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Human-Aware Sensor Networks Ontology ( HASNet -O): PROV-O/OBOE/VSTO Alignments. Paulo Pinheiro. Lake George, NY. Establish a strategic partnership that becomes the global model for sustained ecosystem understanding and protection. The Jefferson Project at Lake George:
Human-Aware Sensor Networks Ontology (HASNet-O):PROV-O/OBOE/VSTO Alignments Paulo Pinheiro
Lake George, NY Establish a strategic partnership that becomes the global model for sustained ecosystem understanding and protection
The Jefferson Project at Lake George: Science to Inform Solutions Smart Lake: Integrative Approach to Understanding Lake Stressors and Predicting Future Outcomes Cyberinfrastructure/Data Platform/Viz Lab Science-based Solutions: Leveraging deep understanding for solutions with staying power for a healthy Lake George for future generations Models informs Experiments Observations Semantic Data Model
We Have Completed Initial Sensor Deployment Locations and Phasing
Sensor Deployment Phasing NB: associated deployment and maintenance resources are are not captured in this table.
Software Architecture RPI management of production quality assets, consuming Deep Thunder data as a service 6
Sensor Network Knowledge • Sensor data provide a mean for humans to understand characteristics of physical entities • Most knowledge about sensor networks cannot be inferred from sensor data themselves. Moreover, the lack of contextual knowledge about sensor data can render them useless. For example, one can only understand sensor data if one minimally knows the following: • what are the physical entity characteristicsbeing measured • how these characteristics relate to data values and measurement units
Selected Ontologies • Provenance Knowledge • When a sensor network changes, how those changes occur? How machines can be aware of changes when changes are occurring on themselves? • Sensor Infrastructure Knowledge • How can machines learn about the infrastructure of a sensor network, and the impact of the infrastructure on measurements? • Measurements Knowledge • How can machines learn about the meaning of measurements in terms of physical entities, their characteristics, and the units used to quantify these measurements?
VSTO Concepts Platform hasDeployment Deployment hasMeasuredParameter Parameter hasInstrument hasContainedParameter Instrument hasDetector Dataset isFromInstrument Detector
Alignments – VSTO and OBOE vsto:Platform hasDeployment oboe:Characteristic vsto:Deployment hasMeasuredCharacteristic vsto:Parameter hasInstrument vsto:Instrument hasContainedParameter vsto:Dataset hasDetector isFromInstrument hasContained Observation vsto:Detector Oboe:Observation
Alignments – PROV-O and OBOE provo:Activity isA oboe:Observation
Alignments – VSTO and PROV-O Was Attributed To Used provo:Agent Provo:Activity provo:Entity Was Generated By isA isA provo:SoftwareAgent provo:Person isA isA isA vsto:Dataset vsto:Instrument (or InstrumentOperatingMode) vsto:Deployment isFromInstrument (or isFromInstrumentOperatingMode)
HIO Additions Was Attributed To provo:Agent provo:Entity isA isA Provo:Person Provo:Software Agent isA isA isA ConfigurationFile Configurator Sensor Configuration Skill
Alignments & Additions Summary wasAssociatedWith used provo:Activity provo:Agent provo:Entity wasAttributeTo wasGeneratedBy isA isA isA isA isA isA contains Observation vsto:Deployment oboe:Observation vsto:Instrument vsto:Dataset Configuration File provo:Person hasMeasurement isA ofCharacteristic oboe:Characteristic oboe:Measurement hasInstrument Configurator
Key Sensor Lifecycle(State Diagram) Deployment (the state of being deployed) Deployment’s startedAtTime Obsertavion (the state of observing) Not Deployed Idle Redeployment Deployment’s endedAtTime Deployment: activity moving a sensor from ‘not deployed’ to ‘deployed’ or from ‘deployed’ to ‘deployed’ (redeployment). Observation: activity of being in the ‘Observing’ state