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More at https://www.abogadosatx.com/find-an-affordable-dwi-attorney-in-austin-with-great-track-record/<br>Have you been charged with a DWI in Austin, Tx? Here is some information about DWIs provided by Jarvis, Garcia and Erskine, an Austin criminal defense law firm. If you are charged with DWI, the Texas Department of Public Safety will try to suspend your driver’s license. The rules regarding driver’s license suspensions are numerous and complicated, and you should hire an experienced DWI attorney in Austin to help. You can find them at https://www.abogadosatx.com<br><br>
Need to find an affordable DWI attorney in Austin with a great trackrecord? Even though being arrested or charged with DWI or DUI is a common occurrence these days it is still a serious offensethatcarriesseriousramificationsifyouareconvicted. Itisimportant that youhireaDWIattorney inAustin whohasexperiencefightingthesecasesinajurytrial. AnExperiencedDWIAttorneyinAustinCanHelp IfyouhavebeenarrestedfordrunkdrivingyouaremostlikelychargedwithaClassBMisdemeanorwhichhasa punishment range of up to six months in jail and a $2,000 fine. A second conviction for DWI is a Class A MisdemeanorwhileathirdconvictionbecomesaFelony. Ifyouhaveneverbeenarrestedbeforeandtherearenoextenuatingcircumstancestheoddsofyoureceivingajail sentencearefairlyslim.IfyouareconvictedofDWIyoumostlikelyface atermofprobation.Ofcourse,ourgoalas yourDWIattorneyinAustinis toavoidyoubeingconvictedofDWI. DWI Driver’s LicenseSuspension IfyouarechargedwithDWI,theTexasDepartmentofPublicSafetywilltrytosuspendyourdriver’slicense.The rulesregardingdriver’slicensesuspensionsarenumerousandcomplicated,andyoushouldhireanexperienced DWIattorneyinAustintohelp.Generally,forafirstoffenseDWI,ifyourefuseabreathtest,DPSwilltry to suspendyourdriver’slicensefor180daysandifyoufailabreathtest, DPSwilltrytosuspendyourdriver’slicense for90days.Itisimportanttoknowthatyouhavearighttorefuseabreathalyzer test.That’simportantenoughto repeat—don’ttakeabreathorbloodtest! Fromthedateyouarearrestedyouhave15daystocontestthesuspensionofyourdriver’s license.Itisimportant that you meet with an experienced DWI attorney in Austin before this deadline passes so they may advise you as to the best course of action. Your driver’s license will be suspended 40 days after the date you were arrested. If your driver’s license is suspended, it is fairly easy to obtain an occupational driver’s license that will allow you to driveforworkandotheressentialneedsduringtheperiodofyoursuspension. Difference between DWI andDUI Many people confuse driving while intoxicated “DWI” with driving under the influence “DUI”. In Texas, a DWI is typically a Class B Misdemeanor (for a first offense) and a DUI is a Class C Misdemeanor that is issued to minors under the age of 21 when an officer notices a detectable amount of alcohol on a minor who was operating a vehicle.Inshort, ifyouareover21youcannotgetaDUI.YouCANgetaDWIifyouareunder21.Eventhoughitis aClass CMisdemeanor,aDUIisstillanoffenseyoushouldspeakwithaDUIorDWIattorneyinAustinabout. DWI is an opinion crime. One police officer who claims he sees red, glassy eyes, hears slurred speech and smells the odor of alcohol can take you to jail. Someone who just met you and knows nothing about where you have been,whetheryouhaveallergyproblems,whatkindofmedicalissuesyouhave,thewayyoutalkandwhetheryou drank any alcohol that day, let alone how much, can take away your freedom. Without an experienced DWI attorneyinAustin,youcouldendupwithmoretimeinjail,havingtopaythousandsofdollarsinfines,your driver’s license suspended and a criminal conviction on your record for the rest of your life without an attorney thatknowshowtodefendaDWI,DUIorotheralcoholrelated offenses.Anarrest,convictionorevendismissalofa DWIcanradicallychangeyour life. Youcouldloseyour job, missoutonfutureemploymentopportunitiesorget
evictedfromyourhome.AtJarvis, Garcia, &ErskineLaw, weunderstandthatyourcasecreatesproblemsoutside thecourtroomandworkhardtohelpyousolvethem.