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ISO/IEC 19763-3 2nd Edition: Metamodel for Ontology Registration

ISO/IEC 19763-3 2nd Edition: Metamodel for Ontology Registration HE Yangfan, HE Keqing, WANG Chong, WANG Jian State Key Lab. of Software Engineering, Wuhan University, China 2008-5-20. “ Metadata DownUnder” : 11th Open Forum on Metadata Registries Sydney, NSW Australia.

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ISO/IEC 19763-3 2nd Edition: Metamodel for Ontology Registration

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  1. ISO/IEC 19763-3 2nd Edition: Metamodel for Ontology Registration HE Yangfan, HE Keqing, WANG Chong, WANG Jian State Key Lab. of Software Engineering, Wuhan University, China 2008-5-20 “Metadata DownUnder”:11th Open Forum on Metadata Registries Sydney, NSW Australia Sharing and advancing knowledge and experience about standards, technologies and implementations. 

  2. Content • ISO/IEC 19763 • ISO/IEC 19763-3 1st edition • ISO/IEC 19763-3 2nd edition • Applications and future work

  3. Content • ISO/IEC 19763 • ISO/IEC 19763-3 1st edition • ISO/IEC 19763-3 2nd edition • Applications and future work

  4. Overview of ISO/IEC 19763 • Metamodel Framework for Interoperability (MFI) • Part 1: Reference Model (IS) • Part 2: Core Model • Part 3: Metamodel for Ontology Registration • 1st edition: IS, 2007 • 2nd edition: WD • Part 4: Metamodel for Model Mapping • Part 5: Metamodel for Process Model Registration • Part 6: Registration Process (Study Period)

  5. Relationship between different parts MOF & ISO 11179(MDR) Part 2:Core Model MFI Part 3:Metamodel for Ontology Registration Part 4:Metamodel for Model Mapping Part 5:Metamodel for ProcessModel Registration Interoperability Exchanging Metamodel Instance UOD-y : Wuhan Univ UOD-x Universal Of Domain

  6. Research Group • China; • He Keqing (SKLSE, Wuhan Univ.) • He Yangfan (SKLSE, Wuhan Univ.) • Wang Chong (SKLSE, Wuhan Univ.) • Wang Jian (SKLSE, Wuhan Univ.) • Japan; • Hajime Horiuchi (Tokyo International Univ.) • Masao Okabe (TEPCO) • Masaharu Obayashi (K-three) • Korea; • Doo-Kwon Baik (Korea Univ.) • Canada • Baba Piprani (SICOM) • US • UK • …

  7. Content • ISO/IEC 19763 • ISO/IEC 19763-3 1st edition • ISO/IEC 19763-3 2nd edition • Applications and future work

  8. What is Ontology • In philosophy, Ontology • used to describe the characteristic of “beings”. • In computer science,ontology • explicitly express the implication of concepts • a kind of metamodel • basis for the communication, knowledge sharing & exchange and interoperation between • People • People and information system • Information systems

  9. Transitive Attributes Inverse Attributes Relationship between concepts instanceOf Link between individuals An example of Ontology

  10. Semantic Interoperation • Semantic web service • Semantic tagging tech • Make domain assumptions explicit • A reference for applications in a community • Ontology Management • Ontology Registration • Ontology Evolution • …

  11. Scope of MFI-3 1st edition

  12. Ontology Whole - Ontology Component -Ontology Atomic Construct

  13. Local Ontology • Used by information systems • Modification to Reference Ontology • Adding new Component • Adding new Atomic Construct Reference Ontology & Local Ontology • Reference Ontology • Specified by standard organizations • Stable • Component, Atomic Construct

  14. MFI-3 1st Edition http://www.iso.org/iso/iso_catalogue/catalogue_tc/catalogue_detail.htm?csnumber=38637 ISO/IEC 19763-3:2007 90 CHF

  15. Content • ISO/IEC 19763 • ISO/IEC 19763-3 1st edition • ISO/IEC 19763-3 2nd edition • 1st WD • 2nd WD • Applications and future work

  16. Ontology Evolution • Ontology explicitly express the meaning of concepts in a specific domain. • Reasons for ontology evolution • Application domains and user‘s needs are changing • System can be improved • … • Ontology evolution is the timely adaptation of an ontology and the consistent propagation of the changes to dependent artifacts .

