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CS 153: Concepts of Compiler Design October 22 Class Meeting

CS 153: Concepts of Compiler Design October 22 Class Meeting. Department of Computer Science San Jose State University Fall 2014 Instructor: Ron Mak www.cs.sjsu.edu/~mak. Backus Naur Form (BNF). A text-based way to describe source language syntax.

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CS 153: Concepts of Compiler Design October 22 Class Meeting

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  1. CS 153: Concepts of Compiler DesignOctober 22 Class Meeting Department of Computer ScienceSan Jose State UniversityFall 2014Instructor: Ron Mak www.cs.sjsu.edu/~mak

  2. Backus Naur Form (BNF) • A text-based way to describe source language syntax. • Named after John Backus and Peter Naur. • Text-based means it can be read by a program. • Example: A compiler-compilerthat can automatically generate a parser for a source language after reading (and parsing) the language’s syntax rules written in BNF.

  3. Backus Naur Form (BNF), cont’d • Uses certain meta-symbols. • Symbols that are part of BNF itself but are not necessarily part of the syntax of the source language.

  4. BNF Example: U.S. Postal Address <postal-address> ::= <name-part> <street-part> <city-state-part> <name-part> ::= <first-part> <last-name> | <first-part> <last-name> <suffix> <first-part> ::= <first-name> | <capital-letter> . <suffix> ::= Sr. | Jr. | <roman-numeral> <street-part> ::= <house-number> <street-name> | <house-number> <street-name> <apartment-number> <city-state-part> ::= <city-name> , <state-code> <ZIP-code> <first-name> ::= <name> <last-name> ::= <name> <street-name> ::= <name> <city-name> ::= <name> <house-number> ::= <number> <apartment-number> ::= <number> <state-code> ::= <capital-letter> <capital-letter> <capital-letter> ::= A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|M |N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|X|Y|Z <name> ::= … <number> ::= … etc. Mary Jane 123 Easy StreetSan Jose, CA 95192

  5. BNF: Optional and Repeated Items • To show optional items in BNF, use the vertical bar |. • Example: “An expression is a simple expression optionally followed by a relational operator and another simple expression.” • <expression> ::= <simple expression> | <simple expression> <rel op> <simple expression>

  6. BNF: Optional and Repeated Items • BNF uses recursion for repeated items. • Example: “A digit sequence is a digit followed by zero or more digits.” • <digit sequence> ::= <digit> | <digit> <digit sequence> Right recursive • <digit sequence> ::= <digit> | <digit sequence> <digit> Left recursive

  7. BNF Example: Pascal Number <digit sequence> ::= <digit> | <digit> <digit sequence> <unsigned integer> ::= <digit sequence> <unsigned real> ::= <unsigned integer>.<digit sequence> | <unsigned integer>.<digit sequence> <e> <scale factor> | <unsigned integer > <e> <scale factor> <scale factor> ::= <unsigned integer> | <sign> <unsigned integer> <e> ::= E | e <sign> ::= + | - <number> ::= <unsigned integer> | <unsigned real> Repetition via recursion. The sign is optional.

  8. BNF Example: Pascal IF Statement • It should be straightforward to write a parsing method from either the syntax diagram or the BNF. <if statement> ::= IF <expression> THEN <statement> | IF <expression> THEN <statement> ELSE <statement>

  9. Grammars and Languages • A grammar defines a language. • Grammar =the set of all the BNF rules (or syntax diagrams) • Language = the set of all the legal strings of tokens according to the grammar • Legal string of tokens = a syntactically correct statement

  10. Grammars and Languages • A statement is in the language (it’s syntactically correct) if it can be derived by the grammar. • Each grammar rule “produces”a token string in the language. • The sequence of productions required to arrive at a syntactically correct token string is the derivation of the string._

  11. Grammars and Languages, cont’d • Example: A very simplified expression grammar: • What strings (expressions) can we derive from this grammar? <expr> ::= <digit> | <expr> <op> <expr> | ( <expr> ) <digit> ::= 0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9 <op> ::= + | *

