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A TRAVEL BROCHURE. Predict! a. Where are they on vacation? b. what type of activities can people expect to do? c. What kind of person would like a vacation like this?.
A TRAVEL BROCHURE Predict! a. Where are they on vacation? b. what type of activities can people expect to do? c. What kind of person would like a vacation like this?
A fascinatingoutdooradventure and excitingwildernessexperienceiswaitingforyouhere in Canada. Wewillteachyoubasicsurvivalskillsonanintensivelongweekend at Algongquin Park.Thesevacationgetaways are extraordinary. Theyofferourvisitors a unique natural experiencethatyouwillnotfindon a regular trip. Taketheopportunitytodisconnectfrommodernlife and return home withvaluableknowledge and experience. GENERAL INFORMATION
Youwilllearnhowtocollect and purifywater, constructshelters, start a fire, and gather and harvestfoodfromtheland. Youwilllearnhowtolive and survive in the wild.Wehaveincluded new activitiesthisyearsuch as tracking, kayaking and shamanism. Allcourses are designedtoreconnectyouwithnature. All of ourinstructors are enthusiastic and possessthenecessaryhealth and safety qualifications Whatisonoffer?
Thisisan active vacation and youneed a goodlevel of fitness. Youwillbeoutdoorsforlongperiods of time, trekking, collectingfood and water, and findingsurvivalmaterials.Yourmealswillconsist of tastyorganicfood, whichyouwillharvestyourselves. However, pleaseinformus of anyspecialdietrestrictions. Guestsshouldknowthatwe do notallow smoking at theretreat. HealthRequirements
Store manager Alex Colmes visited us last year. He said that it was the best vacation ever. “this is a great way to reconnect with nature,” alex said. “ my sister came here last year. She told me the trip was an opportunity to slow down and reconsider what was really important in life, and she promised i would enjoy it. She´s right - i´m having a great time!" Whatourguestssay
other visitors are surprised at how simple some survival skills are. student Sue Williams said that the first time she rubbed sticks together to make a fire she could not believe how easy it was. • she told us that she felt confident of herself in the wild. " now i will be able to take care of myself if i ever get lost in the wilderness," she said. " i recommend this trip to everybody!" sue and her friends said that they were thinking of coming again next year.
ifyou are coming in thewinter, there are greatactivitieswaitingforyou. dogsledding in one of them.after a simple orientation, lead yoursleddogsacrossfrozenlakes and deepsnow in a full dayadventure.you can alsoski in thebeautifulmountainsthatsurroundourcomplex. certifiedpersonnelwillteachyouthebasics of skiing and keepyousafeduringyourjourney. enjoy a meal in ourcentury-oldlongcabin, and meet and share with new friends. In thewinter
theretreatis eco-friendly and uses solar energy. there are a variety of cabinstochoosefrom. rememberyouwill camp awayfromtheretreatduringsomeactivities, likethecanoetrips, butyouwillnotexperienceanydiscomfort.showers and washroomfacilities are availableforallguests. hotwaterisavailableallday, everyday. Thereisalso a communualdiningarea and shared kit. facilities
Thenatureretreatiseasytogetto. Manyvisitors come by car, butweaskyoutotakepublictransportationifpossible.a map and futherdetails are available at our web site: www.survilvacations.com. reserve your place onthenextcourse at thesameaddressorcall 1(800) 953-3344 for more details. youwillnotregretit! Howtogetthere and contactdetails