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Roles and ResponsibilitiesHome Treatment Team StructureWorking practicesInterventionsReferrals. Over View. Key Policy Guidance and Reports. National Service Framework for Mental Health: Modern standards and Service Models (DoH 1999)NHS Plan (DoH 2000)Mental Health Policy Implementation G
1. CRHTT Crisis Resolution and Home Treatment Team
2. Roles and Responsibilities
Home Treatment Team Structure
Working practices
Over View
3. Key PolicyGuidance and Reports National Service Framework for Mental Health: Modern standards and Service Models (DoH 1999)
NHS Plan (DoH 2000)
Mental Health Policy Implementation Guide: Crisis Resolution /Home Treatment Teams. (DoH 2001)
Guidance Statement on Fidelity and Best Practice for Crisis Services (DoH 2006)
4. Who is CRHT for? The MHPIG (DoH 2001 p11) states
‘Commonly adults (16 to 65 years old) with severe mental illness (e.g. schizophrenia, manic depressive disorders, severe depressive disorder) with an acute psychiatric crisis of such severity that, without the involvement of a crisis resolution/home treatment team, hospitalisation would be necessary………
Including people with a diagnosis of personality disorder (DoH 2003, Personality disorder no longer a diagnosis of exclusion).
5. And who should be signposted on to other services This service is not usually appropriate for individuals with:
Mild anxiety disorders
Primary diagnosis of alcohol or other substance misuse
Brain damage or other organic disorders including dementia
Learning disabilities
Recent history of self harm but not suffering from a psychotic illness or severe depressive illness
• Crisis related solely to relationship issues’
(MHPIG (DoH 2001 p11)
6. Mental Health Policy Implementation Guide: Crisis Resolution /Home Treatment Teams.
24/7 service
Least restrictive environment
Gate-keeper to in-patient beds
Rapid response following referral
Intensive intervention and support in the early stages of crisis
Maintaining the individuals social system
Time limited intervention
7. Roles and Responsibilities Key Tasks. Home Treatment as an alternative to hospital admissions.
Gate Keeping all acute admissions.
Facilitate early discharge from the hospital.
(Discharge at a time earlier than would happen if intensive home treatment was not available and is still part of an acute episode of care.)
8. CRHTT Team Structure Integrated Team Manager; Urgent Care Services (CRHT, AMHP,ADTT,MHLT)
Lead Nurse
Multidisciplinary Team:
Mental Health Nurses
Social workers
Doctors: Consultant Psychiatrist
Staff grade, Specialty grade, Trainees.
(Guidance Statement on Fidelity and Best Practice for Crisis Services - DoH 2006)
9. Working Practices 7 days per week 8. 30 am – 10 pm
Senior nurse practitioners 9pm – 9am
2 shifts with 2 hand over meetings; 9:00am ARM and a short allocation meeting
2:00pm Shift longer clinical handover
10. Referrals To CRHTJanuary – June 2008
11. Who can refer? Self referrals and carer referrals are excluded.
GP referrals are screened by Access / CMHT prior to referral to CRHT.
The most common referral points are: Community mental health teams (CMHTs / Access and Recovery services / outpatients), Early Intervention in Psychosis service, acute psychiatric inpatient wards (for early discharge), Drug and Alcohol / Dual diagnosis services, Approved Mental Health Professionals (following Mental Health Act Assessments) and MHLT (A&E).
90% of mental health presentations to A&E do not require home treatment
12. SMILES / CRHT pathway ( in hours)
13. SMILES / CRHT pathway ( out of hours)
14. Core CRT Interventions Comprehensive initial assessment –
Social circumstances/relationships
Substance misuse
Physical assessment
Symptom management
Medication management
Practical help
15. Core CRT Interventions 2 Opportunities to talk through problems and brief interventions
Education about mental health problems for patients and social network
Identification of triggers
Relapse prevention work
Discharge planning
16. Quarterly Referrals & AdmissionsDec – Mar 2008/09
17. Admissions Over Three Months Period
18. Average - Length of StayIn Days
19. References Department of Health. 1999. A National Service Framework for Mental Health: Modern standards and Service Models. London: Department of Health
Department of Health. 2000. The NHS Plan. London: The Stationery Office
Department of Health. 2001. Mental Health Policy Implementation Guide: Crisis Resolution /Home Treatment Teams. London: Department of Health
20. References Department of Health. 2006. Guidance Statement on Fidelity and Best Practice for Crisis Services
National Audit Office. 2007. Helping people through mental health crisis: The role of Crisis Resolution and Home Treatment services
21. Thank You……..