  12. Derivations and Productions • Is (1 + 2)*3 valid in our expression language? PRODUCTION GRAMMAR RULE <expr> <expr> <op> <expr> <expr> ::= <expr> <op> <expr>  <expr> <op> <digit> <expr> ::= <digit>  <expr> <op> 3 <digit> ::= 3  <expr>*3 <op> ::= *  ( <expr> )*3 <expr> ::= ( <expr> )  ( <expr> <op> <expr> )*3 <expr> ::= <expr> <op> <expr>  ( <expr> <op> <digit> )*3 <expr> ::= <digit>  ( <exp> <op> 2 )*3 <digit> ::= 2  ( <expr> + 2 )*3 <op> ::= +  ( <digit> + 2 )*3 <expr> ::= <digit>  ( 1 + 2 )*3 <digit> ::= 1 <expr> ::= <digit> | <expr> <op> <expr> | ( <expr> )<digit> ::= 0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9<op> ::= + | * • Yes! The expression is valid.

  13. Extended BNF (EBNF) • Extended BNF (EBNF) adds meta-symbols { } and [ ] • Originally developed by Niklaus Wirth. • Inventor of Pascal. • Early user of syntax diagrams.

  14. Extended BNF (EBNF) • Repetition (one or more): • BNF: • EBNF: • <digit sequence> ::= <digit> | <digit> <digit sequence> • <digit sequence> ::= <digit> { <digit> }

  15. Extended BNF, cont’d • Optional items. • BNF: • EBNF: • <if statement> ::= IF <expression> THEN <statement> | IF <expression> THEN <statement> ELSE <statement> • <if statement> ::= IF <expression> THEN <statement> [ ELSE <statement> ]

  16. Extended BNF, cont’d • Optional items. • BNF: • EBNF: • <expression> ::= <simple expression> | <simple expression> <rel op> <simple expression> • <expression> ::= <simple expression> [ <rel op> <simple expression> ]

  17. Compiler-Compilers • Professional compiler writers generally do not write scanners and parsers from scratch. • A compiler-compiler is a tool for writing compilers. • It can include: • A scanner generator • A parser generator • Parse tree utilities

  18. Compiler-Compilers, cont’d • Feed a compiler-compiler a grammar written in a textual form such as BNF or EBNF. • The compiler-compiler outputs code written in a high-level language that implements a scanner, parser, and a parse tree._

  19. Popular Compiler-Compilers • Yacc • “Yet another compiler-compiler” • Generates a bottom-up parser written in C. • GNU version: Bison • Lex • Generates a scanner written in C. • GNU version: Flex • JavaCC • Generates a scanner and a top-down parser written in Java. • JJTree • Preprocessor for JavaCC grammars. • Generates Java code to build and process parse trees. The code generated by a compiler-compiler can be in a high level language such as C or Java. However, you may find the code to be ugly and hard to read.

  20. JavaCC Compiler-Compiler • Feed JavaCC the grammar for a source language and it will automatically generate a scanner and a parser. • Specify the source language tokens with regular expressions  JavaCC generates a scanner for the source language. • Specify the source language syntax rules with Extended BNF  JavaCC generates a parser for the source language.

  21. JavaCC Compiler-Compiler, cont’d • The generated scanner and parser are written in Java. • Note: JavaCC calls the scanner the “tokenizer”._

  22. Download and Install • Download and install JavaCCand JJTree • http://javacc.java.net/ • Download the examples from the book Generating Parsers with JavaCC • http://generatingparserswithjavacc.com/examples.html

  23. JavaCC Regular Expressions • Literals • <HELLO : "hello"> • Character classes • <SPACE_OR_COMMA : [" ", ","]> • Character ranges • <LOWER_CASE : ["a"-"z"]> • Alternates • <UPPER_OR_LOWER : ["A"-"Z"] | ["a"-"z"]> Token name Token string

  24. JavaCC Regular Expressions • Negation • <NO_DIGITS : ~["0"-"9"]> • Repetition • <THREE_A : ("a"){3}> • <TWO_TO_FOUR_A : ("a"){2,4}> • Quantifiers • <ONE_OR_MORE_A : ("a")+> • <ZERO_OR_ONE_SIGN : (["+", "-"])?> • <ZERO_OR_MORE_DIGITS : (["0"-"9"])*>

