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NPT-March 9 th 2019. PROF.DR.AUNG TUN THET. INTRODUCTION. “Torch of Knowledge" . RESEARCH. Researcher Development Framework (RDF). RDF. New approach to researcher development Develop world-class researchers Build research base. RDF. Professional development framework

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  1. NPT-March 9th 2019 PROF.DR.AUNG TUN THET


  3. “Torch of Knowledge" 


  5. Researcher Development Framework (RDF)

  6. RDF • New approach to researcher development • Develop world-class researchers • Build research base

  7. RDF • Professional development framework • Planning, promoting and supportingpersonal, professional and career development • Knowledge, behavioursand attributes

  8. RDF ■ Evaluate and plan professional development ■ Managers and supervisors of researchers supporting development of researchers

  9. RDF ■ Trainers, developers, human resources specialists and careers advisors in planning and support ■ Understand skills unique to researchers

  10. RDF • 4 domains • 12 sub-domains • 63 descriptors

  11. RDF

  12. Domain A: Knowledge and intellectual abilities

  13. Domain A: Knowledge and intellectual abilities

  14. Domain A: Knowledge and intellectual abilities

  15. Domain B: Personal effectiveness

  16. Domain B: Personal effectiveness

  17. Domain B: Personal effectiveness

  18. Domain C: Research Governance & Organization

  19. Domain C: Research Governance & Organization

  20. Domain C: Research Governance & Organization

  21. Domain D: Engagement, influence and impact

  22. Domain D: Engagement, influence and impact

  23. Domain D: Engagement, influence and impact


  25. Research • Creative and systematic work • Increase knowledge • Humans, culture and society • Knowledge for new applications

  26. Research • Establish or confirmfacts • Reaffirm results of previous work • Solve new or existingproblems • Support theorems or develop new theories

  27. BASIC Research • Documentation • Discovery • Interpretation • Research and Development (R&D)

  28. FORMS OF Research • Scientific • Humanities • Artistic • Economic • Social • Business • Marketing • Technological, etc.

  29. RESEARCH • Structural process • Vary depending on subject matter and researcher

  30. Steps • Identification of research problem • Literature review • Specifying purpose of research • Determining specific research questions

  31. Steps • Specification of conceptual framework - hypotheses • Choice of methodology (data collection) • Data collection • Verifying data

  32. Steps • Analyzing and interpreting data • Reporting and evaluating research • Communicating research findings and recommendations

  33. STEPS • Ever-changing iterative process • Not fixed set of steps

  34. STEPS • Begin with statement of problem or purpose for engaging in study • Literature review identify flaws or holes in previous research which provide justification for study • Conducted in given subject area before research question identified

  35. STEPS • Gap in current literature engenders research question – hypothesis • Hypothesis tested

  36. STEPS • Researcher(s) collect data to test hypothesis. • Analyze and interpret data using statistical methods • Results of data analysis in rejecting or failing to reject null hypothesis reported and evaluated • Discuss avenue for further research

  37. Research methods • Three main forms • Exploratory: identify and define problem or question • Constructive: test theories and propose solutions to problem or question • Empirical: tests feasibility of solution using empirical evidence

  38. EMPIRICAL Research DeSIGN • Two: • Qualitative • Quantitative • Nature of research topic and research questions

  39. Qualitative RESEARCH • Understanding human behaviour and reasons that govern such behavior • Asking broad question • Collecting data through words, images, video etc. • Analyzed and searching for themes

  40. Qualitative RESEARCH • Investigate question without quantifying variables or look to potential relationships between variables • More restrictive in testing hypotheses • Expensive and time-consuming

  41. Qualitative RESEARCH • Exploratory • Basis for later quantitative research hypotheses

  42. QuantitATive RESEARCH • Random sampling • Structured data collection instruments • Easy to summarize, compare, and generalize • Testing hypotheses derived from theory

  43. QUALITATIVE/Quantitative RESEARCH • Collect primary or secondary data • Primary: collected specifically - interviews or questionnaires • Secondary: data already exists • Mixed-method: includes qualitative and quantitative elements using both primary and secondary data


  45. ACADEMIC Research proposal (ARP)

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