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WELCOME MY DEAR COLEAGUES: TEACHER & LIBRARIANS. at the eTwinning workshop for librarians Poland- Gdańsk 17-19. 09.2010. MY INTRODUCING. Name : Emilia Wyględowska Occupation: teacher, librarian Present working place:
WELCOMEMY DEAR COLEAGUES: TEACHER & LIBRARIANS at the eTwinning workshop for librarians Poland- Gdańsk 17-19. 09.2010
MY INTRODUCING Name : Emilia Wyględowska Occupation: teacher, librarian Present working place: Primary School Number 4 with the Integrations Classes in Sochaczew /near Warsaw/
Why am I making this presentation? The founder and coordinator of eTwinning project : The Books Connecting the Children of Europe - the winnerof the first prize in Polish National eTwinning Competition „eTwinning in the school library 2010”
OTHER REFERENCES(in others words - my credibility) • Degrees: Polish Philology at Warsaw University Postgraduate training: Librarian at Warsaw University Philosphy and Etics Faculty of Humanities • Main Courses : Bibliotherapy, yoga, social skills, FCE ( for the present!) • Working and experience: Teacher of humane sciences in Primary and High School, librarian at Primary School
HOBBIES Reading Classic English literature; Watching English films; Bringing up children and animals; Developing ICT knowledge; Sailing; Practising yoga; Keeping on dreaming about trip around the world (after my close retiring).
ENJOY eTWINNING! TheeTwinningWorld is a Fun, Fascinating and Exciting Place To Be!
WHY DO WE NEED TO DO eTWINNING PROJECTS? THE WORLD is becoming smaller and smaller: the English and Internet are International Tools for the people over the world to keep on learning and working.
THE RULES OF DOING PROJECTboth for Teacher and Pupils • Do have a lot of Time and Patience, haveFun and relax; • Take Practise and buildConfidence („ I can do it”); • Theprojectmustbecome a part of youreveryday life; • Don’tworryaboutmakingmistakes („No pain no gain”); • Show yourappreciation, expressyourjoy, surprise and say: „ Youare (I am) thebest; Welldone”.! All inall: DOING PROJECT SHOULD BE FUN AND USEFUL EXPERIENCE
LIBRARY eTWINNING PROJECT „The Books Connecting the Children of Europe”FOR WHOM?FOR WHAT? This projectis really to bring children together and useliterature as a starting point for plenty of activites both mental and physical; The groupshave used literature generally to: spread individual literacy and reading pleasure, build communityand improve wellbeing.
The excellent method: Guest (the expert), new materials, different activites: drawing,singing, exchanging information; giving qestions and answers.
The English books are so interesting , aren’t they? Teacher and students next to each other.There’s no barriers!
WRITING THE BOOK • Bothcharacters and plot story weregoing to be inventedweekafterweek; • Thechildren’sfeelings and dreamswerebeingtalkedover; • Thefeelingswerenamed (the first love, friendship, jealousygenorosity, shyness ); • Psychologyappeared as an important part of teenagers’ knowledge • Building Group self-esteem: „Each person is different yet the same at the same time”; • Developing foreign languageskills. EVALUATION • Thegoodbook was created (bothtraditional and e-book). • Plenty of discussionsabouthuman (teenagers) nature was done. • Cooperation and agreementwerebuilt.
BOOK LIST & REVIEWS Written • To share our opinions on fiction and authors, • To seeotherhumanpoints of view: it may be the same book, but an opinion will depend on someone’seducation, culture, life experiences and so on. EVALUATION • Thelists of bestseller wereexchanged and thecommonbookswerepointedwithjoy and pleasure a specially „ Harry Potter” and „Twilight”. • Europeantenagersseem to likereadingthe same kind of books increasing theirgeneral knowledge and feedingtheir imagination. • Thereviewshavebeenwritten and read but no one discussedthemsincelack of time
DRAWING THE PICTURES • For recomendedbooks by Janusz Korczak; • For book „ThePages of Teenagers’ Diary” written by ourselves; EVALUATION • Super workshopswererunning for over 60 pupils; • Ilustrations for Korczak’sbookweredisplayed as mini gallery and Library’s Logo; • Interesting and amusingpictureswerepainted by teenagers for ourbookwritten by teenagers so we havegot • The Big Bookcreated by youngpeoplethemselves!
By Piotr Sulik: Matt’s helplessness in the world of the power.
Charity Actionfor homless animals from the city kennels First we contacted with the workers from the shelter, We gave publicity by: leaflets, posters, news for school’s and city’s web - before, during and at the end. EVALUATION • The meetings were organized: The gifts were handed to workers, the Big Thanks were said , the Hot Discussion was runnig on! • The workers set on the greetings for our library to the local press; the whole school and the local surroundings were involved in charity activites • For one month almost 1 per 7 school children took part (also with their families ) in the action carring the gifts and chating about their animals and those homless beings; • The awareness of the important rule : Let’ s take notice of our surroundings was fostered..
Part of children’s gifts. Almost one hundred children’ve taken part in our action!
