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SILC Congress 2012

SILC Congress 2012. Panel on Recruitment of Appropriate SILC Members Brad Williams, NYSILC. Council Tracking Chart. Excel Spreadsheet of significant council demographics.

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SILC Congress 2012

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  1. SILC Congress 2012 Panel on Recruitment of Appropriate SILC Members Brad Williams, NYSILC

  2. Council Tracking Chart • Excel Spreadsheet of significant council demographics. • Track members: employed by (CIL, state, neither), appointment category, term start/end dates, voting/non-voting, ethnicity, gender, state/region, other (youth, senior, expertise area, etc.). • Identifies upcoming vacancies to recruit for and reappointments. • Calculate total numbers and percentages: • % of total council with a disability. • % voting members not employed by CIL or state with a disability.

  3. Recruitment Subcommittee • Consists of executive director, secretary, member with human resources experience, other interested members, and DSU member. • Solicit candidates for vacancies, review applications, conduct telephone interviews, recommend candidates to fill vacancies and confirm reappointments (May-August). • With executive committee, conduct orientation of new members (March).

  4. New Member Solicitation • Send out a solicitation notice based on the vacancies identified from the council tracking chart (May-June). SEE PANEL. • Request a resume and an application form, including two references. SEE PANEL. • Distribute to a variety of lists, social networks, post on website, seek deeper distribution, encourage current and former council members to help recruit recommended candidates. CONTINUED…

  5. New Member Solicitation (Continued) • NYSILC SEEKING CANDIDATES TO SERVE AS COUNCIL MEMBERS • The New York State Independent Living Council, Inc. (NYSILC) is a not-for-profit State council with the joint responsibility to develop, monitor, and evaluate the three-year Statewide Plan for Independent Living (SPIL) which impacts the network of Centers of Independent Living Centers (CILs) and Service Centers for Independent Living (SCILs) and the New Yorkers with disabilities that they serve. The council is authorized under Section 705 of the Federal Rehabilitation Act as amended.   • NYSILC is in the process of seeking candidates to serve as potential volunteer council members appointed by the NYS Regents to three-year terms. The council is looking to fill a number of vacancies and terms that will expire at the end of the year. The council seeks diverse membership, including individuals with various disabilities, cultures, ages, and gender, geographically distributed across the State. Based on current council membership, NYSILC could enhance its diversity with members from New York City, Long Island, and Western New York. In addition , the council is seeking individuals who represent individuals who are deaf/blind, as well as young adults and/or veterans with disabilities. CONTINUED…

  6. New Member Solicitation (Continued) • Interested candidates should complete an application form in its entirety and include a copy of their resume plus two references with contact information. This information should be sent electronically to ensure equal access during the review process to bradw@nysilc.org by the end of business on Friday, June 10, 2011. The recommendation and appointment process will proceed over the next few months. If you have any questions about the application, process, or duties of council members, contact the NYSILC office at (518) 427-1060 (Voice/TTY), (518) 427-1139 (Fax), or bradw@nysilc.org. Thank you for your interest in the council.

  7. New Member Solicitation (Continued) • NYSILC Council Member Recommendation Form • Answer all questions and send back to bradw@nysilc.org as an attachment with a copy of your resume. • Name: • Address: • City: • State: • Zip: • Telephone: • Email: CONTINUED…

  8. New Member Solicitation (Continued) • In the space provided below, indicate why you are interested in serving on the council. • In the space provided below, what previous experience, areas of interest or skill areas do you have that would lead to logical work on committees? • In the space provided below, what affiliations do you have with other national, statewide, and regional groups, especially related to people with disabilities? • Please provide two references below (at least one professional).  • REMEMBER TO ATTACH AN ELECTRONIC COPY OF YOUR RESUME

  9. Finalizing the Process • Recruitment Subcommittee reviews applications and resumes. Narrows down top applicants for telephone interviews (July). • Telephone interviews allow subcommittee to recommend candidates for appointment. If unsure about a few candidates, approve them pending reference check (August). SEE PANELS. • Recruitment Subcommittee sends recommended candidates to executive committee for review and approval (September). • NYSILC executive director meets with DSU to review recommended candidates. Upon agreement, the information is sent in a packet (cover and applications/resumes). This information is converted into a Regents item (September-October). SEE PANEL. CONTINUED…

  10. Finalizing the Process (Continued) • Thank you letters for applying are sent to candidates not recommended for appointment. Applications/resumes are kept on file for candidate pool (October). SEE PANEL. • NYS Regents review and approve NYSILC appointments and reappointments. Letters are sent out by SED to confirm process (December). • New appointments commence in January. • Orientation for new members takes place the afternoon before the first full council meeting of the year (March). SEE PANEL.

