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Culture 2000 & Culture SLOVENIA in the EU programmes supporting transnational cultural cooperation. Mateja Lazar SCCA–Ljubljana / CCP Slovenia Theory & Practice (Seminar & Workshop) Skopje, 3 Sept. / Beograd, 4 Sept. 2008. Contents. How it all started? From Culture 2000 to Culture
Culture 2000 & CultureSLOVENIA in the EU programmes supporting transnational cultural cooperation Mateja Lazar SCCA–Ljubljana / CCP Slovenia Theory & Practice (Seminar & Workshop) Skopje, 3 Sept. / Beograd, 4 Sept. 2008
Contents • How it all started? • From Culture 2000 to Culture • Slovenia & Culture 2000: statistics & feedback from cult. operators • Project examples • Slovenia & Culture: statistics • Project examples
How it all started? • 1992– MaastrichtTreaty: 1st article devoted to culture (ex-art. 128) = legal base for EU competence in the area of culture • 1997 – Amsterdam Treaty (art. 151) = basis for the 1st generation of programs= Presence of a requirement regarding the consideration ofcultural implications in all Community policies!
General Aims of the Treaty • Contribution to the flourishing of national cultures ofthe MSs • Preservation of national & regional cultural diversity • Highlighting of common cultural heritage • Fostering of cooperation between MSs, with international organisations (ex.UNESCO, CoE) and 3rd countries
4 Fields of Action foreseen • Improvement of the knowledge & dissemination of theculture & history of the European peoples • Conservation and safeguarding of cultural heritage ofEuropean significance • Non-commercial cultural exchanges • Artistic and literary creation, including the audiovisualsector
1st and 2nd generation • 1996-1999Kaléidoscope... artistic & cultural creation & cooperation;Ariane... books & readingRaphaël... cultural heritage • 2000-2006Culture 2000 ... 1st framework cultural EU programme
PERIOD 2000-2006 (7 yrs): I. Culture 2000 236,5 mio € supports projects and promotional activities (awards) – Actions 1, 2, 3 Other programmes: II. Support for European cultural organisation III. European Capital of Culture Total budget (I.-III.): 294 mio € PERIOD 2007-2013 (7 yrs): Culture = single financial mechanism supports projects (S1), organisations (S2), promotional activities and research (S3) – Strands 1, 2, 3 Total budget: 400 mio € (+36%) (ca. 43-58 mio €/y) From 2nd to 3rd generation
Culture 2000 = ca. 220 supported projects per year (A1 + A2) = ca. 33 mio € = ca. 650 applications = 30 držav (EU25, 3 EGP, Bolgarija, Romunija) Culture = 130 supported projects within the call 2007 (1.1. + 1.2.) = 27,5 mio € = 700 applications = 32 countries* (EU27, 3 EEA, Croatia, Turkey) [*34 countries in 2008: + Serbia & Macedonia] From 2nd to 3rd generation>No of supported projects / year
Why (not) participating in Culture? • Critics lack of budget lack of visibility too bureaucratic • Motivation for Application willingness to cooperate with cultural institutions from other countries European added value European dimension adding EU support to the national funding
Slovenia & Culture 2000Statistics & feedback from cult. operators
Overview of results (2003*-06)*SLO for the first time fully participating within the call 2003 (in year 2002)
Feedback from SLO operators • 116 Culture 2000 projects with SI participation: - leaders: 29 - co-org.: 74 - partners: 69 • 93 different SI operators 40 answered the questionnaire (42 %) (ca. ½ of all successful leaders responded)
Culture 2000 – a positive experience? YES (100 %)
Galerija Škuc 14-16. maj 2006 Ateliers d'artistes en résidence à l'hôpital dans l'Europe élargie: Marseille, Madrid, Rome, Ljubljana (A1, VA, 2005) L: Art dans la Cité (FR) C: Comunidad de Madrid (ES), Zerynthia Associazione (IT) P:University Medical Centre Ljubljana, Paediatrics (SI), Škuc Gallery (SI)... • WHAT: presentation of contemporary VA in European hospitals • WHY: promote contemporary creation in a place where it can positivly affect people • ACTIVITY: workshops by local artists invited to help hospitalised young patients to create art works later exhibited in hospitals • GOAL: improve conditions of children through creative work www.kracina.com/koralniotok/,www.artdanslacite.asso.fr
CIMET Cultural Intersections,Mobility, Education and Tradition(PA, A1, 2004) www.cimetproject.org
CIMET • L:Zavod En-Knap, Ljubljana (SI)C: Inteatro, Polverigi (IT), SEAD – Salzburg Experimental Academy of Dance (AT) • EU grant: 96.790 EUR • AIM: support mobility, training, education, collaboration & production on the field of PA, especially young dancers & performing artists under 35 years • ACTIVITIES: over 100 international young dancers and performing artists participated in workshops, classes, research projects, productions and presentations in Ljubljana, Jesi, Milano, Novi Sad, Polverigi, Pula and Salzburg; several productions (Gallery of Dead Women by Maja Delak and Mala Kline, 4U by Rebecca Murgi...) • www.cimetproject.org
