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The Experience of Unemployment in Europe ”Revisited”. A Welfare Regime A pproach Data: ESS3(2006) Teemu Kemppainen, Univ. Helsinki. Now: ”revisited”, using ESS3 data from 2006 (8 long yrs...). T his presentation :. Indicators of well- or ill-being (ESS 3) A) Economic hardship
The Experience of Unemployment in Europe ”Revisited” A Welfare Regime Approach Data: ESS3(2006) Teemu Kemppainen, Univ. Helsinki EHESS - June 2014 - teemu.t.kemppainen(at)helsinki.fi
Now: ”revisited”, using ESS3 data from 2006 (8 long yrs...) EHESS - June 2014 - teemu.t.kemppainen(at)helsinki.fi
Thispresentation: • Indicators of well- or ill-being (ESS 3) • A) Economic hardship • B) Low recognition • C) High Societal pessimism • Simple crosstabulations: • position * regime * indicators • Conceptual assumptions: • welfare regime; stigma; recognition; anomie-anomia EHESS - June 2014 - teemu.t.kemppainen(at)helsinki.fi
Approach • Focus: unemploymentviz-à-vizothervulnerable social positions • Straight to the substance…technical details will be discussed later if needed • Oryoucanfindthemhere: https://helda.helsinki.fi/bitstream/handle/10138/37306/Tutkimuksia123.pdf • Useful for alsothosewhoprefermodellingapproachovercross-tabulation… EHESS - June 2014 - teemu.t.kemppainen(at)helsinki.fi
A. Economichardship (25.6 %) • F33. “Which of the descriptions on this card comes closest to how you feel about your household's income nowadays?” (1 Living comfortably on present income - 2 Coping on present income - 3 Finding it difficult on present income - 4 Finding it very difficult on present income) • F34. “If for some reason you were in serious financial difficulties and had to borrow money to make ends meet, how difficult or easy would that be?” (1 Very difficult - 2 Quite difficult - 3 Neither easy nor difficult - 4 Quite easy - 5 Very easy) • Cronbach’s alpha for the scale is 0,587; the between-item correlation (original items) is -0,416; and the item-scale correlations are 0,833 (F33) and -0,849 (F34) EHESS - June 2014 - teemu.t.kemppainen(at)helsinki.fi
Hardship (ESS3) EHESS - June 2014 - teemu.t.kemppainen(at)helsinki.fi
Hardship(ESS3) EHESS - June 2014 - teemu.t.kemppainen(at)helsinki.fi
Hardship(ESS3) EHESS - June 2014 - teemu.t.kemppainen(at)helsinki.fi
Hardship(ESS3) EHESS - June 2014 - teemu.t.kemppainen(at)helsinki.fi
Hardship(ESS3) EHESS - June 2014 - teemu.t.kemppainen(at)helsinki.fi
B. Lowrecognition (23.7 %)”the moral experience of everyday life” • E37. “Please tell me to what extent you feel that people treat you with respect?” • E38. “Please tell me to what extent you feel that people treat you unfairly?” • E39. “Please tell me to what extent you feel that you get the recognition you deserve for what you do?” • The scale for all these items is: 0 Not at all - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 A great deal • Cronbach’s alpha = 0,655; the absolute values of the item-item correlations range from 0,298 (E38 - E39) to 0,500 (E37 - E39); item-total correlations are 0,793 for E37, -0,749 for E38 and 0,775 for E39 EHESS - June 2014 - teemu.t.kemppainen(at)helsinki.fi
Somebackground • ”[R]ecognition […] is a vitalhumanneed” - Charles Taylor (in Anderson 1995) • Honneth’s recognition: social esteemreflects the productivity and usefulness of ones contribution (Honneth 1995) • Stigma, ”blemish of the character”, unemployment as a sign (Goffman; ks myös Furåker & Blomsterberg 2003) • Unemployment as humiliation, as a matter of respect, failure(Kortteinen & Tuomikoski 1998) • Organic social bond & feeling of beinguseful, meaningfulness; Do I count for somebody, do I haveworth? (Durkheim; Paugam2008) EHESS - June 2014 - teemu.t.kemppainen(at)helsinki.fi
An example of Goffmannian stigma ”Workis...it’salwaysmeant for me livelihood and esteem…IfeelI’mnotreallyesteemedwhenI’munemployed…Ithinkit’ssomehow in the air…the idea that...youdon’trespectsomeonewho’snotworking, thathe’snot as good as others, onewhohasn’tsucceeded in getting a job…therehas to besomethingwrong with him.” (Client of unemploymentcounseling, Outi Välimaa’s PHD, 2011). EHESS - June 2014 - teemu.t.kemppainen(at)helsinki.fi
