How Do You Become More Productive In Your Home Based Business How Do You Become More Productive in Your Home Business Opportunity? Lloyd here and when I was a youngster my Dad shared with me a very fundamental phylosophy for doing well. He said son "When you don't study in school your grades show it and when you are not productive in the market place your pay check shows it." He also shared with me that all work and no play made for a boring life.
Eric Tippets, creater of Rocket Recruiting, shot this quick video in Manila, Phillipines to help make sure you do not fall into the “busy game” trap.
He is travelling speaking in 8 South East Asia Countries in 9 days. Several times he would get the question all the time; “wow, you are so busy, how do you enjoy life?”.
The truth is, Eric has a ton of time to enjoy life. How? He prioritize his time each morning so he can accomplish tasks in a very efficient and effective manner.
This eliminates tasks converting over to the next day and stacking on top of each other and adding stress in my life.
Ever feel overwhelmed as you start your day?
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