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EVROS DELTA - Griechenland, Storchenbesenderung vom 1.- 3.7.2013

EVROS DELTA - Griechenland, Storchenbesenderung vom 1.- 3.7.2013 EVROS DELTA - Greece , Stork tagging – 1.-3.7.2013. Curious birds – the whole nest was watching !. „Pelopidas“(tag 2686/ring 51164), the 8th tagged stork in Feres.

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EVROS DELTA - Griechenland, Storchenbesenderung vom 1.- 3.7.2013

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Presentation Transcript

  1. EVROS DELTA - Griechenland, Storchenbesenderung vom 1.-3.7.2013 EVROS DELTA - Greece, Stork tagging – 1.-3.7.2013

  2. Curiousbirds – thewholenest was watching !

  3. „Pelopidas“(tag 2686/ring 51164), the 8th taggedstork in Feres

  4. The parentsarewaitingfortheir 5 kidstoget back intothenest

  5. 5 chicks – all fromonenest

  6. LocalschoolchildrenfromFeres

  7. The wholetown was in fullexcitementandspectatorscamefromeverywhere ! Der ganze Ort war in heller Aurregung und Zuschauer kamen von Nah und Fern !

  8. This is Herkules (2699), the last storkwhich was tagged.

  9. Herkules, tag 2699 – ring 51167

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