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Revolutionary Beginnings. Who are Americans?. Taxation. Colonial Life. Colonies. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 200. 200. 200. 200. 200. 300. 300. 300. 300. 300. 400. 400. 400. 400. 400. 500. 500. 500. 500. 500. Row 1---100 Question.

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  1. Revolutionary Beginnings Who are Americans? Taxation Colonial Life Colonies 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

  2. Row 1---100 Question -Name of the war that broke out between Britain and France that began in 1754 and resulted in France losing all their claims in America?

  3. Row 1---100 Answer -French and Indian War

  4. Row 1---200 Question -This was a plan proposed by Ben Franklin during the war for the colonies to unite as one to help win the war?

  5. Row 1---200 Answer -Albany Plan

  6. Row 1---300 Question -This post-war law forbid colonists from crossing the Appalachian Mtns?

  7. Row 1---300 Answer -Proclamation of 1763

  8. Row 1---400 Question -This phrase became the protest slogan of the colonists when British taxation began?

  9. Row 1---400 Answer -No taxation without Representation

  10. Row 1---500 Question -This was the first direct tax that nearly all colonists would have to pay?

  11. Row 1---500 Answer -Stamp Act

  12. Row 2---100 Question -This Boston based group led many protests against British policies?

  13. Row 2---100 Answer -Sons of Liberty

  14. Row 2---200 Question -This act stated that Parliament had the right to pass laws governing the colonies?

  15. Row 2---200 Answer -Declaratory Act

  16. Row 2---300 Question -This act placed taxes on glass, paint, paper, and tea?

  17. Row 2---300 Answer -Townshend Act

  18. Row 2---400 Question -This event marked the first real bloodshed of the era when British troops fired at a large crowd of protestors?

  19. Row 2---400 Answer -Boston Massacre

  20. Row 2---500 Question -

  21. Row 2---500 Answer -

  22. Row 3---100 Question -This was the system of trade where England sold manufactured goods to the colonies while importing only raw resources?

  23. Row 3---100 Answer -mercantilism

  24. Row 3---200 Question -This term refers to a period of very loose English control over the colonies?

  25. Row 3---200 Answer -salutary neglect

  26. Row 3---300 Question -This term refers to the harsh trip endured by captured slaves from Africa to the New World?

  27. Row 3---300 Answer -Middle Passage

  28. Row 3---400 Question -This English philosopher wrote about the natural rights of man?

  29. Row 3---400 Answer -John Locke

  30. Row 3---500 Question -Name the natural rights he wrote about?

  31. Row 3---500 Answer -life, liberty, property

  32. Row 4---100 Question -These are colonies that are owned by the king?

  33. Row 4---100 Answer -royal

  34. Row 4---200 Question -These are colonies that were owned by groups or individuals?

  35. Row 4---200 Answer -proprietary

  36. Row 4---300 Question -He was a Puritan dissenter who wanted separation of church and state?

  37. Row 4---300 Answer -Roger Williams

  38. Row 4---400 Question -She was banished from Puritan lands for her religious views?

  39. Row 4---400 Answer -Anne Hutchinson

  40. Row 4---500 Question -He is the founder of the Pennsylvania colony?

  41. Row 4---500 Answer -William Penn

  42. Row 5---100 Question -Name the process of counting the population of the nation?

  43. Row 5---100 Answer -census

  44. Row 5---200 Question -How often is the population counted?

  45. Row 5---200 Answer -10 years

  46. Row 5---300 Question -What is a quota?

  47. Row 5---300 Answer -numerical limit

  48. Row 5---400 Question -These are people who have fled their homes because of war or famine?

  49. Row 5---400 Answer -refugees

  50. Row 5---500 Question -This term is often used to describe the idealistic ideas of what people desire to achieve in America?

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