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CEON Initial Planning Meeting The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Stockholm 2-5 October 2003 ENVINET – A Potential European Network Partner Jon Børre Ørbæk, Norwegian Polar Institute. ENVINET – A European Research Infrastructure Network ENVINET/CEON – Potential Partner(s)
CEON Initial Planning MeetingThe Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Stockholm2-5 October 2003ENVINET – A Potential European Network PartnerJon Børre Ørbæk, Norwegian Polar Institute • ENVINET – A European Research Infrastructure Network • ENVINET/CEON – Potential Partner(s) • ENVINET/CEON – Structure/Services • CEON – Perspectives/Ideas
ENVINET I European Network for Arctic-Alpine Multidisciplinary Environmental Research ENVINET I was a: • "Infrastructure Co-operation Network“ – Concerted Action • European Union Human Potential Program. • Network of 17 Research Infrastructures in Europe (Arctic to the Alps) • Participants from operator, external, internal users and other stakeholders ENVINET I focused on multidisciplinary environmental research under the fields of: • Atmospheric physics and chemistry • Marine and terrestrial biology
ENVINET I The co-operation between the researchers and operators of the research stations in the network shall contribute to generate datasets and methods which: • Are relevant for studies of climate change, UV-radiation, long-range transport of pollutants and biodiversity, and cover the needs for different sciences involved. • Have high quality and are intercomparable across the stations. • Have sufficient quantity to study the changes of environmental phenomena in time and space, or their variation under different environmental conditions. In order to address this, the network shall: • Exchange experience and information. • Prepare existing data for research across the stations. • Identify needs for new data collection. • Improve the methods in use for obtaining data through dissemination of "best practice" in the network and projects for scientific/technical development. • Co-ordinate activities in order to foster common research projects on existing data-sets, sampling of new data, data-management or improved methods.
ENVINET I Technical Tasks: Technical tasks elaborated by multidisciplinary working groups with oneresponsible project leader for each task. Site Specific Information: Documentation and online search engine Project Database of ENVINET: Documentation and online search engine Site Management at the ENVINET Research Infrastructures Guidelines for use of meteorological/climatological data within ENVINET Long Range Transport of Pollutants and Boundary Layer Exch. in ArcticAlpine Regions Ozone/UV-rad. and effects; Harmonisation of data, projects and instrum. at ENVINET sites Meta Database of climatic data and biological measurements at theENVINET sites Routines for collection of marine environmental data at the ENVINETsites Chemistry in and Above Snow: Documentation and recommendation of coord. Measurem. Harmonisation and intercomparison of stratospheric aerosols remote sensing measurem.
Achievements Performance of European Research Infrastructures • ENVINET Site Information Search Engine: Planning and coordination tool for infrastructure operators, research managers and scientists at the sites • ENVINET Project Directory Search Engine: Planning and coordination tool for research managers and scientists at the sites • ENVINET Site Management Project: Tool for infrastructure operators for spreading good practice and coordinate activities • ENVINET web-service and list-server: Tool for dissemination of information and new opportunities • ENVINET <-> TA: New collaboration, new research groups at new sites • ENVINET Technical Tasks: Contribution to new multidisciplinary research and increased harmonization, quality and quantity of environmental research
Highlights Internet Services and Events • Web: • ENVINET Home Site:HTTP://WWW.NPOLAR.NO/ENVINET • ENVINET International Conference: ”Arctic-Alpine Ecosystems...”:HTTP://WWW.NPOLAR.NO/ARCTICALPINE2003 • ENVINET Site Information Search Engine: HTTP://WWW.AMAP.NO/ENVINET/QUERIFORM1.CFM • ENVINET Project Directory Search Engine: HTTP://PUSNES.GRIDA.NO/AMAP/AMAPPD/INDEX.ASP?ORG=2 • Mail: • ENVINET List Server:envinet@npolar.no, envinet.all@npolar.no, • envinet.atm@npolar.no, envinet.terr@npolar.no, envinet.mar@npolar.no
ENVINET 4th General Meeting Abisko – Sweden 11 – 15 September 2002
ENVINET II European Network for Environmental Research FP5/CA - FP6/I3
Integrated Infrastructure Initiative - I3 Primary Objectives • The Integrating Activities aim at supporting the integrated provision of infrastructure related services to the research community at the European level. An Integrating Activity shall have a structuring effect by promoting coherent use and development of the RI’s, and it must be able to mobilise a large number of stakeholders relevant for our class of infrastructures. The Integrating Activities shall induce a long-term integrating effect on the way RI’s operate, evolve and interact with similar/complementary RI’s as well as their users, contributing to the structuring of the ERA. • Participating in an I3 means committing the RI’s into an integrating and durable collaboration rather than continuing the independent operation of each RI, which will maintain the existing fragmentation. Strongly encouraged by the Commission, ENVINET should contribute to the ERA by organizing a new research infrastructure (RI)-based cooperation within an I3. The activity must contribute to a new durable structuring of the cooperation between our RI’s, involving the operational, coordinational and infrastructural aspects, which shall lead to higher quality and more effective and coordinated research by their scientific users.
ENVINET II ENVINET II is an Integrated Infrastructure Initiative networking 20 Major Environmental Research Infrastructures (RI) from the European Alps to the Arctic. The participating RI’s are either atmospheric, marine and/or terrestrial, of which most of them offer transnational access to European researchers. · Atmospheric Sciences: 11 Research Infrastructures · Marine Sciences: 7 Research Infrastructures · Terrestrial Sciences: 9 Research Infrastructures ENVINET II is built up from the following activities: · 13 Networking Activities (NA) ·6 Transnational Access Activities (TA) · 6 Joint Research Activities (JRA) The NA’s consist of activities that offers new structuring and services for the full cluster of multidisciplinary environmental RI’s involved in ENVINET II, as well as being relevant also for a larger set of environmental RI’s. Other NA’s offer essential services for the European Community primarily within their field of research, though with a lot of relevance also across the disciplinary boundaries. The TA’s cover both Atmospheric, Terrestrial and Marine research. Whereas the JRA’s are mainly set up to improve Atmospheric and Marine RI’s.
