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Commission on Education and Communication. Annual Report to Council - November 2009.
Commission on Education and Communication Annual Report to Council - November 2009
CEC is a global network of voluntary practitioners and experts with a mission to drive change towards sustainability through leading communication, learning and knowledge management in IUCN and the wider conservation community. What is CEC? Photo: Royal Roads University
Network Facilitation: CEC stimulates collaboration and promotes cross-sectoral dialogue and alliance processes, formal and informal. Capacity Development: CEC has the capacity to design learning programs and is engaged in professional development in the environmental sector. Change Agent: CEC advocates and inspires transformation and behaviour change in individuals, organizations, both within IUCN and externally to leverage larger impact. Communication Catalyzer: CEC catalyzes communication and is a source of catalytic communication in support of IUCN and the global sustainability agenda. Partnership Builder: CEC offers authority in partnership processes that help partners influence and be positively influenced by others. Knowledge Management: CEC offers expertise in how to identify, create, represent and distribute knowledge for learning and innovation. Driving change means …
To drive change means that CEC has had to change. CEC is changing how it is organized CECis adapting its membership and what it focuses on CEC is partnering with different parts of the Union in new ways CECis investing in recruiting new members to provide the next generation of communication and learning leadership for pressing issues today and tomorrow CEC is embedded across the “One Programme” Driving change means …
CEC Chair Deputy Chair Vice Deputy Chairs Liaisons to Programme Directors Specialty Group Leaders Special Advisors Regional Vice Chairs National Activators CEC Members CEC Organizational Structure Focal Point in Secretariat
CEC is most strongly connected to the IUCN programme in biodiversity, climate change and a green economy, linked with IUCN Global Results 1.2, 2.1, 4.1, 5.2
Raising awareness and building partnerships with IES, CNA, NATO and retired military of national governments Disseminating military’s ‘strong signal’ for Copenhagen Climate Change and the Military
Dialogues to link conservation and security communities
Military experts from five continents warn… “incremental, and at times, abrupt, climate change is resulting in an unprecedented scale of human misery, loss of biodiversity and damage to infrastructure with consequential security implications that need to be addressed urgently.”
CEC provided input on a climate change curriculum for Jeju, Korea training centre CEC sponsored a workshop “Empowering public participation in informed decision-making” at FAO Agricultural Biotechnologies in Developing Countries: Options and opportunities in crops, forestry, livestock, fisheries and agro-industry to face the challenges of food insecurity and climate change Learning about climate change
CEC promoted IUCN partnership with National Geographic’s Planetary Action Atlas A communications platform for biodiversity and climate change http://www.actionatlas.org/
Communicating Biodiversity • Signed resolution to Encourage the philanthropic community to increase their funding forvisual communication for conservation • Actively promoted WildSpeak conference for conservation communication • Advised CDB on logo, and supporting communication strategy and manual for International Year of Biodiversity
Supported IUCN and Rio Tinto due diligence for business and biodiversity Dialogues for project proposal to SGS company for in-house training on sustainability Next step: Business and biodiversity reporting capacity building – CEC specialty chair Green Economy Photo: Argyle diamond mine, Rio Tinto 2009
Facilitated representation of young people on IUCN Commissions Created Wiki and Facebook resources for Intergenerational Partnerships for Sustainability Intergenerational Partnerships
Managers of protected areas in Ecuador PA Managers, NBSAP Coordinators in the Caribbean Strategic communication training and ESD community building at Bonn UNESCO conference Participants at World Environmental Education Conference - Montreal Iberoamerican Environmental Congress APECO, Peru Ecuador Ministry of Environment training CEPA Workshops Training workshops to build strategic communication capacity of conservation professionals:
Learning for professional development Formal learning Prepared MOU signed by IUCN and Royal Roads University to create an Institute to award certificate for courses drawing on a global range of e-learning courses Informal learning Building www clearinghouse for informal providers of sustainable e-learning courses Photo: Royal Roads University
Offered expert support to IUCN dialogue processes Planned environmental info centre in Spain Evaluated opportunities for private sector sustainability training Learning for professional development
“I think we can take a lot of quiet satisfaction from the role we played in facilitating multi-stakeholder input and support and thus enhancing the likelihood of successful implementation. It is also gratifying to note that at a recent meeting in Accra a number of stakeholders publicly attributed the critical turning point to IUCN's (CEC and the Secretariat) input on designing and supporting the consultative framework. To me this is IUCN at its best!” Stewart Maginnis Learning for professional development IUCN played a key role in developing a Voluntary Partnership Agreement on forests between the Government of Ghana and the European Union
Communicate climate change and biodiversity Strengthen regional focus Deepen collaboration within the “One Programme” Broker alliances with non-traditional partners Plan for the next generation of Knowledge Management and Networking Engage new audiences, e.g., women and youth Build the IUCN Institute Communicate value of protected areas as to biodiversity Sustainable Education Learning Centers Network Evaluate new communication tools and strategies Continue to drive change management best practice for sustainable solutions Future directions for CEC
Communicate value of protected areas to biodiversity Build skills for PA managers Improve knowledge management Inter-Commission collaboration in support of the One Programme Developed joint CEC-WCPA work plan to:
www.iucn.org/cec Email: cec@iucn.org Video Joint meeting of CEC-WCPA Steering Committees with support of the Ecuadorian Government and the SUR Office Ecuador, May 2009