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Homework in – crossword sheet and Q’s on back

Homework in – crossword sheet and Q’s on back. Neuron Questions. What is a neuron and what is its function? Describe the main parts of a neuron and their roles. What is an action potential? What does this mean: “an action potential is an all or nothing event”?

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Homework in – crossword sheet and Q’s on back

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  1. Homework in – crossword sheet and Q’s on back

  2. Neuron Questions • What is a neuron and what is its function? • Describe the main parts of a neuron and their roles. • What is an action potential? • What does this mean: “an action potential is an all or nothing event”? • Explain why neural communication is both electrical and chemical. • What chemicals are involved in neural communication?

  3. Neuron: • The cell of the nervous system. • Dendrites, Cell body (or soma), Axon, Myelin sheath, Nodes of Ranvier, Terminal buttons, Synapse(s), Other structures?

  4. Neurotransmitter (NT): • A natural chemical in our nervous system that transmits info • Agonist: • A drug (or poison) that enhances or mimics the activity of a NT • Antagonist:A drug (or poison) that reduces the activity of a NT

  5. Agonist: A drug (or poison) that enhances the activity of a NT • Antagonist:A drug (or poison) that reduces the activity of a NT Khan Academy: Agonists and Antagonists

  6. Different neurotransmitters do different things! • Acetylcholine (ACh): • NT that affects learning and memory (in the brain), and movement (in muscles) • Alzheimer’s patients have lower levels of ACh. This American Life: A Trip Down Memory Lane

  7. Botulinum poison: • An antagonist that blocks the release of Ach, can paralyze diaphragm musclesand stop breathing Botox: Before and After

  8. S. American Indian Hunters • Curare: • Antagonist for Ach, leads to paralysis. • S. American Indians use it for hunting. • Black widow spider poison: • Ach agonist, causes flood of Ach, the Ach runs out

  9. Dopamine: • Reward and motivation • Rewarding/pleasurable: eating, drinking, sex • Motor control over voluntary • Low levels  Parkinson’s • Parkinson’s treatments can cause symptoms of schizophrenia (losing touch with reality, hallucinations, false beliefs, etc.) Michael J Fox Interview This American Life: Schizophrenia

  10. Amphetamines and cocaine: • Dopamine ____________ • “High” arousal state followed by a crash • Other dopamine agonists: • Painkillers, caffeine, nicotine

  11. Serotonin: • Emotional states, impulsiveness, dreaming • Norepinephrine: • Alertness, higher mood level • Low levels of these NTs are related to depression, sadness/anxiety, food cravings, and aggressive behavior. • Antidepressants are ____________ for them, as well as drugs for eating disorders, OCD, and obesity. • Ex. Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft, Cymbalta, Pristiq, and Effexor

  12. GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid):the main inhibitory NT, keeps brain from getting too aroused/over-excited • Lowers arousal/anxiety and helps regulate movement • Antianxiety drugs (tranquilizers) are ____________ for GABA • Glutamate: • the main excitatory NT, memory storage and pain perception • High levels can cause neuron death, low levels can cause coma • Glutamate may be linked to schizophrenia

  13. Endorphins: • NT involved in pain relief and pleasure • Higher endorphins levels have been found in runners post-marathons and in women during childbirth • Morphine and heroin mimic endorphins, and cause a release of dopamine • Is it linked to acupuncture?

  14. Think deeply and answer completely. Do not copy the questions. Identify the parts labeled: A: ___________________ B: ___________________ C: ___________________ What are neurotransmitters? What does an agonist do to aneurotransmitter? What does an antagonist do to aneurotransmitter? Would a message travel faster in an axon withor without myelin? Respond to this quote:Love is just a chemical being released in our brain. A B C

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