  11. Telephone Interview Outline • Recruitment Subcommittee Conference Call/Telephone Interviews • The Recruitment Subcommittee conference call interviews have been scheduled for Monday, August 1st between 9:30-11:30 am and Thursday, August 4th between 9:00-11:30 am. PLEASE CALL IN 5 MINUTES BEFORE EACH DAY. Call [Call in # and code]. I have attached the applications and resumes of each candidate in a revised document for ease of reference based on the order of their interview. • For Monday, August 1st, we have the following interviews scheduled: • 9:30         [Name] (CIL Representative or Advocate). • 10:00       [Name] (Youth Representative). • 10:30       [Name] (Other Appropriate Individuals). • 11:00       [Name] (Advocate or Organization Serving). • 5:00         [Name] (Advocate or Other Appropriate Individuals). CONTINUED…

  12. Telephone Interview Outline (Continued) • NYSILC Telephone Interview Outline • NYSILC is an independent federally mandated state council that advances Independent Living philosophy through the network of CILs and statewide partnerships by engaging in or supporting research, education, employment, community organizing, advocacy, and systems reform. In terms of its vision, the council is a champion of systemic change promoting opportunities and full participation in all aspects of society for people with disabilities. • Introductions. • Briefly explain your qualifications and interest in serving on NYSILC. • What do you uniquely have to offer the council? What connections, networks, abilities, etc.? • Expectations: Attend meetings (quorum important), participate on committees, recommend potential candidates, travel to meetings/travel reimbursement, orientation/participate in trainings. • Questions/additional comments?

  13. Cover Sheet to Candidate Packet • NYSILC 2012 Appointment Recommendations • Nine appointments must be made to replace a combination of current members terming off of the council or vacancies and their unexpired terms. For three appointments, they replace members terming off the council after six years – an advocate and two CIL representatives – all members of the executive committee. Another advocate served one three-year term and was not optioned for reappointment due to attendance issues. Five additional members fill vacancies and unexpired terms. As a result, the following individuals are recommended for appointment per category and term. Their application and resume materials have been attached for review. • [Individuals listed by appointment category and term] • In addition, the following 6 reappointments need to be made for current council members being reappointed to their second three-year terms: • [Individuals listed by appointment category and term]

  14. Thank You Letter/Candidates Not Appointed • October 21, 2011 • [Insert name and address]  • Dear [Insert name]:  • Thank you for your interest in wanting to become an appointed member of the New York State Independent Living Council (NYSILC). • The council greatly appreciates your qualifications and talent. However, we have mandates to comply with and must diversify and select from the widest demographic and geographic reach possible to best represent people with disabilities from across our State. In the process, NYSILC often has to choose between several highly qualified individuals such as yourself. We are sorry that we couldn’t recommend you for appointment at this time. If you are still interested, the council would like to keep your application and resume on file with our candidate pool because we have occasional vacancies to fill along with our annual recruitment process (which results in around 2-3 terms that have to be filled each year). NYSILC will continue to consider you unless we hear otherwise. Thank you again for your interest in the council. I wish you success in your future endeavors. • Respectfully, Brad Williams, Executive Director.

  15. New Member Orientation • New York State Independent Living Council, Inc. (NYSILC) • Orientation Agenda Page # • I. Introduction and Review of Title VII of the Rehabilitation Act. 2 • II. Introduction and Review of New York State Public Officer’s Law/Open Meetings Law 22 • III. Presentation of NYSILC’s Mission and Vision. 30 • IV. NYSILC Operation/Structure. 34 • V. NYSILC Board Members Duties and Conduct. 49 • VI. NYSILC Budget Process: Development, Monitoring, & Implementing. 61 • VII. History/Impact of NYSILC. 63 • VIII. NYSILC Office Staff and Responsibilities. 70 • IX. Discussion About the Relationship Between ACCES, CBVH, and NYSILC. 71 • X. Review of Current State Plan for Independent Living (SPIL). 77 • XI. Attachments. 146

  16. Contact Information • Brad Williams, New York SILC, 111 Washington Avenue, Suite 101, Albany, NY 12210. (518) 427-1060 (Voice & TDD), bradw@nysilc.org, www.nysilc.org.

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