ENVINET II • Rationale • Integrating research efforts and services of 20 environmental RI’s in Europe • Focusing on multidisciplinary environmental research; • Atmospheric physics and chemistry, • Marine and terrestrial biology • Geosciences. • Scientific focus on; • Climate change (CC) • Changes in UV-radiation (UV) • Long range transport of pollutants (LRTP) • Physical, chemical and biological effects of these changes. • The RI’s are field stations and laboratories offering access to national as well as transnational researchers. • Building on the ENVINET and SCANNET projects funded under the IHP/FP5 program. • Offering coherent approach to environmental RI’s in Europe through a set of related; • Networking (NA) • Transnational Access (TA) • Joint Research Projects (JRA). • The network provides an integrated cluster of Essential Services for the European Community.
ENVINET II • ENVINET II is accomplished by representatives of the RI operators, their internal and external scientific users as well as representatives from relevant international organisations, key stakeholders, contributing expert research teams, university groups and other relevant networks. • Purpose • Continue the harmonizing and coordinating activities accomplished under the FP5 projects of ENVINET and SCANNET. • Establish a durable structuring of the collaboration among the multitude of complementary high latitude, high altitude environmental RI’s in Europe. • Offer a coordinated provision of TA and networking services at the European level in order to provide a cost effective and coherent approach to the operation and coordination of the RI’s. • Improve the quality and quantity of European environmental sciences on the basis of improved access and services provided by the major environmental RI’s of the European Community. • ObjectivesENVINET II represents a forum for coordination and exchange of information, experience and harmonizing activities among European major environmental RI’s, assuring a closer, durable and more effective collaboration among them. Involving scientists, operators and other key stakeholders, ENVINET II shall provide at the European level Essential Services related to:
ENVINET II • NA: Provision of networking instruments for improved coordination, communication, information and dissemination of environmental research by establishing a Station Managers Forum, a common Web-portal to Europe’s environmental RI’s, searchable online information tools for research projects and RI’s, databases with improved access to harmonised physical, abiotic and biological data that have high quality and are intercomparable across the stations. • TA: Provision of coordinated transnational access to major European environmental RI’s, with implementation of cost effective joint services related to the selection and evaluation of users, identification of complementary needs, regional and multidisciplinary research potential, joint announcement of opportunities, support for global and EC research programs (NoE/IP), improved tools for dissemination and documentation of research results and publications. • JRA: Provision of several coordinated joint research activities aimed at improving specific research infrastructure of common interest, related to improved research techniques, instruments and methods, improved access to environmental data as well as improved general characterization of the RI’s themselves. • .
ENVINET II -> CEON Essential Services Environmental Research Infrastructures Directory (ERID) and Environmental Project Directory (EPD) / ENVINET Project Directory HTTP://WWW.AMAP.NO/ENVINET/QUERIFORM1.CFMHTTP://PUSNES.GRIDA.NO/AMAP/AMAPPD/INDEX.ASP?ORG=2 Essential services for the international research community which provides searchable, standardized information about environmental RI’s and environmental research and monitoring projects. The ENVINET Project Directory will be a subset of the Project Directory tool, containing a comprehensive set of projects from all the participating RI’s. Station Managers Forum – Forum of Scientific Coordinators Permanent forum of station operators and scientific coordinators for coordination of all infrastructure related activities, access and logistical services, research coordination, joint announcement of opportunities, sharing of good practice, harmonising initiatives. Harmonising activities related to research methods, protocols, data and instruments.
ENVINET II -> CEON Perspectives and Contribution ENVINET: Continue network and Essential Services (for a while..) Identify possible funding sources and initiatives Terrestrial & Atmospheric Stations: SCANNET Ny-Ålesund Stations interest in CEON (NP, AWI, CNR,..) The Alpine stations positive but not central partners (Jungfrau, Sonnblick) Harmonise and complement Abiotic Data Atmospheric Parameters Marine Stations: Positive if CEON will also include marine-terrestrial links (SAMS) Marine – Terrestrial links Transects
ENVINET II -> CEON Perspectives and Contribution Focus: Infrastructure <-> Research <-> Long Time Series Impact: Programs <-> Projects Management: Institute Level <-> Research Level Funding Sources: Central / Global funding <-> Program National / Regional <-> Projects ENVINET as a Sub-net in CEON Discipline: Environmental Change; Climate, UV, LRTP, Biodiv. Physical Environment <-> Ecosystems Terrestrial <-> Atmospheric <-> Marine
ENVINET, NP -> CEON Conclusion and Suggestions CEON Structure: ERID and EPD services CEON Impact: Station Managers Forum – Institute Level Participation Svalbard Perspective/Network: Hornsund, Ny-Ålesund, Barentsburg, Longyear/Unis Ny-Ålesund: European Centre for Arctic Environmental Research NP: MOSJ (Environmenal Monitoring on Svalbard & Jan Mayen) IPY (EU/NFR): Coordination of Svalbard Monitoring/Research in historic Context NCOE: Nordic funding of Centres of Excellence FP6/ARI: Accompanying Measures – Funding Essential Services FP6/GC: ENVINET as a network of excellent scientists and research managers