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Understanding Organizational Culture: Values, Dimensions, and Effects

Explore the importance of organizational culture and its impact on society's values and behaviors. Learn about Hofstede's Four Value Dimensions, Edgar Schein's Culture Definition, and the layers of cultural attributes within organizations.

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Understanding Organizational Culture: Values, Dimensions, and Effects

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  1. Organizational Culture BBA 200 Dr. Salma Chad

  2. ? Organizational Culture

  3. Introduction • National culture: the sum total of the beliefs, rituals, rules, customs, artifacts, and institutions that characterize the population • A nation’s culture and sub-cultures effect how organizational transactions are conducted • Learning to operate in a world influenced by national culture is becoming a requirement for effective management

  4. Organizational Culture and Society’s Values (1 of 2) • Values – the conscious, affective desires or wants of people that guide their behavior • Organizations are able to operate efficiently only when shared values exist among the employees • An individual’s personal values guide behavior on and off the job

  5. Organizational Culture and Society’s Values (2 of 2) • Values are a society’s ideas about what is right or wrong • Values are passed from one generation to the next

  6. Hofstede’s Four Value Dimensions(1 of 2)

  7. Hofstede’s Four Value Dimensions(2 of 2)

  8. Cultural Values(1 of 4)

  9. Cultural Values(2 of 4)

  10. Cultural Values(3 of 4)

  11. Cultural Values(4 of 4)

  12. A society’s values have an impact on organizational values because of the interactive nature of work, leisure, family, and community.

  13. Organizational culture –what the employees perceive and how this perception creates a pattern of beliefs, values, and expectations.

  14. Edgar Schein’s Definition of Culture: • A pattern of basic assumptions – invented, discovered, or developed by a given group as it learns to cope with the problems of external adaptation and internal integration – that has worked well enough to be considered valid and, therefore, to be taught new members as the correct way to perceive, think, and feel in relation to those problems.

  15. Examples of cultural attributes Layer I: Artifacts & Creations Visible but often not understandable • Documents • Physical layouts • Furnishings • Language • Jargon • Work ethic and practice • Fair day’s work for a fair day’s pay • Loyalty • Commitment • Helping others • Performance leads to rewards • Management equity • Competency counts • Technology • Art • Visible and audible behavior patterns Layer II: Values Greater level of awareness • Testable in the physical environment • Testable only by social consensus Schein’s Three-Layer Organizational Culture Model Taken for granted, invisible, preconscious Layer III: Basic Assumptions • Relationship to environment • Nature of reality, time, & space • Nature of human nature • Nature of human activity • Nature of human relations

  16. Organizational Culture and Its Effects Weak Culture Strong Culture

  17. The Evolution of a Positive Culture Intervening Conditions Outcome Methods Elaborate on history Communications about and by “heroes” and others Develop a sense of history H Leadership and role modeling Communicating norms and values Create a sense of oneness O Cohesive organizational culture Reward systems Career management and job security Recruiting and staffing Socialization of new staff members Training and development Promote a sense of membership M Member contact Participative decision making Inter-group coordination Personal exchange Increase exchange among members E

  18. Three Views on Influencing Cultural Change: (1 of 2) • Cultures are so elusive and hidden that they cannot be adequately diagnosed, managed, or changed • Because it takes difficult techniques, rare skills, and considerable time to understand a culture and then additional time to change it, deliberate attempts at culture change are not really practical

  19. Three Views on Influencing Cultural Change: (2 of 2) • People will naturally resist change to a new culture • Cultures sustain people through periods of difficulty and serve to ward off anxiety • Cultures provide continuity and stability

  20. Changing Culture Intervention Points Hiring and socialization of members who fit in with the culture Removal of members who deviate from the culture Culture 5 4 Cultural communications Behavior 3 1 Justifications of behavior 2 Managers seeking to create culture change must intervene at these points.