  17. Key Problems tackled in 1st WD • How to registrate ontologies? • What kind of change can be identified and described by MFI-3? • How to realign the dependent ontologies during the evolution process? • How to keep the evolution information about ontologies • …

  18. Our Solution in 1st WD Basic Model • How to registrate ontologies? • What kind of change can be identified and described by MFI-3? • How to realign the dependent ontologies during the evolution process? • How to keep the evolution information about ontologies Change Model Constraint Model Change Propagation Model Evolution Information Model

  19. Change Model in 1st WD

  20. Constraint Model(1/9) Requirements for ontology evolution

  21. Constraint Model(2/9) Requirements for ontology evolution • Requirements about changes • Usually proposed by domain experts • IncompleteChange ConstraintChange Closure • Requirements about consistency • Usually proposed by information system* engineer • IncompleteConsistency ConstraintConsistency Closure • Possible conflict between various requirements • Evolution Strategy *Ontology based information systems

  22. Constraint Model(3/9) How to get Constraints • Ontology Metamodel • Consistency_Constraint • designating the dependency between Ontology_Atomic_Constructs • Change_Constraint • designating the dependency between Changes

  23. Constraint Model(4/9) An example-Ontology

  24. Constraint Model(5/9) An example-Change • Change_Constraint • <Retire(Individual),Retire(instanceOf(Class,Individual))> • <Retire(Individual),Retire(Link(Individual,Individual))> • User_Requested_Change • {Retire(Daisy)} • Change_Closure • {Retire(Daisy), • Retire(instanceOf(Teacher,Daisy)), • Retrie(teach(Daisy,Java_Language))}

  25. Constraint Model(6/9) An example-Consistency • Consistency_Constraint • <Individual,instanceOf(Class,Individual)> • <Individual,link(Individual,Individual)> • User_Requested_Consistency • {Java_Language} • Consistency_Closure • {Java_Language, Course, instanceOf(Course,Java_Language)}

  26. Constraint Model(7/9) An example-Evolution Strategy 1/2

  27. Constraint Model(8/9) An example-Evolution Strategy 2/2

  28. Constraint Model in 1st WD

  29. Change Propagation Model (1/2) Change Propagation Change to RO Change to dependent RO Change to dependent LO Change to LO Note: RO:Reference Ontology LO:Local Ontology

  30. Change Propagation Model (2/2) Change Propagation Model in 1st WD

  31. Evolution Information Model in 1st WD

  32. 1st WD Relationship between models in 1st WD

  33. Summary for 1st WD • Based on our vision of the developing direction of Semantic Web • Trustablility • Key issue in network era • RO-LO • Need more detailed change management facility • Adding some evolution related metadata is a must for this task • Based on our vision of the role ontology plays in networked software • Personalized requirement • Many stake holders • Possible conflict requirement • Quicker info-system forming and adaptation • Ontology changes more frequently • Influenced by the other initiatives like Inference Web

  34. Problems of 1st WD • Too huge, Too many hard issue involved • MFI-3 should be very generic • Independent on Language specific details • There are many issues in ontology evolution, we list out some of them tentatively • Find our the priority between these issues • Version control as the 1st one to be handled?

  35. 2 packages: Basic model & Evolution_Information_Model Some models in 1st WD are merged into Evolution_Information_Model 2-level conformance Decisions for 2nd WD China What should be supported The two proposals met in middle What should be supported first Japan

  36. From 1st WD to 2nd WD

  37. Package structure of 2nd WD

  38. Basic Model

  39. Evolution Information Model

  40. Content • ISO/IEC 19763 • ISO/IEC 19763-3 1st edition • ISO/IEC 19763-3 2nd edition • Applications and future work

  41. MFI-3 based software component repository • Software component attribute ontology • RO & LO • Future work • Modify the draft for 2nd Edition of MFI-3 • Further research on the hard issues for ontology evolution • Applying it in more projects in China

  42. Thank you! heyangfan927@163.com hekeqing@public.wh.hb.cn wangchong_whu@yahoo.com.cn wangjian_sd@163.com

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