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My school Business Academy. Miroslava Macková 4.B – A. skupina. The map of the school location. Ružomberok. Conta ct :. Business Academy School address: Scota Viatora 4, 034 01 Ružomberok Telephone: + 421 044 432 26 26 Website: http://oark.edupage.org E-mail : oark.mail@gmail.com.
My schoolBusinessAcademy Miroslava Macková 4.B – A. skupina
Themapoftheschoollocation Ružomberok
Contact: Business Academy School address: Scota Viatora 4, 034 01 Ružomberok Telephone: + 421 044 432 26 26 Website: http://oark.edupage.org E-mail: oark.mail@gmail.com
Business Academy is a secondary professional school specialises in teaching economic subjects, ITV, accounting and foreign languages. The study lasts for four years and is finished with a school leaving exam called Maturita.
HISTORY of BA • Business Academy in Ružomberok was created in 1992 due to the region´s requirements. • The school worked under the leadership of Secondary Technical School in Ružomberok for five years. • In 1997 the school became independent.
Opportunitiesfor study: There is a possibility to choose from folloving fields: • Full-time study: • Field of study 6317 6 business academy, • Field of study 6355 6 services in tourism,(from 2011/2012) • Higher education: (postsecondary) • Evening classes • Field of study 6317 6 business academy, • Full-time study • Field of study 6314 6 tourism.
Graduation Four-year study isfinishedwith a schoolleavingexamcalledMaturitawhichconsistsof: • External part:itisheld in the Slovak language and foreignlanguages. • Internal:this part consistsof a practical and teorethical part ofeconomicsubjects.
SCHOOL WEBSITE Youcanlearnlotsofinformationabout theschool on thiswebsite: http://oark.edupage.org/
Classes and laboratories The school is equipped with the latest technologies and three interactive boards and informs parents of the pupils about grades, timetables and events by the means of electronic pupil´s book and e-mail communication.
KIC (cultural-information centre) • Theschool has a cultural-information centre forstudentswhocanspendtheirfreetime or breaksthere, • A schoollibraryislocated on the 1st floorwherestudentscanborrowbookswritten in Slovak or foreignlanguages, • ItisalsoaneditorialofficeseatofschoolmagazineOA LIFE.
Cooperation of the school BA cooperates with Business Academy of Dr. Albín Bráf in Třebíč, Čzech Republic. Cooperation is in the fields of exchange stays and particpation in international competitions in typing and voleyball tournament.
Since 2009 wehavedevelopedcooperationwithMasaryk CommercialAcademy in Jičínwithin a multilateralproject COMENIUS – schoolpartnershipswhichconcernsmutualexchangestays and experiencesbetweenteachersandpupils. Thethird partner oftheprojectisFinnish-RussianschoolfromHelsinki.
After-schoolactivities Wehave a widechoiceofclubs: • Foreignlanguageclubs (Eng, Ger, ...), • Sportsclubs (floorball, football, volleyball...), • Informationtechnologies, • Artclubs • Dramaclubs • Humanities, • + manyothers.
Competitions Theschoolactivelyparticipates in varioussportscompetitions (in volleyball, basketball, football, chess or track and fieldseventsetc...). Othercontents: InternationalmathematicscontestKLOKAN, olympiads in foreignlanguages,recitationcontest, contests in typing or olympiad „Youngaccountant“,...
Students´life School – itisnot just learning, butalso a pleasureofstudent´slife. Welcomingofnewcomers - imatriculation, undertheleadershipofstudentsoftheThirdgradeistheeventwhicheveryoneislookingforward to eachyear.
Besideswelcoming „newcomers“ weorganize a farewell party forourgraduates Greenribbon party is a celebrationforeachsecondarystudentwhogetsagreenribbonasa symbol ofhopeforthefuture..
Activitiesoftheschool Theschoolorganisesdifferentcourses - Sportscourses in 1st or 2nd grade: • Educational-practicecourse, • Svimming and skiingcourses, - in 3rd grade: • Course to protectthehealthof a human and thenature,
Everyyeartheschoolinvitespupilsofelementaryschoolsfromtheregion and opensits door to them. • Open DOOR Dayisorganisedannually • Otherevents: • Sports-defendsdays(hiking to Čebrať, Malinô Brdo, getting to knowČudkova, Hrabova či Kalvárie),
Trips to Bratislavy(National Bank of Slovakia, Parliament), Martin (Matica Slovenská), etc... Wherestudentswidentheirknowledge and spendtimewiththeirclassmates in aninterestingway.