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Science Experts Network and Curriculum Vitae Proof-of-Concept ORCID May 17, 2012 Debbie Bucci

Science Experts Network and Curriculum Vitae Proof-of-Concept ORCID May 17, 2012 Debbie Bucci. Vision. Develop a Sci ence E xperts N etwork ( SciENCV ) automated CV-like data services platform to integrate with federal agencies processes and facilitate collaboration among scientists

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Science Experts Network and Curriculum Vitae Proof-of-Concept ORCID May 17, 2012 Debbie Bucci

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  1. Science Experts Network and Curriculum Vitae Proof-of-Concept ORCID May 17, 2012 Debbie Bucci

  2. Vision • Develop a Science Experts Network (SciENCV)automated CV-like data services platform to integrate with federal agencies processes and facilitate collaboration among scientists • Create Disambiguated links to researchers grants and their scientific output • Use current technologies to pull data from federal and non-federal sources • Streamline grant and contract applications • Reduce PI burden  • Advance common understanding of the results of scientific investments • Respond to stakeholder interests

  3. Project Structure • Interagency Workgroup - Six Federal agencies: NIH, NSF, DOE, DOD, EPA, USDA, OSTP and OMB also are participating • Operates under two NSTC interagency groups – Research Business Models(RBM) and Science of Science Policy (SOSP) • Workgroup Co-Chairs • NSF • NIH • Subcommittees • Functional Architecture • Communications • Partnership with FDP

  4. Guiding Principles • System Design driven by community needs • Researchers voluntarily participate • Researchers control content and the display • Information auto-populated from existing resources • Researchers validate, augment and modify information as needed • Employ existing technology where available • Adopt international data standards • Make SciENcv as interoperable as possible • Make it easy to use – with lots of benefits! • With wide-use becomes an important source of information on US scientists

  5. Researcher View

  6. Default Login Homepage

  7. Profile info Navigation Products/History Data Sources Objects “Action” area

  8. Manage Data

  9. Manage Form Views

  10. Pilot Data Sources • University of Florida VIVO • PubMed • LinkedIn • Bibliographic import (endnote, bibtext, RIS) • Word 7.0 (& higher) CV • Working with the Federal Demonstration Project to identify additional data sources

  11. Pilot Data Formats

  12. VIVO Human Resource Grants Organization Publications STANDARD ONTOLOGY (CASRAI.ORG) DISABIGUATION UUIDs (ORCID, SCOPUS,Agency) RDF Store (subject – predicate –object) SPARQL ENDPOINT

  13. OAuth ScienCV Source Exchange Keys (Out-of-band) Redirect PI To Source with Token PI on Login to Source prompted with permission to grant access Create Access and Refresh tokens Initial Process Present and Validate Tokens Select Source Pull Data

  14. Tagging • Bibliography • RIS • TY - Type of reference (must be the first tag) • A2 - Secondary Author • AU - Author (each author on its own line preceded by the DO – DOI • Endnote • %A - Author • %B - Editor /Secondary Author • %9 - Type of Work • %@ - ISBN/ISSN • XML • Pubmed • Word (version 7.0 and higher)

  15. Why consider ORCID?

  16. Disambiguation (!) • Agencies can disambiguate their own grantees. • What is missing? • Paper associate only primary PI • Track PIs across agency • Career tracking • Check duplicate funding • Real value added through common adoption

  17. Basic SciENCV Proof-of-Concept PilotProject Plan (High-Level) • Finalize proof-of-concept pilot using input from FDP • Identify Funding • Explore policy issues, privacy, paperwork reduction, etc. • Involve CIO, OMB, agencies, etc. • Develop partnerships with profilers (Harvard Profiles, VIVO, ORCID, others) • Design/build the pilot system - in partnership with FDP • Test- in partnership with FDP • Demonstrate utility – Proof-of-concept – generate biosketches, ease of use, use of existing data sources • Decision about production system

  18. Basic SciENCV Proof-of-Concept PilotProject Plan (High-Level) • Potential “deliverables” • Build system (RDF/XML, semantic web approaches) Identify potential data elements/relationships (ORCID & others) • Design researcher interfaces • Log-in • Pre-populate information related to grants\contracts • Pre-populate publications • Pre-populate patent information • Provide interface for claiming/validating data • Demonstrate value to users (Interagency Team + FDP) • CV and biosketch generator • Pre-populate federal forms and data collections • Expertise/Research interest generator – concept mining • Explore reporting capabilities

  19. Contact Info Walter T. Schaffer, Ph.D. Senior Scientific Advisor for Extramural Research Office of Extramural Research National Institutes of Health Email schaffew@od.nih.gov

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