L:Generalitat Valenciana, Secretaria Autonomica de Cultura (ES) C: MIT - International tourism institute, Ljubljana (SI), Arsenale di Palermo (IT), Directorate of Byzantine & Postbyzantine Monuments (GR), Instituto Cervantes (ES), Hipocaust (PT) P: Palais des Papes, Avignon (FR), Università degli studi di Palermo (IT), Università degli studi di Roma »La Sapienza« (IT), Universitat de Barcelona (ES), Cervantes Virtual Alcalà de Henares (ES) EU grant: 567.304 EUR • AIM: to reinforce the awareness of gothic architecture in the Mediterranean (Portugal, Spain, Slovenia, Italy and Greece) • ACTIVITIES: production of multilanguage promotional materials, a portal with virtual museum and a travelling exhibition that presents Mediterranean gothic architecture through models and virtual presentations; further travelling exhibition of gothic monuments and virtual reality panoramas in Middle East and North Africa sponsored by Institute Cervantes Spain • www.gothicmed.com
Lepa Pušča – Schöne Öde – Bella Brulla / Beautiful Wasteland(VA, A1, 2002) L: Universitätskulturzentrum UNIKUM (University cultural centre), Klagenfurt (AT) C: Gornjesavski muzej Jesenice (SI), Unione dei Circoli Culturali Sloveni, Trieste (IT), Kultur und Kommunikationszentrum St. Johann im Rosental (Cultural & Communication centre) (AT) P: Kraigherhaus, Kunstverein Kärten (AT), Museo della tradizione mineraria di Cave del Predil (IT), Slowenischer Kulturverein »Rož« (AT), Stazione di Topolò (IT) EU grant: 80.256 EUR • AIM: to encourage regional identity & respect of the »unattractive« • FOCUS: themes characteristic of 3 towns in the border triangle of AT, SI and IT (Feistritz im Rosental in Carinthia, Jesenice in Slovenia and Cave del Predil in Friuli): water, abandoned industrial objects,railways, museums, everyday & industrial culture and multilingualism
Lepa Pušča – Schöne Öde – Bella Brulla • ACTIVITES =various artistic happenings: 1. ARRIVAL: visitors travelled through the landscape & experienced it like a film2. MUSEUM: visitors, with the help of artistic installations in museums uncovered a new view on classic museum collections3. DECAY & READYMADE: dedicated to everyday culture of apartment inhabitants4. SPEAK WELL - »language footpaths«: sentences on signs in 7 languages described unusual images of these places5. artistic event NO ART, NO: portraits of anonymous industrial workers, former iron workers and miners, were presented in Cave del Predil6. final project WATER: attempt to symbolically redirect rivers’ currents by using water captured from the rivers Sava, Feistritz-Bach and Rio del Lago • www.unikum.ac.at
Review within Review (RvR)(LBR, A1, 2006) L: Apokalipsa Cultural and Artistic Association, Ljubljana (SI) C: Jelenkor, Pécs (HU), Literatur und Kritik, Salzburg (AT), Romboid, Bratislava (SK), Studium, Kraków (PL) P: Quorum, Zagreb (HR), Host, Brno (CZ), Ars, Cetinje (Montenegro), Naše pismo, Skopje (FYROM), Blesok, Skopje (FYROM) EU grant: 51.007 EUR • AIM: intra-European collaboration among smaller national cultures (creative multilingual projects) without the mediation of large languages; integration of the CE cultural space • ACTIVITIES: 10 magazines/journals 40 exchanges in 9 languages, translations of books, numerous promotions at international fairs, festivals and meetings The project will further include 15 magazines from 12 countries, expanding into SE and Western Europe.. www.revija-v-reviji.si
Overview of results (2007*-08)*For the call 2007 only information about project leaders are available.
Dance Explorations Beyond Front@ • Aug. 28, 2008 – Aug. 27, 2010 • L: Flota, Murska Sobota & Ljubljana (SI)C: OffenesHausOberwart (AT), Dance Identity, Pinkafeld (AT), Cie Pal Frenak, Budapest (HU) • EU grant: 198.368 € AIMS: - stimulate & support production & presentation of contemporary dance for artists & audiences from SI, AT, HU, HR - reconnect (through a dance festival) the border regions outside capital cities that often face a certain cultural/economic discrimination & lack of accessibility to culture - compare, analyse & advocate for the development of cont. dance and dance audiences in a culturally under served regions
Dance Explorations Beyond Front@ ACTIVITIES: • Performances Beyond Front@: present contemporary dance performances from 4 participating countries • Audiences Beyond Front@: increase audience accessibility to culture & mobility (free transportation, special performances for targeted groups) • Dialogue Beyond Front@: foster cross-cultural dialogue & exchange among artists and audiences; generate dialogue & interest about the cutting edge issues of contemporary dance (roundtables, public discussions, theoretical debates, informalgatherings) • DCL (“diesel”) – Dance Communication Lab: series ofcross-cultural contemporary dance improvisation evenings for young professionaldancers & artists whose work intersects the dance field • Creation Beyond Front@:cross-culturalco-productions among the participating countries
Additional information Cultural Contact Point Slovenia SCCA–Ljubljana, Metelkova 6, Ljubljana Mateja Lazar(ccp@scca-ljubljana.si) www.ccp.si