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Parent/Student information session

Join us for a confirmation information session to learn about the sacrament, diocesan requirements, catechetical sessions, and more. Discover what it means to be a confirmed disciple and engage in prayer, discussion, and reflection. Parental involvement is crucial. Don't miss out on this opportunity!

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Parent/Student information session

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Parent/Student information session Confirmation Year 1 & Year 2

  2. CONFIRMATION Welcome! • Icebreaker • Chosen Video: What are you looking for? • Opening Prayer

  3. Discuss… • What is Confirmation? • Why is it important? • Sacraments 101 Video

  4. Discuss… • What is a disciple?

  5. Diocesan Requirements • Catechetical Sessions • Retreat • Parish Service • Attend Mass • Celebrate Reconciliation • Additional: • Reflect on Scripture • Interview • Choosing a sponsor

  6. Catechetical Sessions • Community Faith Program • Home study make ups • Attend class at another local parish • Catholic High School Religion classes • Homeschool family

  7. Year 1 & Year 2: Chosen curriculum Video and Workbook Flipped LearningOut: Weekly learning experiencesIn: Community builders, prayer, discussion

  8. How important is parental involvement?

  9. Retreat • Diocesan sponsored day-long retreat (5 hours or longer) • Other Diocesan retreats – see eoc.dor.org/youth-ministry/ for more information • Several shorter experiences (should add up to 5 hours or longer) • Abbey of the Genesee, St. Kateri, other Shrine or Holy Place • Sacred Heart Cathedral, St. Michaels, St. Stanislaus • Prayer experiences • Holy Week Services

  10. Parish Service • Suggest a group service opportunity and get friends involved • Volunteer as a Lector, Children’s Liturgy Assistant, Mass coordinator, join the choir • Sign up to clean the church, or help at a church event • Find something you like and are passionate about - Become a regular! • Pray before and after, and reflect on your time spent serving - Record

  11. Attend Mass • Parish Masses – Sat. 4pm, Sun. 8am, 9:45am, 11:30am • Masstimes.org • Write it on family calendar

  12. Reconciliation • Parish Reconciliation – Wednesday & Saturday • 1st Penance Celebration – February 2020 • Day of Penance in Spring – March 2020

  13. Reflect on Scriptures: Using the Bible • Websites • Loyola Press – Sunday Connection • United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (usccb.org) • Parish cluster website (saintagnespaulrose.org) • Choose a time to reflect on the weekly Gospel as a family • Student look up a Bible story. Write down the chapter and verse and share with family. Reflect together. • Lectio Divina

  14. Interviews with Priest or Deacon • Year 2 ONLY Final Interview day with stations • 15 minute interview • Prayer station • Social Justice station • Liturgy/Music Station • Media Communication station • Teaching station

  15. Confirmation Sponsor Guidelines . . . • Must be 16 years of age or older • Has received the Sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation in the Catholic Church. • Is an active Catholic: attends mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation; receives the sacraments of the Church regularly. • If married, is married according to the laws of the Catholic Church. • Is not the father or mother of the one to be confirmed

  16. Expectations Of the youth and family Of the parish and staff Prayer for you and the growth of your relationship with God Provide opportunities for you to put faith into action and to reflect and grow your relationship with God Support from catechists, sponsors, chaperones, and volunteers as they work with you • Grow in your conversion to Jesus Christ • Develop the habits of discipleship • Live as active, committed members of the Catholic Church

  17. A Confirmed Disciple • What is a Confirmed Disciple?

  18. Questions?????

  19. Chosen Parent’s Session: Final Video

  20. Final Prayer Giver of all good gifts, we thank you for the blessings we have received today. We thank you for the chance to share and learn from each other. Continue to be present to all of us who are part of the Body of Christ, as we seek to make your kingdom more visible here on earth. We ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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