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Souktel and Unesco: Strengthening Education Systems in Crisis Zones, Through Strategic Mobile Service Partnerships mE

Souktel and Unesco: Strengthening Education Systems in Crisis Zones, Through Strategic Mobile Service Partnerships mEducation Alliance – Sep. 2012 . Challenge: Maintain Continuous Education Delivery During Crisis Events.

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Souktel and Unesco: Strengthening Education Systems in Crisis Zones, Through Strategic Mobile Service Partnerships mE

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  1. Souktel and Unesco: Strengthening Education Systems in Crisis Zones, Through Strategic Mobile Service PartnershipsmEducation Alliance – Sep. 2012

  2. Challenge: Maintain Continuous Education Delivery During Crisis Events Gaza Strip -- 1.5 km “access restricted area”, 80 schools in high risk areas, 20,000 affected students Frequent school closures and disruption of learning processes due to ongoing conflict Lack of organized methods of response, including fast, effective communication links between school staff and students/parents As a result, rise in absenteeism and other problems due to schools no longer perceived as safe spaces

  3. Response: Conflict-Disaster Risk Reduction Focus on 29 out of the 80 most vulnerable schools (including 12 in access-restricted area) Integrated package comprising protection and education elements, through community mobilization at the school level Anchored in INEE MS for Education in Emergencies Safety and health; first aid; psychosocial support; human rights; school-based contingency planning; and SMS system

  4. Response: Rugged, Adaptable Mobile Tech School staff send safety alerts via web or SMS on authorized mobile handsets: Flexibile system, minimal disruptions Multiple access levels: Unesco staff can oversee each school’s message traffic & content Simple contact management interface: Edit/add group members in real time Dynamic, custom software: Regular modifications based on actual platform use

  5. SMS Alerts: Create Custom Groups Group Created: “New Mothers – Ain Areek” 5 group members: Create group: “New Mothers – Las Anood”

  6. Sg 1191 There is an airstrike near the school at this hour. Please keep children home. –Al Tons School Principal sends SMS to 37190, via web interface or authorized mobile handset System receives and sends to mobile network gateways Gateways forward SMS to all 450 parents in Group 1191

  7. Lessons Learned: Key Success Factors • The SMS system filled a key gap in communication, providing fast and wide-reaching information-sharing possibilities • Strong coordination structure, anchored in the community (including school-based safety committees who could manage the system and adapt it to their previously identified needs). • Inclusion as part of a larger intervention coordinated with the MoE: creates conditions for sustainability

  8. Lessons Learned: Effective Strategic Partnering • Customized software platform design: meets specific stakeholder needs • Targeted face-to-face training of platform administrators • Direct partnerships with mobile networks: Robust network infrastructure, custom Sender IDs & shortcodes • Frequent interaction with stakeholders; updates based on real-time feedback

  9. SouktelInc: Newark, DE Ramallah, Palestine +1 416 830 5752 +970 2 297 8090 e: info@souktel.org www.souktel.org UNESCO (OPT): Ramallah, Palestine +970 2 295 9740 unesco.ramallah@unesco.org

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