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Probabilistic Graphical Models. Tool for representing complex systems and performing sophisticated reasoning tasks Fundamental notion: Modularity Complex systems are built by combining simpler parts Why have a model? Compact and modular representation of complex systems
Probabilistic Graphical Models • Tool for representing complex systems and performing sophisticated reasoning tasks • Fundamental notion: Modularity • Complex systems are built by combining simpler parts • Why have a model? • Compact and modular representation of complex systems • Ability to execute complex reasoning patterns • Make predictions • Generalize from particular problem
Probability Theory • Probability distribution P over (, S) is a mapping from events in S such that: • P() 0 for all S • P() = 1 • If ,S and =, then P()=P()+P() • Conditional Probability: • Chain Rule: • Bayes Rule: • Conditional Independence:
Random Variables & Notation • Random variable: Function from to a value • Categorical / Ordinal / Continuous • Val(X) – set of possible values of RV X • Upper case letters denote RVs (e.g., X, Y, Z) • Upper case bold letters denote set of RVs (e.g., X, Y) • Lower case letters denote RV values (e.g., x, y, z) • Lower case bold letters denote RV set values (e.g., x) • Values for categorical RVs with |Val(X)|=k: x1,x2,…,xk • Marginal distribution over X: P(X) • Conditional independence:X is independent of Y given Z if:
Independence assumption Expectation • Discrete RVs: • Continuous RVs: • Linearity of expectation: • Expectation of products:(when X Y in P)
Variance • Variance of RV: • If X and Y are independent: Var[X+Y]=Var[X]+Var[Y] • Var[aX+b]=a2Var[X]
Information Theory • Entropy: • We use log base 2 to interpret entropy as bits of information • Entropy of X is a lower bound on avg. # of bits to encode values of X • 0 Hp(X) log|Val(X)| for any distribution P(X) • Conditional entropy: • Information only helps: • Mutual information: • 0 Ip(X;Y) Hp(X) • Symmetry: Ip(X;Y)= Ip(Y;X) • Ip(X;Y)=0 iff X and Y are independent • Chain rule of entropies:
Distances Between Distributions • Relative Entropy: • D(P॥Q)0 • D(P॥Q)=0 iff P=Q • Not a distance metric (no symmetry and triangle inequality) • L1 distance: • L2 distance: • L distance:
Independent Random Variables • Two variables X and Y are independent if • P(X=x|Y=y) = P(X=x) for all values x,y • Equivalently, knowing Y does not change predictions of X • If X and Y are independent then: • P(X, Y) = P(X|Y)P(Y) = P(X)P(Y) • If X1,…,Xn are independent then: • P(X1,…,Xn) = P(X1)…P(Xn) • O(n) parameters • All 2n probabilities are implicitly defined • Cannot represent many types of distributions
Conditional Independence • X and Y are conditionally independent given Z if • P(X=x|Y=y, Z=z) = P(X=x|Z=z) for all values x, y, z • Equivalently, if we know Z, then knowing Y does not change predictions of X • Notation: Ind(X;Y | Z) or (X Y | Z)
Conditional Parameterization • S = Score on test, Val(S) = {s0,s1} • I = Intelligence, Val(I) = {i0,i1} P(I,S) P(I) P(S|I) Joint parameterization Conditional parameterization 3 parameters 3 parameters Alternative parameterization: P(S) and P(I|S)
Joint parameterization • 223=12-1=11 independent parameters • Conditional parameterization has • P(I,S,G) = P(I)P(S|I)P(G|I,S) = P(I)P(S|I)P(G|I) • P(I) – 1 independent parameter • P(S|I) – 21 independent parameters • P(G|I) - 22 independent parameters • 7 independent parameters Conditional Parameterization • S = Score on test, Val(S) = {s0,s1} • I = Intelligence, Val(I) = {i0,i1} • G = Grade, Val(G) = {g0,g1,g2} • Assume that G and S are independent given I
Biased Coin Toss Example • Coin can land in two positions: Head or Tail • Estimation task • Given toss examples x[1],...x[m] estimateP(H)= and P(T)=1- • Assumption: i.i.d samples • Tosses are controlled by an (unknown) parameter • Tosses are sampled from the same distribution • Tosses are independent of each other
L(D:) 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Biased Coin Toss Example • Goal: find [0,1] that predicts the data well • “Predicts the data well” = likelihood of the data given • Example: probability of sequence H,T,T,H,H
L(D:) 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Maximum Likelihood Estimator • Parameter that maximizes L(D:) • In our example, =0.6 maximizes the sequence H,T,T,H,H
Maximum Likelihood Estimator • General case • Observations: MH heads and MT tails • Find maximizing likelihood • Equivalent to maximizing log-likelihood • Differentiating the log-likelihood and solving for we get that the maximum likelihood parameter is:
Sufficient Statistics • For computing the parameter of the coin toss example, we only needed MH and MT since • MH and MT are sufficient statistics
Datasets Statistics Sufficient Statistics • A function s(D) is a sufficient statistics from instances to a vector in k if for any two datasets D and D’ and any we have
Sufficient Statistics for Multinomial • A sufficient statistics for a dataset D over a variable Y with k values is the tuple of counts <M1,...Mk> such that Mi is the number of times that the Y=yi in D • Sufficient statistic • Define s(x[i]) as a tuple of dimension k • s(x[i])=(0,...0,1,0,...,0) (1,...,i-1) (i+1,...,k)
Sufficient Statistic for Gaussian • Gaussian distribution: • Rewrite as • sufficient statistics for Gaussian: s(x[i])=<1,x,x2>