  21. Socialization and Culture Socialization –the process by which organizations bring new employees into the culture.

  22. The Process of Organizational Socialization Start 1 Deselect Careful selection of entry-level candidates Consistent role models 7 2 Humility-inducing experiences promote openness toward accepting organizational norms and values Reward and recognize individuals who have done the job well Teaches the new entrant that he/she doesn’t know everything about the job or company Reinforcing folklore 6 Keeping alive stories that validate the organization’s culture 3 In-the-trenches training leads to mastery of a core discipline Adherence to values enables the reconciliation of personal sacrifices 5 Rewards and control systems are meticulously refined to reinforce behavior that is deemed pivotal to success in the marketplace 4 Extensive and reinforced on-the-job experience

  23. Socialization Stages Anticipatory Socialization Accommodation Role Management

  24. A Checklist of Effective Socialization Practices(1 of 2) • Anticipatory socialization • Recruitment using realistic job previews • Selection and placement using realistic career paths • Role management socialization • Provision of professional counseling • Adaptive and flexible work assignments • Sincere person-oriented managers

  25. A Checklist of Effective Socialization Practices(2 of 2) • Accommodation socialization • Tailor-made and individualized orientation programs • Social as well as technical skills training • Supportive and accurate feedback • Challenging work assignments • Demanding but fair supervisors

  26. Let’s recapitulate

  27. RECAP 1 • Organizational Culture • A nation’s culture and subculture affect how transactions are conducted (e.g. marketing, hiring practices, reward programs, supervisor-employee interactions, use of technology) • Learning to operate in a world influenced by national culture differences is becoming a mandatory requirement for effective management. It is important for managers to understand both the national culture and various organizational culture characteristics.

  28. RECAP 2 • Culture and societal value Organizations are able to operate efficiently only when shared values exist among the employees.   ‘The guidelines and beliefs that a person Uses when confronted with a situation in which a choice must be made’

  29. RECAP 3 • Hofstede provided one useful framework for understanding the importance of values in organizational behaviour. He proposed 4 value dimensions: • Power Distance • Uncertainty avoidance • Individualism • Masculinity

  30. RECAP 4 Organizational culture, or corporate culture, comprises the attitudes, experiences, beliefs and values of an organization.

  31. RECAP 5 Organizational culture and its effects: • Since organizational culture involves shared expectations, values, and attitudes, it exerts influence on individuals groups, and organizational processes. • It is useful to differentiate between strong and weak cultures.

  32. Moving on…

  33. Mentor –a friend, coach, advisor or sponsor who supports, encourages, and helps a less experienced protégé.

  34. Mentoring Guidelines (1 of 2) • Do not dictate mentoring relationships, but encourage leaders/managers to serve a mentors • Train mentors in how to be effective in mentoring others • Include in the firm’s newsletter or in other forms of mass communication (print and electronic) an occasional story of mentoring as reported by a current top-level executive

  35. Mentoring Guidelines (2 of 2) • Inform employees about the benefits and difficulties of mentor relationships with individuals of different race and gender • Make sure there is diversity among the mentors • All mentors should be trained in dealing with diversity

  36. Cultural Diversity Diversity –the vast array of physical and cultural differences that constitute the variety of human differences. The managerial challenge will be to identify ways to integrate the increasing number and mix of people from diverse national cultures into the workplace.

  37. Workforce diversity issues for managers to consider:(1 of 2) • Coping with employees’ unfamiliarity with the English language • Increased training for service jobs that require verbal skills • Cultural (national) awareness training for the current workforce • Learning which rewards are valued by different ethnic groups

  38. Workforce diversity issues for managers to consider:(2 of 2) • Developing career development programs that fit the skills, needs, and values of the ethnic group • Rewarding managers for effectively recruiting, hiring, and integrating a diverse workforce • Focusing not only on ethnic diversity, but also learning more about the diversities of age, gender, and workers with disabilities

  39. Spirituality and Culture • Spirituality – employees have a personal or inner life that nourishes and is nourished by performing relevant, meaningful, and challenging work • Workplace spirituality is not the same as religion • Spirituality is a path, is personal and private, contains elements of many religions, and points to a person’s self-inquiry

  40. Research on spirituality and work dimensions indicates: • Employees who are more spiritually involved achieve better results • Spirituality encourages: • trust • work/life balance • empathy and compassion about others • the value of human assets • the full development and self-actualization of people • ethical behavior

  41. People management - Organization charts & hierarchy

  42. People management - Organization charts & hierarchy

  43. Hierarchical  Organisations

  44. ? Questions

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