  25. Example: helloworld1.jj • Recognize tokens “hello” and “world”. options { BUILD_PARSER=false; } PARSER_BEGIN(HelloWorld) public class HelloWorld {} PARSER_END(HelloWorld) TOKEN_MGR_DECLS : { public static void main(String[] args) { java.io.StringReadersr = new java.io.StringReader(args[0]); SimpleCharStreamscs = new SimpleCharStream(sr); HelloWorldTokenManagermgr = new HelloWorldTokenManager(scs); for (Token t = mgr.getNextToken(); t.kind != EOF; t = mgr.getNextToken()) { debugStream.println("Found token: " + t.image); } } } TOKEN : { <HELLO : "hello"> | <WORLD : "world"> } Main Java methodof the tokenizer Literals Demo

  26. Example: helloworld2.jj options { BUILD_PARSER=false; IGNORE_CASE=true; } PARSER_BEGIN(HelloWorld) public class HelloWorld {} PARSER_END(HelloWorld) TOKEN_MGR_DECLS : { public static void main(String[] args) { java.io.StringReadersr = new java.io.StringReader(args[0]); SimpleCharStreamscs = new SimpleCharStream(sr); HelloWorldTokenManagermgr = new HelloWorldTokenManager(scs); while (mgr.getNextToken().kind != EOF) {} } } SKIP : { <IGNORE : [" ", ","]> } TOKEN : { <HELLO : "hello"> { debugStream.println("HELLO token: " + matchedToken.image); } | <WORLD : "world"> { debugStream.println("WORLD token: " + matchedToken.image); } } • Recognize tokens “hello” and “world” • Ignore case. • Ignore spaces and commas between tokens. • Use lexical actions. Character class Demo Lexical actions

  27. Example: helloworld3.jj • Recognize words other than “hello” and “world” as identifiers. options { BUILD_PARSER=false; IGNORE_CASE=true; } PARSER_BEGIN(HelloWorld) public class HelloWorld {} PARSER_END(HelloWorld) TOKEN_MGR_DECLS : { public static void main(String[] args) { ... } } SKIP : { <IGNORE : [" ", ","]> } TOKEN : { <HELLO : "hello"> { debugStream.println("HELLO token: " + matchedToken.image); } | <WORLD : "world"> { debugStream.println("WORLD token: " + matchedToken.image); } | <IDENTIFIER : ["a"-"z"](["a"-"z", "0"-"9", "_"])*> { debugStream.println("IDENTIFIER token: " + matchedToken.image); } } Why aren’t “hello” and “world” recognized as identifiers? Demo

  28. Example: helloworld4.jj options { BUILD_PARSER=false; IGNORE_CASE=true; } PARSER_BEGIN(HelloWorld) public class HelloWorld {} PARSER_END(HelloWorld) TOKEN_MGR_DECLS : { public static void main(String[] args) { ... } } SKIP : { <IGNORE : [" ", ","]> } TOKEN : { <HELLO : "hello"> { debugStream.println("HELLO token: " + matchedToken.image); } | <WORLD : "world"> { debugStream.println("WORLD token: " + matchedToken.image); } | <IDENTIFIER : <LETTER> (<LETTER> | <DIGIT> | "_")*> { debugStream.println("IDENTIFIER token: " + matchedToken.image); } | <#DIGIT : ["0"-"9"]> | <#LETTER : ["a"-"z"]> } • Use private tokensDIGIT and LETTER. Demo Private tokens

  29. Example: helloworld5.jj • What’s the tokenizer doing? • Turn on debugging output. options { BUILD_PARSER=false; IGNORE_CASE=true; DEBUG_TOKEN_MANAGER=true; } PARSER_BEGIN(HelloWorld) public class HelloWorld {} PARSER_END(HelloWorld) TOKEN_MGR_DECLS : { public static void main(String[] args) { ... } } SKIP : { <IGNORE : [" ", ","]> } TOKEN : { <HELLO : "hello"> { debugStream.println("HELLO token: " + matchedToken.image); } | <WORLD : "world"> { debugStream.println("WORLD token: " + matchedToken.image); } | <IDENTIFIER : <LETTER> (<LETTER> | <DIGIT> | "_")*> { debugStream.println("IDENTIFIER token: " + matchedToken.image); } | <#DIGIT : ["0"-"9"]> | <#LETTER : ["a"-"z"]> } Demo

