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Overview of the education system in England. Eurydice at NFER, the Eurydice Unit for England, Wales and Northern Ireland. United Kingdom. England pop 51.1 million Scotland pop 5.1 million Wales pop 3 million Northern Ireland pop 1.8 million. England. No separate government of its own
Overview of the education system in England Eurydice at NFER, the Eurydice Unit for England, Wales and Northern Ireland
United Kingdom • England • pop 51.1 million • Scotland • pop 5.1 million • Wales • pop 3 million • Northern Ireland • pop 1.8 million
England • No separate government of its own • Primary legislation on education made by UK Parliament at Westminster • Separate education systems in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland
School education:shared responsibilities • Government departments (DCSF & BIS) & associated non-departmental public bodies e.g. QCDA, TDA • Local authorities • Schools (headteachers and governing bodies)
School governing bodies represent stakeholders (parents, school staff, the LA, the community etc). Specifically responsible for: • setting strategic direction • approving school budget • reviewing progress • appointing headteacher • challenging and supporting headteacher
Early years education • all 3- and 4-year-olds entitled to 2.5 hours a day • Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum Providers include: • maintained (state) nursery schools • maintained (state) primary schools in nursery (3+) and reception (4+) classes • private and voluntary providers who receive government subsidies
Compulsory education • Age 5-16 • Divided into 4 Key Stages • KS1 5-7 years • KS2 7-11 years • KS3 11-14 years • KS4 14-16 years But most children start school between the ages of four and five (in the reception class).
Maintained (state) schools • receive funding from the local authority • are required to deliver National Curriculum • are subject to the same system of inspection • manage their own budgets • select and manage their own staff (including support staff and headteacher).
But there are differences between them relating to ownership of land and buildings, the constitution of the governing body, whether they are responsible for deciding admissions policy and whether they are the legal employer of their staff. Schools fall into the following legal categories: • community schools • voluntary aided (VA) and voluntary controlled (VC) schools - typically faith schools • foundation schools
Faith schools • Around 1/3 of primaries but fewer secondaries • Mainly Church of England or Catholic but also some other faiths • Fully funded for running costs • RE and daily collective worship (assembly) delivered according to religious character • Often give preference for admission to members of a particular faith or denomination
Attended by around 7% of children Funded mainly by parental fees Don’t have to follow National Curriculum Independent schools
Types of secondary school • comprehensive schools – the great majority of schools do not select on academic ability but there are some that do, known as grammar schools • specialist schools –the majority of secondary schools now have a curriculum specialism • academies – independent state schools
Compulsory education: National Curriculum • Originally established in 1988 • A framework which defines the minimum entitlement and the starting point for planning a school curriculum that meets the needs of individuals and groups of pupils • Defined by programmes of study, attainment targets and level descriptions, and assessment arrangements, not hours of study
National CurriculumAssessment There is a statutory system of formal assessment against national standards at the end of each key stage. • At KS 1 (age 7) there is teacher assessment in reading, writing, maths and science, taking into account performance in tasks and tests in reading, writing and maths • At KS 2 (age 11) there is teacher assessment in English, maths and science and there are national tests in English and maths • At KS 3 (age 14) there is teacher assessment in all subjects
Qualifications at 16 • GCSEs are single subject exams • students typically take 7 to 10 subjects • externally regulated, set and marked with some internally assessed coursework • graded A*-G • 5+ A*-Cs (“five good GCSEs”) is a key benchmark • School level results published including contextual value added • Some qualifications for lower attainers e.g. Entry Levels
Post-compulsory education Provided in: • schools (sixth forms) • sixth form colleges • further education colleges Approximately two thirds of young people stay in full-time education at 17.
Post-16 qualifications • No compulsory core curriculum • GCE A levels; AS at 17; A2s at 18 • Single subject qualifications; students study 3 or more subjects in depth • Passes graded A to E • Externally regulated, set and marked with some internally assessed coursework • Also vast range of vocational qualifications
Higher education • Very diverse in terms of size, mission, subject mix and history • 130 HEIs (86 universities and 44 HE colleges) • Single sector – all are independent self-governing bodies subject to same QA and funding arrangements • Structure of UK degrees already conforms to the Bologna model • Variable tuition fees introduced 2006, typically £3,070 per annum in 2007/08 • Government committed to widening access
School workforce • Includes leadership group (eg heads and deputies), other qualified schoolteachers, teaching assistants and administrative staff • Each school decides its own staffing complement in terms of numbers and type, recruits staff and makes appointment decisions • Schoolteachers are employees of local authority (LA) or school, not civil servants • National framework for schoolteachers’ pay and conditions
Initial Teacher Training (ITT) • 3- or 4-year Bachelor of Education (BEd), or 1-year Postgraduate Certificate of Education (PGCE) • Also School Centred Initial Teacher Training – SCITT and employment-based options, such as the Graduate Teacher Programme (GTP) • All training routes lead to Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) • ITT is followed by an induction year
Further information:Qualifications and curriculum QCDA:Qualifications and Curriculum Development Agency (England) Advises on school and early years curriculum, examinations and assessment Reapproves and regulates external qualifications Remit excludes higher education
Further information:Inspection and quality assurance Ofsted: The inspectorate for children and learners in England, a non-ministerial government department accountable to Parliament QAA: Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (UK-wide)
Further information:bodies involved in further and higher education The Young People’s Learning Agency(YPLA) is responsible for planning, allocating and funding education and training for all 16 - 19 year olds in England. The Skills Funding Agency is responsible for funding and regulating adult FE and skills training in England. HEFCE is the funding body for higher education in England.
Further information:Teacher training (including CPD) The Training and Development Agency for Schools (TDA)Responsible for the training and development of the whole school workforce, including initial teacher training, continuing professional development and training for the wider school workforce TheGeneral Teaching Council for EnglandA professional body for teachers with which teachers must register National College for Leadership of Schools and Children’s Services
Further information:Government departments and related agencies in England
Further information:Education in the UK & elsewhere - international perspectives