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Outline:. Quality Quality Assurance Quality Control (QC) Quality Improvement (QI) Total Quality Management (TQM) Accreditation Principles of assurance and accreditation process Strategic Planning(Vision, Mission, Goals, Objectives). Quality. In health care, it is doing
Outline: • Quality • Quality Assurance • Quality Control (QC) • Quality Improvement (QI) • Total Quality Management (TQM) • Accreditation • Principles of assurance and accreditation process • Strategic Planning(Vision, Mission, Goals, Objectives)
Quality • In health care, it is doing • the right things • right, • the first time and • all the time
How you know it is right?? It is compared to standards • Example
The term “quality” was first introduced by industry (quality of products) • Quality is part of every day work in any recognized institution
Disadvantages: • Lot of paper work • Lot of definitions and terms • Should I study in quality?
Advantages • Competent graduates • Competent services • Accreditation Recognized Institution • Support continuing quality improvement
Quality Assurance “The means of ensuring that Academic standards are defined and achieved in line with equivalent standards nationally and internationally The quality of learning opportunities, research and community involvement are appropriate and fulfill theexpectationsof the range of stakeholders.”
Quality Control (QC) • A management process when actual performance is measured against expected performance and actions are taken on the difference
Quality Improvement (QI) • It is the science of process management. • It transforms Inputs (difference) to outputs (Actions) • It adds value and creates useful information.
Total Quality Management (TQM) • TQM are processes related to the coordination of activities connected with QA, QC and QI or with one of the three, as well as the administration and resource allocation of these processes.
Accreditation “The recognition accorded by the Agency to an institutionwhich can demonstrate that • Its programmes meet acceptable standards • It has in place effective systems to ensure the qualityand continuing improvement of its academic activities, according to the criteria published by the Agency.“
Principles of assurance and accreditation process: • Focus on the customer (addressing the prime needs of the student, society and the labour market) • Leadership (uniting visions, aims and strategies in the educational community)
People involvement (confirming the effective and equitable participation of all who are engaged in education without discrimination and allowing the full use of their abilities for the benefit of education and the wider community) • Focus on tools (addressing processes and means as well as product or outcomes)
Adopting decisions on the basis of fact (encouraging and requiring judgements to be evidence-based and reasonable) • Continuous improvement (recognising the commitment to respond to changing needs) • Autonomy(respecting the responsibility of an institution for its academic activities)
Mutual benefits (taking an approach to the range of participants – reviewers, institutions, students and the wider community – that optimises the development and transfer of knowledge and skills) • Next steps (ensuring that the Agency and institutions, being in a dynamic and open-ended process of continuing improvement, are committed to identifying actions and issues to be addressed).
Some definitions: • Academic Standards • Intended learning outcome • Curricula • Student assessment • Student achievement • Quality of Learning Opportunities • Intended learning outcome • Curricula • Student assessment • Student achievement
Curricula • “The curricula for the program facilitate the attainment of the stated intended learning outcomes.”
Student assessment • “A set of processes , including examinations and other activities concluded by the institution to measure the achievement of the intended learning outcomes of a course / programme.
Student achievement • “Levels of students’ achievements are maintained with due regard to the use of • external reference points, • moderation and • evaluation of achievement.”
Quality of Learning Opportunities • Teaching and learning • Student support • Learning resources
Teaching and learning • “There are effective teaching and learning, informed by a shared, strategic view of learning and the selection of appropriate teaching methods; and due attention is paid to the encouragement of independent learning.”
Vision • To define where we want to be we will use the vision of the organization, which can be defined as a shared vision of success and it is the pursuit of this success which inspires and motivates people to work together
The vision of the organization should challenge and inspire the group to work together to the utmost of their capabilities in order to achieve the purpose (Mission) of the organization.
MRI Vision The Medical Research Institute, as an academic health-science institution, aims to assume a leading role in providing standardized science-based solutions for health care problems by innovative integration of research, education and clinical care in a way which serves not only the needs of our community, but also across national boundaries.
Mission • It can be defined as "the reason for being of the organization / institution” • we could also say that Mission is the role of the organization in respect of the vision.
Writing a Mission statement • It can be quite a challenging task and it will probably take some time. • However its importance should be considered, • not only because it is an essential element for strategic planning • but also because the process can help the organization to involve the members in debating and agreeing on the reason for their work.
Of course there are different opinions on the contents of a Mission Statement. • Mission statements should be concise, clear and attractive. • In summary then, a mission statement could include: • What the organization intends to achieve. • What we are good at. As a distinctive characteristic compared to other organizations. • What we do, who we do it for and how we do it • It should reflect the values of the organization and its specificity.
Once the mission is written, everybody involved in the process would probably experience a bigger feeling of ownership of it and therefore a stronger commitment towards the organization. • It is important that is published and also that it is in some way incorporated into the organization's constitution or statutes.
MRI Mission • The Medical Research Institute is dedicated to enhance its service contributions in the community through: • Education with commitment and creativity • Research with originality and applicability • Health care with high quality and compassion
Goals and objectives • Discussions about goals and objectives will be pursued during the whole process of strategic planning. However at this point last stage of the process is in sight. • By now most decisions would have been taken and the overall picture of the organization's direction should be clear. • It is time now to agree on concrete measures to achieve the agreed results.
MRI Goals • Adopt basic and clinical research programs aiming at improving and solving current medical problems facing our community. • Develop postgraduate educational programs which create highly employable graduates capable of contributing to their society and meeting high national, regional and international standards. • Conduct continuous professional development programs to enhance knowledge, skills and attitudes of professionals and researchers.
MRI Goals (cont.) • Provide a high-quality and cost-effective health care through evidence based diagnostic and therapeutic services. • Maintain maximum achievable levels of patient safety and satisfaction through the medical care we provide. • Sustain a working and learning environment to our staff and students that promotes teamwork, commitment and professionalism.
Specific: • written in a concise form that clearly states when, how, and where the situation will be changed. • Measurable: • so the achievement or process can be measured. • Achievable: • the element of challenge has to be present to motivate people but they have to be affordable so as to avoid frustration. • Relevant and Realistic: • focus on the priorities of the organization. • Time-bound: • a time framework in which the objective will be achieved.
Quality Assurance and Accreditation Project http://www.qaap.net