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Media Studies Evaluation James wain. My Final Product. Contents Page. Front Cover. Double Page Spread. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?.
Media Studies Evaluation James wain
My Final Product. Contents Page Front Cover Double Page Spread
In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? In my magazine I have tried to fit in some magazine conventions while I was trying to create a unique product. I have done this because if it was a completely unconventional magazine it wouldn't appeal to the target audience. I have tried to use at least one standard convention on each page. For my front page I have used three one of those is the title is across the top of the page. Another is the main image is the whole page so that is the main target when people are looking to purchase the product. Another is I have put the bar-code it the bottom left of the cover. For my contents I have put in competitions that will draw in a bigger target audience. For my DPS I have put all the interview questions and answers in columns on one page and I have put the image with a title on the other this is a standard convention. Research into similar products has helped me decide were to use these conventions
How does your media product represent particular social groups? My magazine has a pop theme and is aimed to attract anybody who listens to this type of music. The age range for my magazine is teenagers and adults the way I have integrated adults into the target audience is by putting my artist in a suit which adults were on a day to day basis and they listen to this type of music on there way home from work. My magazines colour scheme is bright and cheerful while still being professional. I have done this so that it will attract a wider audience.
What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why? IPC is a magazine distribution company based in the UK that distributes magazines such as NME. They produce over 60 iconic media brands that hold there name and brand this reaches around 26 million adults in the UK. IPC also sells magazines to a wide range of retailers this will help my product to sell as it will be on offer to a wider range of people in a wider amount of places making it more known. I think IPC media will be the right media institution to distribute my magazine because a similar product of mine is NME and they distribute that such magazine this means it will help my magazine because IPC have experience distributing to my target audience.
Who would be the audience for your media product? The target audience for my magazine is 13-25 as this is what most people of this age listen to pop music. I have used a middle of this age range person as my artist and made him look sophisticated my having him in a suit. I have used this age range because in most radio stations there is pop songs being played and older people are listening to them so I thought why not instead of having a teenager only audience why not expand and go for a music genre that a lot of people are listening to.
How did you attract/address your audience? I have used my oven conventions to attract my audience one of these ways is by not overloading the pages with to much so that when people see it they wont be overloaded with information straight away. Another way is by putting my artist in a suit and having him do a sign that points out the audience. Also by using standard conventions so that the audience can be comfortable that it isn't just a new fancy magazine that they wont be able to understand.
What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product? Through out the construction and development stage I have came across many new software and technology that I have not previously used such as Photoshop cs4 and cs5. I have also expanded my knowledge on camera shots and different techniques such as how to use camera movement effectively Also I have learned how to edit an image so that it looks like an original image for example how to remove wrinkles and stray hairs. After this task I feel confident that I will be able to create other better magazines with the knowledge I have gained in AS level media studies