  30. The JavaCC Eclipse Plug-in • How to install the plug-in: • Start Eclipse. • Help  Install New Software ... • Click the Add button • Name: SF Eclipse JavaCCLocation: http://eclipse-javacc.sourceforge.net/ • Click the OK button. • Select “SF JavaCC Eclipse Plug-in” • Or, visithttp://sourceforge.net/projects/eclipse-javacc/

  31. letter [other] letter 0 1 digit - digit + E digit digit digit digit . + [other] digit digit E 4 6 7 9 10 11 3 5 8 12 2 - digit [other] [other] Review: DFA for a Pascal Identifier or Number private static final intmatrix[][] = { /* letter digit + - . E other */ /* 0 */{ 1, 4, 3, 3, ERR, 1, ERR}, /* 1 */{ 1, 1, -2, -2, -2, 1, -2 }, /* 2 */{ERR, ERR, ERR, ERR, ERR, ERR, ERR}, /* 3 */{ERR, 4, ERR, ERR, ERR, ERR, ERR}, /* 4 */{ -5, 4, -5, -5, 6, 9, -5 }, /* 5 */{ERR, ERR, ERR, ERR, ERR, ERR, ERR}, /* 6 */{ERR, 7, ERR, ERR, ERR, ERR, ERR}, /* 7 */{ -8, 7, -8, -8, -8, 9, -8 }, /* 8 */{ERR, ERR, ERR, ERR, ERR, ERR, ERR}, /* 9 */{ERR, 11, 10, 10, ERR, ERR, ERR}, /* 10 */ {ERR, 11, ERR, ERR, ERR, ERR, ERR}, /* 11 */{ -12, 11, -12, -12, -12, -12, -12 }, /* 12 */{ERR, ERR, ERR, ERR, ERR, ERR, ERR}, }; Negative numbers in the matrix are accepting states.

  32. The JavaCC Tokenizer • The JavaCCtokenizer (scanner) is a DFA created from the regular expressions. • The generated Java code implements state-transitions with switch statements instead of a matrix._

  33. The JavaCCTokenizer, cont’d • Example (from HelloWorldTokenManager.java): static private intjjMoveStringLiteralDfa0_0() { switch(curChar) { case 72: case 104: return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa1_0(0x4L); case 87: case 119: return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa1_0(0x8L); default : return jjMoveNfa_0(0, 0); } }

  34. Assignment #5 • Use JavaCC to create a simple Java tokenizer(i.e., scanner). • Write the .jj file. • Due Friday, October 31.

  35. Compiler Team Project • Write a compiler for a procedure-oriented source language that will generate code for the Java virtual machine (JVM). • The source language should be a procedural, non- object-oriented language or subset thereof, or a language that the team invents. • Tip: Start with a simple language! • No Scheme, Lisp, or Lisp-like languages.__

  36. Compiler Team Project • The object language must be Jasmin, the assembly language for the Java virtual machine. • You will be provided an assembler that translates Jasmin assembly language programs into .class files for the JVM. • You must use the JavaCCcompiler-compiler. • You can also use any Java code from the Writing Compilers and Interpreters book. • Compile and run source programs written in your language.

  37. Compiler Team Project Deliverables • Java and JavaCCsource files of a working compiler. • The JavaCC.jj (or .jjt) grammar files. • Do not include the Java files that JavaCC generated.

  38. Compiler Team Project Deliverables, cont’d • Written report (5-10 pp. single spaced) • Include: Syntax diagrams for key source language constructs. • Include: Code diagrams for key source language constructs. • Optional: UML diagramsfor key compiler components.

  39. Compiler Team Project Deliverables, cont’d • Instructions on how to build your compiler. • If it’s not standard or not obvious. • Instructions on how to run your compiler (scripts OK). • Sample source programs to compile and execute.

  40. Post Mortem Report • Private individual post mortem report(up to 1 page from each student) • What did you learn from this course? • An assessment of your accomplishments for your project. • An assessment of each of your project team members.

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