PROMOTING HEALTH AND EXERCISES via thebook ‘Yoga’ by VimlaLalvani& yogaworkshopunder thebanner of‘Let’s be well- read and let’skeepwell’ We aimedat: • pointingthatPhysical and Mental Health havetheability to affecteachother, • showingthatthegoodbookmay help people to copewith health and mentalproblems: overeating, obesity, clumsiness, shyness, worry, stress, • PresentingLibrary as thegood place for STRESS BUSTING and CALM AREA. EVALUATION • Gainingnewknowledge: YOGA – AS A METHOD OF KEEPING FIT : ’Relaxyourmind and body!’ • Tryingourselves : ‘ WHAT can I do’, ‘ IF can I do it?’ and building our self-confidence ’We cando it‘; • Only a half of pupilstook part inourworkshop . It’smeaningful! (I supposethepupilswereafraid of beingmadefun of).
„The World according to Matt”:the performance on video(by J. Korczak’s book „King Matt the First”) Some important steps: Adjusting and translating the script; Reading workshops ; Preparing performance and film on Video by camera (a lot of rehearsal); EVALUATION • DEVELOPING ENGLISH LANGUAGE SKILLS; • A LOT OF FUN, MORE AND MORE COLLABORATION AND SELF-CONFIDENCE ; • DISCUSSING ABOUT CHILDREN ‘ S RIGHTS ( refering to the book).
DISPLAY AND PROMOTION Sections of wall, noticeboard were used to stick: • Posters, certificates, displays, materials (drawings, lists); • The articles were put to the press and internet by myself and others (PAP); • I have been interviewed on the local radio and as well with my students on PAP.
2010-06-14 00:53VI edycja konkursu "eTwinning" rozstrzygnięta / V I Edition „eTwinningW konkursie "eTwinning w szkolnej bibliotece 2010" pierwsze miejsce zajęła Szkoła Podstawowa nr 4 z Oddziałami Integracyjnymi im. Janusza Korczaka w Sochaczewie. W ramach projektu "The Books Connecting the Children of Europe" (pol. Książki, które łączą Dzieci Europy) uczniowie współpracowali z hiszpańską szkołą położoną niedaleko Salamanki. "W Polsce i Hiszpanii najbardziej popularne wśród uczniów okazały się takie książki jak +Harry Potter+ Rowling, +Zmierzch+ Meyer i oczywiście +Władca Pierścieni+ Tolkiena. Zależało nam na tym, by zainteresować uczniów +Królem Maciusiem I+ i trochę nam się to udało" - mówiła PAP nauczycielka-bibliotekarz Emilia Wyględowska z sochaczewskiej podstawówki. Jak dodała, w ramach projektu uczniowie przygotowywali m.in. filmy o sobie i swojej szkole, które następnie przedstawili na portalu You Tube, przedstawienie teatralne, rysunki i piosenki. "Udało nam się też zainteresować Hiszpanów jogą na podstawie książki Vilmy Lalvani" - mówiła nauczycielka. "Wysyłaliśmy bardzo dużo mejli, fotografie i tak poznałam Christinę, która - jak mama stwierdziła - jest do mnie bardzo podobna. Łączy nas bardzo wiele, obie lubimy malować i czytać książki. Dowiedziałam się, że w Hiszpanii dzieci uczą się o historii Polski, o II wojnie światowej, i Christina powiedziała, że chciałaby do Polski przyjechać i zobaczyć jak wygląda nasz kraj" - powiedziała Aneta Basiak, uczennica szóstej klasy z SochaczewaPAP- Nauka w Polsce (‘SCIENCE IN POLAND’)The journalists appreciated our successful cooperation with Spanish school resulting in a big interest both in Korczak’s book and yoga practise for mental and physical health.
THE FINAL EVALUATION Relating to John Holt’s quote: „Learning is not the product of teaching. Learning is the product of the activity of learners”. I let myself take a risk saying: Learning is not only the product of teaching but also ( probably above all) The product of the activity of learners.
Cooperations Teacher: Polish team – very well, Polish-Spanish team- satisfactory , some disciplines were different, not sticking curriculum, For Spanish students the computers were not easily available during the lessons. Children: could do better: they (both sides) were too llittle independent with solving problems, for for Spanish students the computers were not easy available during the lessons. eTwinng team: Helpdesk – excellent. It’s essential (goal) for libraries’projects: have an opportunity to keep regular meetings in the Media Centre!
WHAT HAVE WE ACHIEVED? It’s worth to get involved in projects: Learning can be fun and exciting; Broadening our knowledge (a lot of new things from different subjects); Developing our relationships with: family, friends, colleagues and locality) Learning the basic skills of NVC ( Nonviolence Communication); Consciousness: Activities can help us to lead more fulfilled and satisfying life; A sense of satisfaction and confidence ; Introducing eTwinning into our school as the new method of learning; Promoting eTwinning and its National competition; Promotion of our library, school, town, country.
What did I myself personally achive? • Developing my language and e-skills; • Obtaining The Yoga Certyficate and practising yoga; • Taking the roles: librarian as a counsellor, librarian as a leader of the project; • Drawing attention to the librarians and library itself; • Improving my well-being; • Gaining the sense that my job becomes more creative and rewarding.
The very last evaluation The eTwinning project : • gives teachers opportunity to use modern methods of teaching, • gets students to be resourceful and responsible, • makes lessons less prescriptive and more interesting.
Keep your eyes on the clouds’ but‘Keep your feet firmly on the ground’! Thank you for your attention! Made and performed by Emilia Wyględowska