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Cluster Model:

Cluster Model:. Highlights the links between education – business and the Goethe-Institut. Developed in conjunction with our partners. Places the Secondary School/Specialist Language College at the focal point of the education-business relationship for MFL/Languages.

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Cluster Model:

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Cluster Model: • Highlights the links between education – business and the Goethe-Institut. • Developed in conjunction with our partners. • Places the Secondary School/Specialist Language College at the focal point of the education-business relationship for MFL/Languages. • Builds on existing projects, initiatives and relationships. • Opens up language and culture learning opportunities for each age group. GOETHE-INSTITUT - LONDON

  2. Stakeholders Yr11+ yr10 yr9 yr8 yr7 x Events X LEA Regional National International x x SLC yr6 yr5 yr4 yr3 yr2 yr1 Community GOETHE-INSTITUT - LONDON

  3. Stakeholders Stakeholders Stakeholders yr11 yr10 yr9 yr8 yr7 x LEA Regional National International Company x x x x SLC SLC yr6 yr5 yr4 yr3 yr2 yr1 Goethe-Institut Initiatives e.g. PopKultur yr1 Goethe-Institut Products e.g. Songs Community GOETHE-INSTITUT - LONDON Community

  4. Stakeholders Stakeholders Stakeholders yr11 yr10 yr9 yr8 yr7 LEA Regional National International x Company x x x x x x x x x SLC x SLC x x yr6 yr5 yr4 yr3 yr2 yr1 Goethe-Institut Initiatives e.g. Torwand yr1 x Agencies Goethe-Institut Products e.g. Songs x Community GOETHE-INSTITUT - LONDON Community

  5. Warden Park School • 11 -16 comprehensive in West Sussex • 1500 students • Specialist School in MFL/Maths & ICT since 2004 GOETHE-INSTITUT - LONDON

  6. Stakeholders Stakeholders Stakeholders yr13 yr12 yr11 yr10 yr9 yr8 yr7 BAA Gatwick Ardingly College x x Goethe Institut Oathall & cluster secondaries Warden Park SLC yr6 yr5 yr4 yr3 yr2 yr1 yr1 Cuckfield European Association Holy Trinity & cluster primaries Community GOETHE-INSTITUT - LONDON Community

  7. Cluster Model:Next Steps The Goethe-Institut is developing the Cluster Model actively through: • Multiplier Workshops – where practical support is given to help promote local education and business links. • Cascading information through its website, Newsletters and wider communications. • Call to Action – invites all supporters and organisations with similar objectives – to promote languages in the UK – to participate. • Welcomes feedback, good practice examples and dialogue to strengthen the Language Advantage in the UK, further. GOETHE-INSTITUT - LONDON

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