Maximum Likelihood Estimation • MLE Principle: Choose that maximize L(D:) • Multinomial MLE: • Gaussian MLE:
MLE for Bayesian Networks • Parameters • x0, x1 • y0|x0, y1|x0, y0|x1, y1|x1 • Data instance tuple: <x[m],y[m]> • Likelihood X Y Likelihood decomposes into two separate terms, one for each variable
MLE for Bayesian Networks • Terms further decompose by CPDs: • By sufficient statistics where M[x0,y0] is the number of data instances in which X takes the value x0 and Y takes the value y0 • MLE
MLE for Bayesian Networks • Likelihood for Bayesian network • if Xi|Pa(Xi) are disjoint then MLE can be computed by maximizing each local likelihood separately
MLE for Table CPD BayesNets • Multinomial CPD • For each value xX we get an independent multinomial problem where the MLE is
Limitations of MLE • Two teams play 10 times, and the first wins 7 of the 10 matches Probability of first team winning = 0.7 • A coin is tosses 10 times, and comes out ‘head’ 7 of the 10 tosses Probability of head = 0.7 • Would you place the same bet on the next game as you would on the next coin toss? • We need to incorporate prior knowledge • Prior knowledge should only be used as a guide
… X[2] X[M] X[1] Bayesian Inference • Assumptions • Given a fixed tosses are independent • If is unknown tosses are not marginally independent – each toss tells us something about • The following network captures our assumptions
Bayesian Inference • Joint probabilistic model • Posterior probability over … X[2] X[M] X[1] Likelihood Prior For a uniform prior, posterior is the normalized likelihood Normalizing factor
Bayesian Prediction • Predict the data instance from the previous ones • Solve for uniform prior P()=1 and binomial variable
(MH,MT ) = (4,1) 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Example: Binomial Data • Prior: uniform for in [0,1] • P() = 1 • P(|D) is proportional to the likelihood L(D:) • MLE for P(X=H) is 4/5 = 0.8 • Bayesian prediction is 5/7
Dirichlet Priors • A Dirichlet prior is specified by a set of (non-negative) hyperparameters 1,...k so that ~ Dirichlet(1,...k) if • where and • Intuitively, hyperparameters correspond to the number of imaginary examples we saw before starting the experiment
Dirichlet Priors – Example 5 Dirichlet(1,1) Dirichlet(2,2) 4.5 Dirichlet(0.5,0.5) Dirichlet(5,5) 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Dirichlet Priors • Dirichlet priors have the property that the posterior is also Dirichlet • Data counts are M1,...,Mk • Prior is Dir(1,...k) • Posterior is Dir(1+M1,...k+Mk) • The hyperparameters 1,…,K can be thought of as “imaginary” counts from our prior experience • Equivalent sample size = 1+…+K • The larger the equivalent sample size the more confident we are in our prior
0.55 0.6 Different strength H + T Fixed ratio H / T 0.5 Fixed strength H + T Different ratio H / T 0.5 0.45 0.4 0.4 0.35 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.25 0.1 0.2 0.15 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 Effect of Priors • Prediction of P(X=H) after seeing data with MH=1/4MT as a function of the sample size
MLE Dirichlet(.5,.5) Dirichlet(1,1) Dirichlet(5,5) Dirichlet(10,10) Effect of Priors (cont.) • In real data, Bayesian estimates are less sensitive to noise in the data 0.7 0.6 0.5 P(X = 1|D) 0.4 0.3 0.2 N 0.1 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 1 Toss Result 0 N
General Formulation • Joint distribution over D, • Posterior distribution over parameters • P(D) is the marginal likelihood of the data • As we saw, likelihood can be described compactly using sufficient statistics • We want conditions in which posterior is also compact
Conjugate Families • A family of priors P(:) is conjugate to a model P(|) if for any possible dataset D of i.i.d samples from P(|) and choice of hyperparameters for the prior over , there are hyperparameters ’ that describe the posterior, i.e.,P(:’) P(D|)P(:) • Posterior has the same parametric form as the prior • Dirichlet prior is a conjugate family for the multinomial likelihood • Conjugate families are useful since: • Many distributions can be represented with hyperparameters • They allow for sequential update within the same representation • In many cases we have closed-form solutions for prediction
Parameter Estimation Summary • Estimation relies on sufficient statistics • For multinomials these are of the form M[xi,pai] • Parameter estimation • Bayesian methods also require choice of priors • MLE and Bayesian are asymptotically equivalent • Both can be implemented in an online manner by accumulating sufficient statistics Bayesian (Dirichlet) MLE
This Week’s Assignment • Compute P(S) • Decompose as a Markov model of order k • Collect sufficient statistics • Use ratio to genome background • Evaluation & Deliverable • Test set likelihood ratio to random locations & sequences • ROC analysis (ranking)
Hidden Markov Model • Special case of Dynamic Bayesian network • Single (hidden) state variable • Single (observed) observation variable • Transition probability P(S’|S) assumed to be sparse • Usually encoded by a state transition graph S0 S0 S1 S2 S S’ S3 O0 O1 O2 O’ O3 G G0 Unrolled network
Hidden Markov Model • Special case of Dynamic Bayesian network • Single (hidden) state variable • Single (observed) observation variable • Transition probability P(S’|S) assumed to be sparse • Usually encoded by a state transition graph P(S’|S) S1 S2 S3 S4 State transition representation