to learn as much as you can. (Remember that you not only learn technical skills, but also soft skills) • Ask when you have inquiry. • Request for opportunity to involve in extra work. (We always receive the comment from companies that our students just follow the instruction) • Comply with the rules and regulations of the company, especially on the safety aspect!
Safety and Health Precautions • Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) is always the priority in any circumstance! • Learn and follow the OSH rules and regulations in the company. • Try not to: • Travel too often • Work alone • Always overtime • Expose yourself to any type of hazard • Report to the respective coordinator when: • You feel unsecured (frequent travel, working alone, frequent overtime, sex harassment, unreasonable request) • You feel unhealthy (no PPE, polluted working environment)
One of the Complaints from Industry Dear XXXXX, I would like to express my impression on your previous student who working with us before i consider your new student. I would like to highlight some issue during their working period. 1. No time management, always LATE TO WORK. 2. NO DISCIPLINE, even they need to stop working, no resign letter, no call to inform management, no answering our call. 3. During working time, when any water leaking, not even try his solve the problem, ACT LIKE SENIOR waiting for foreign worker to handle it. some hard work like sweep water leaked beside machine also a very not willing task to them. Honestly, as a technician or engineer, if when there is any accident happen, any issue occur, should be the 'knowledgeable' senior to guide what to do, if not the 'knowledgeable' also at least use their mouth to ask or show their body language willing to help as a them during their training period. But we found VERY DISAPPOINT on our future generation, look like a stranger in our factory. I think without a proper trial & explanation before go to training is a WASTE OF PEOPLE EFFORT, and WASTE OF RESOURCES. We do hope some optimitic & cheerful student to support us, but please interview them before you recommend to us, and we will NOT PAY them during this working period.
Assessment • Report & Log Book – 45 % • Student Appraisal by Company – 45 % • Oral Presentation – 10 % • Submit IT Report (online) ONE WEEK BEFORE ORAL PRESENTATION (must follow the report guideline). • Submit Sealed Student Appraisal Hardcopy (from company) to IT moderator during the oral presentation. • Oral Presentation will be on the ONE WEEK BEFORE JAN 2020 TRIMESTER START. • Students will only be graded PASS or FAIL. • Not contributing to GPA.
IT plan & Log records • To ensure both students and industry understand the course outcomes of the Industrial Training, you must discuss with your Industrial Supervisor on the tasks assigned during your industrial training, then fill up and submit “Industrial Training Plan ” to the Faculty by First Week. • Online IT Plan Submission(MUST access using 1UTAR email) • You may write and type for the log book. • You have to record your log book weekly during your training period. Check and sign by supervisor monthly! • Attached the IT plan, weekly and monthly log report in the IT report at the end of the IT period.
IT Visit by lecturer • Normally will be scheduled in 15 Nov to 15 Dec. • Lecturer will contact you via phone or email for the visitation arrangement. Make sure you are contactable. (Please update with IT Coordinator/visiting lecturer if you have changed your training address/site, contact number or email.) • Print out and fill up the visitation report before the visitation. • Follow the instructions given by lecturer during the IT visit. • Inform IT Coordinator if no visits are arranged two (2) weeks before the IT end.
Student Appraisal by Company • Request your supervisor to conduct the appraisal two (2) weeks before end of your industrial training. • A verification summary hardcopy will be sent to your supervisor’s email. Please ensure that the details provided are correct. • Instruction for Supervisor: • print out the verification hardcopy from your email, • sign and with the company stamp on the form, • seal the completed form and return to UTAR via intern student. (submit during oral presentation)
IT Report & Oral presentation • Students must document their working experience, log the activity. • On completion of their training programme, Students must submit a written report in PDF format though online system. • It is compulsory for students to follow the Industrial Report Guidelines and Template when writing their report. • Report that does not follow the guideline will be rejected. • Oral presentation: 10 min presentation & 5 min Q&A. (Company background, introduction, working experience, discussions and conclusions) • Marking scheme can be found in the Faculty website!
Remarks • Remember to register and pay the tuition fee for industrial training. • Inform your Industrial Supervisor first if you have any problem. • The approval of emergency leave (6 days max) during your industrial training is subject to the company. You must inform Industrial Coordinator of any approved leave. • Contact Industrial Coordinator if problem persists.
Summary of the Tasks during Training • Discuss with your Industrial Supervisor and fill up the “Industrial Training Plan” and submit the scanned copy by the first week of industrial training via online google form. • Online IT Plan Submission(MUST access using UTAR email) • Always write your logbook during your training (Weekly & Monthly logbook). • You will be contacted & visited by a Visiting Lecturer during the training. (Print out and fill up the visitation report before the visitation). • Get your industrial supervisor to fill up the appraisal form two (2) weeks before the industrial training end.
Summary of the Tasks during Training • Complete & online submit your IT report (in PDF format) one week before the oral presentation. • Online IT Report Submission(MUST access using UTAR email) • You have to present your industrial training experience one week before the Jan 2020 trimester start. (check with your IT coordinator for the schedule) • Carry out the onlineIT student survey. • Online IT Student Survey(MUST access using UTAR email)
Check List (Before IT) REMINDER: Failure to observe the given deadlines will affect your industrial training program and NO APPEAL shall be entertained.
Frequently Asked Questions(Before Conducting IT) Q7. How I know the company is relevant to my programme? • Seek for assistant from IT Coordinator if you are not sure. Q11. Can I reject Company internship offer? • It is not encourage. • If you have strong justifications, you may reject the Company in a polite way. • Any complain from company might be considered as breach of university rules & regulation as stated clearly in the policy “Placement SOP”, disciplinary action will be taken against the student. (e.g. signed the acceptance offer letter). Q14. What if Company rejects my application in the last minute and I do not have any backup plan? • Plan early and do not conduct placement in the last minute. • Seek for assistance from IT Coordinator at least three (3) working days before the deadline.
Frequently Asked Questions(During Conducting IT 1/2) Q17. What if I am under probation during the industrial training trimester? • As long as you fulfill all the requirements in the pre-trimester, you are allowed to undergo IT in the industrial training trimester. Q20. What if I need to attend university/family/religion/personal related activities that require me to apply more than the leave as stated in rules & regulation? • As attendance is one of the compulsory requirements during conducting IT, priority should give to the IT. • You may fail your industrial training if there are any complaints from company or violations of university rules & regulations. • Students should follow their course structure and shall not plan other activities that may affect their industrial training. Q21. During conducting the IT, what if I found that the assigned job scopes are not related to my programme? • You must discuss nicely with the company supervisor during first two weeks about your IT plan. • You must explain to the company supervisor that you must achieve all course outcomes listed in syllabus to pass the course. • You must report to IT Coordinator if agreement between the company supervisor and you on IT plan cannot be reached.
Frequently Asked Questions(During Conducting IT 2/2) Q22. What should I do if company is abusing me as an intern? • You shall check the agreed IT plan and make sure the assigned job tasks are relevant to IT plan. • You shall discuss with company nicely regarding the disagreed job task. • You must inform IT Coordinator immediately such that the investigation can be conducted in a proper way. Q23. What if accident happened during conducting IT? • Immediately seek for medical treatment. • You must inform IT Coordinator immediately or within 24 hours such that the proper following up actions can be taken. Q24. Can I start/end my IT early/late? • Please follow strictly the date approved by Faculty, which is stated in the offer letter and letter of undertaking & indemnity. • Any shortening of internship period might be considered as incompletion of IT. • Any extension of internship period will not be considered as part of IT and students should bear the full responsibility by himself/herself during the extension of internship period.