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The South Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative’s Third Thursday Web Forum Simulating Suburban and Exurban Development Patterns in the Southeast Using the SLEUTH Urban Growth Model. Thursday, June 21, 2012. Third Thursday Web Forum Agenda . Introductions Updates
The South Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative’s Third Thursday Web Forum Simulating Suburban and Exurban Development Patterns in the Southeast Using the SLEUTH Urban Growth Model Thursday, June 21, 2012
Third Thursday Web Forum Agenda Introductions Updates Monthly Topic: Simulating Suburban and Exurban Development Patterns in the Southeast Using the SLEUTH Urban Growth Model Questions & Discussion of Monthly Topic Questions & Discussion of SALCC Close
Introductions Ken McDermond, Coordinator Rua Mordecai, Science Coordinator Janet Cakir, Socioeconomic Adaption Coordinator Amy Keister, GIS Coordinator Ginger Deason, Information Transfer Specialist/Forest Service Liaison Curtis Belyea, NCSU Biodiversity and Spatial Information Center
Updates FY2012 LCC National Funding Opportunity SE Climate Science Center announces funded projects Conservation Planning Atlas team, led by Amy, decided on platform Cultural Resources & Gullah-Geechee Cultural Heritage Corridor meeting SALCC-funded Projects to be announced around July 20th Any web site member can share news through a blog post www.southatlanticlcc.org
a tour of new spatial data products SALCCThird Thursday Web Forum
SALCC Introduction The SALCC isaforum in which the private, state and federal conservation community… developsa shared vision of landscape sustainability cooperates in its implementation; and collaborates in its refinement
SALCC Introduction VisionA landscape that sustains the nation's natural and cultural resources for current and future generations MissionCreate a shared blueprint for landscape conservation actions that sustain natural and cultural resources
SALCC Introduction Why is the SALCC so excited about new spatial data? To achieve our vision, we need to be able to understand and model the forces that drive change on the landscape
SALCC Introduction • Urban Growth • Sea level rise • Land cover Welcome to the first web forum in a three part series on the topic of newly available spatial products that predict future landscape conditions