Lowrecognition (ESS3) EHESS - June 2014 - teemu.t.kemppainen(at)helsinki.fi
Lowrecognition(ESS3) EHESS - June 2014 - teemu.t.kemppainen(at)helsinki.fi
Lowrecognition(ESS3) EHESS - June 2014 - teemu.t.kemppainen(at)helsinki.fi
Lowrecognition(ESS3) EHESS - June 2014 - teemu.t.kemppainen(at)helsinki.fi
Lowrecognition(ESS3) EHESS - June 2014 - teemu.t.kemppainen(at)helsinki.fi
C. Highsocietalpessimism (18.6 %) • E42. “The way things are now, I find it hard to be hopeful about the future of the world.” • E44. “For most people in [COUNTRY] life is getting worse rather than better.” • The scale for both items is: 1 Agree strongly - 2 Agree - 3 Neither agree nor disagree - 4 Disagree - 5 Disagree strongly • Cronbach’salpha = 0,600; the item-itemis 0,429; item-total correlations are -0,841 for E42 and -0,849 for E44. EHESS - June 2014 - teemu.t.kemppainen(at)helsinki.fi
Backgroundbriefing • Durkheim’sanomie: deficientnormativeregulationof the society • Robert Mertonre-defines the concept: demoralising effects of the goals-meansmismatch • Srole’sanomiatakesit to microlevel (by definition, no empiricalevidence): “the social psychological mental state of individuals who are confronted with social conditions of anomie”(Deflem 2007) • Social malintegration / interpersonal alienation • Srole scale for anomia includes items pretty close to the two above • Keyes (1998): “social well-being”, includes “social actualisation”: “the evaluation of the potential and the trajectory of society.” • Here I chose the term societal pessimism to capture this
Highsocietalpessimism (ESS3) EHESS - June 2014 - teemu.t.kemppainen(at)helsinki.fi
Highsocietalpessimism(ESS3) EHESS - June 2014 - teemu.t.kemppainen(at)helsinki.fi
Highsocietalpessimism(ESS3) EHESS - June 2014 - teemu.t.kemppainen(at)helsinki.fi
Highsocietalpessimism(ESS3) EHESS - June 2014 - teemu.t.kemppainen(at)helsinki.fi
Highsocietalpessimism(ESS3) EHESS - June 2014 - teemu.t.kemppainen(at)helsinki.fi
Thankyou! Referencescanbeobtainedbymailing the author. EHESS - June 2014 - teemu.t.kemppainen(at)helsinki.fi
Aineisto (1/3) • European Social Survey 3 • Hyvinvointimoduuli (ESS3 ja ESS6 - tulossa) • Kehittäjätiimin vetäjänä psykologian professori Felicia Huppert, Cambridgen yliopiston hyvinvointi-instituutin johtaja • Moduulin ja alustavien tulosten esittelyä: Huppert F, Marks N, Clark A, Siegrist J, Stutzer A, Vittersø J & Wahrendorf M (2009): “Measuring well-being across Europe: description of the ESS well-being module and preliminary findings”, Social Indicators Research 91: 301–315. EHESS - June 2014 - teemu.t.kemppainen(at)helsinki.fi
Aineisto (2/3) • All persons aged 15 and over resident within private households, regardless of their nationality, citizenship, language or legal status, in the following participating countries: • European Union countries - Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Latvia, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom; • non-European Union countries: Norway, Switzerland, Russian Federation, Ukraine EHESS - June 2014 - teemu.t.kemppainen(at)helsinki.fi
Aineisto (3/3) • Vastausosuudeet tyypillisesti noin 65 % • Ranskan 46 prosentista Slovakian ja Portugalin 73 prosenttiin • Vastaamattomuus pääosin kieltäytymisen aiheuttamaa • Katoa ei oikaistu: suurimpia metodologisia heikkouksia (ESS Data Archive 2011; Matsuo et al. 2009, 39) EHESS - June 2014 - teemu.t.kemppainen(at)helsinki.fi
”Humiliating” “How hard and humiliatingit is to bear the name of an unemployedman. When I go out, I castdown my eyesbecause I feelmyselfwhollyinferior. When I goalong the streets, itseems to me that I can’tbecompared with an averagecitizen, thatevery-body is pointing at me with hisfinger.” (Unemployedmason, 43 yrs, the time of Great Depression) Goffman (1986, 17) [1953], citingZawadskija Lazarsfeld. EHESS - June 2014 - teemu.t.kemppainen(at)helsinki.fi
”My fault” ”I felt I was a badperson…Atthatmoment I couldn’tunderstandthat my unemploymentwasn’t my fault. I wasashamed. I reallyfeltthat my professionalskillsweresopoor I was no longeremployed.” (UnemployedIT-consultant, 40 yrs, Finland, the recession of the early 90s) Kortteinen & Tuomikoski (1998, 66, my translation). EHESS - June 2014 - teemu.t.kemppainen(at)helsinki.fi