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J e s s i c a E n n i s. Jessica will miss the commonwealth games in Glasgow because she is pregnant. Olimpic heptatlon champion Jessica Ennis will not compete indoors in 2013 but will focus on the world championship in Moscow .
J e s s i c a E n n i s Jessica will miss the commonwealth games in Glasgow becausesheispregnant . Olimpicheptatlonchampion Jessica Enniswillnot compete indoors in 2013 butwill focus on the world championship in Moscow. Thissummerasher goal Ennishadleft the decisionverymuch open afeterwinninggoldat the olympics in august 2012 Sheisexpectingher first baby with herhusband Andy, butshestillplans to defendherolympicgoldmedalat the 2016 Rio games