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Sectoral Social Dialogue Paper Preparatory Meeting of the Worker’s Delegation for Working Group meeting on 7 March 2013 Jorma Rusanen. Working group meeting agenda 1. Objectives of the working group meeting
Sectoral Social DialoguePaper PreparatoryMeeting of the Worker’sDelegation for Working Group meeting on 7 March 2013 Jorma Rusanen
Workinggroupmeeting agenda • 1. Objectives of the working group meeting • 2. Draft agenda, draft minutes (plenary 12/10/2012, steering group 04/12/2012) • 3. State of play and future of the paper& pulp industry in Europe, Berry Wiersum, CEO of Sappi Fine Paper Europe • 4. Futureskillssupply and demand in Europe: prospects of the papersector, Jens Bjornavold, Senior PolicyAnalyst at CEDEFOP • 5. Introduction to the plannedproject on mappingskills and qualificationsystems in the Europeanpapersector, Bernard de Galembert CEPI • 6. Discussion of approach, expertise, expectedresults • 7. Follow-up of the H&S report – outcomes of the feedback survey • 8. Dates and events for SSD Paper; workinggroups 30.05.(?) and 11.09., plenary 22.10. • 8. AOB
4&5. Project on mapping skills and qualification systems in the European paper sector • industriAll brought this subject to the agenda • The CEPI Roadmap 2050 is a good starting point for the discussion • Futureskillssupply and demand in Europe; prospects of the papersector • Wehavealsoproposed to invite a HR representative of a papercompanyto present what could be the companies’ strategy towards a changing work environment and the adaptation of tasks and skills • Application for a projectfundingfromCommission in 2013: mappingexcerciseorsomething ”more”? • The other SSD’s experiences; how they address this issue • Currently 15 SSD committeesworking on thisissue
Project on mapping skills and qualification systems in the European paper sector • Education/ skillsneeds • Skillsneeded in 2025 arenot the same as today? • Whatdowewant to achieve; whatdowealreadyhave • Whatdo the educationinstitutionsprovide us; currentskills • Whatskills the paperindustryneedsnow; futureskills • Do the currentskills and the futureskillsneedsmatch • How to attractyoungpeople to choose a career in paperindustry • Make the educationfit to the needs
Project on mapping skills and qualification systems in the European paper sector Project • Project application to get EU financing; date? • Consultingcompany? • Deskresearch on educationsystems • School • Professional education • Aprenticeships • Interships • University • Vocationaltraining • Plantlevelquestionnaire and activities; skillsneeds, skillsdevelopment
7. Follow-up of ourBest H&S Practice Guide Project • A report of good health and safety practices in the Europeanpulp and paperindustry“No paper without skilled, healthy and safe people” (60 pages, 22 practices) • Copies stillavailable (EN, FR); also in WEB • Follow-up questionnaire sent in January 2013 • Reasonableamount of answers (till now): 30 (17 fromworkers, 13 fromemployers) • In general all foundthat report isuseful • Weaskedalso for more good practices to be sent in
A guide of good H&S practices in the Europeanpulp and paperindustry
Follow-up of ourBest H&S Practice Guide Project Follow-up • General impressions • Hilfreichfuer die eigene Praxis, GuteIdeen, Brauchbar, SehrguteAufmachung, Allgemeinverständlich, Practices alreadyfamiliar • Do youwork as safe or safer as report, Worth to bediscussed at plant level • Very good thatideas are shared, What are good practices in othersectors, Increasing pressure on the worksfloor (more workload, less personnel) • Information iscoherent, concrete and easy to read, More translations needed
Follow-up of ourBest H&S Practice Guide Project Follow-up • Missing practices? • Es wärevermessenzubehaupten «wirhättenalleserfasst» • CPI willgatherfurther good practice • GesundheitsschutzundPräventionetwasunderpräsentiert • Regularsafetydays, accident cases • Spreading the information inside the company about accidents • All employees go through H&S issues whichconcerntheirown job once a year • H&S auditing in other place than in workersownwork section once a year • H&S conversation betweenemployee and foreman once a year
8. Meeting of 2013 • SSD Paper: 1 plenaries and 3 workinggroupmeetings • Preliminaryagreed 2013 meetings: Plenary 22 October; workinggroup 7 Mars, 30 May(22 Aprilpostponed) and 11 September • Decrease of resources of the Commission => changes! • The number of SSDC meetings has been reduced • In 2013 all SSDCs receive the same number of meeting opportunities: • 1 plenary (27+27 participants, 6 languages) and • 3 “other” meetings • Working group meetings (15+15 participants, 3 languages) and/or steering group meetings (5+5, no translation)
Work Programme Health and Safety: • EU-OSHA’s Healthy Workplace Campaign 2012-2013; collect feedback from use of the report on Health and Safety Practices and compilation of additional Good Practices • Output: • Communication and promotion of the report (autumn 2012/spring 2013) • Survey on the use of the report (spring 2013); new practices
Work Programme (2) Demographic change, skills and jobs: • Mapping exercise on education, training and qualifications systems in the sector, based on similar exercises in other sectors • Start process to define project on how to attract young people to choose a career in the paper industry • Output: • Project application (spring/autumn 2013) in order to work on a study on the training and qualification systems (2013/2014) • Promotion leaflet with facts and stories about the industry
Work Programme (3) European energy and raw material policies • Consider issues of common interest • Joint positions on crucial issues • Discussion of certification schemes (e.g. PEFC) • Output: • Impact assessment and formulation of joint positions