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カシミヤ高校日本語 2012 年 十 二年生 / 十三年生 授業アウトライン Cashmere High School Japanese 2012 Year 12/13 Course Outline. In this handout I’ll cover the topics below;. Junior to Senior ( 下級 ( かきゅう ) 生から上級 ( じょうきゅう ) 生へ) 2. The Level of Language Used in NCEA Level 1, 2 & 3 ( NCEA で使 ( つか ) う言語 ( げんご ) レベル)
カシミヤ高校日本語 2012年 十二年生/十三年生 授業アウトラインCashmere High School Japanese 2012 Year 12/13 Course Outline
In this handout I’ll cover the topics below; • Junior to Senior (下級(かきゅう)生から上級(じょうきゅう)生へ) 2. The Level of Language Used in NCEA Level 1, 2 & 3 (NCEAで使(つか)う言語(げんご)レベル) 3. The NCEA Assessment standards and the number of credits offered (NCEAの単位数(たんいすう)) • The Timetables and Classrooms (時間割(じかんわり)と教室(きょうしつ)) • The Learning Tools for Senior Japanese Class (日本語学習(がくしゅう)のための教材(きょうざい)) • Goals and Expectations (目標(もくひょう)と心得(こころえ)) 7. Special programmes (特別企画(とくべつきかく))
1. Junior to Senior (下級生から上級(生へ) What makes Japanese study hard? Y9=Character learning (hiragana) Y10=More character (katakana and a little more kanji), more vocabulary, longer sentences, time tense Y11=More weight on grammar, a huge range of topics to cover (volume of vocabulary) Y12 & 13=The Level of Grammar (文法(ぶんぽう))! (A huge jump in difficulty of Japanese learning occurs here!) The biggest challenge: Introduction of PLAIN FORMS!!! If you rule the Plain forms, then you rule the Senior Japanese!
The Level of Language Used in NCEA Level 1, 2 & 3 (NCEAで使う言語レベル) So why is grammar so important? Let’s see the level of languages which will be used in each level in NCEA. ⇒See the Languages Matrix 2012
Level 1: Language that communicates the contents and topics in most immediate relevance. • Level 2: Language that communicates the information, IDEAS & OPINIONS in familiar matters. • Level 3: (2012) Complex language in a less familiar context • (2013 and beyond) ??? To show your opinion and ideas in a various contexts the complexity of sentence will increase and the levels of formality (politeness) will be varied. To achieve them both them both you need to use plain forms. (I’ll explain this later.) You need to understand the system, the logic and the reasons for the use of each word.
The NCEA Assessment standards and the number of credits offered(NCEAの単位数) =See the Language Matrix 2012 • Y12: Total of 19 credits offered External: 10 credits (5 for Listen and Respond, 5 for View and Respond) Internal: 9 credits: Speak, Present (4 credits) = One summative assessment Write (with resources) = 3 pieces of writing for marking The internal assessment for “Interact” won’t be offered.
Y13: Total of 24 credits offered External: 15 credits (6 each for listening and reading, 3 for writing) Internal: 9 credits (3 each for speech, conversation and writing with resources) There will be one assessment opportunity for each of the internally assessed standard. I’ll give out more information on this next week.
The Timetables and Classrooms (時間割と教室) First time ever since I started teaching at Cashmere High School in 2001 we have Y12/13 combined class. You need to make an extra effort to complete this year’s course because of this. But there are no excuse whatsoever for you not to achieve the level where you set. There are not many school that offer senior Japanese classes anymore.
Tuesday Period 4: Y12 & 13 Combined (M2) • Wednesday Period 1: Y13 only (M2) • Thursday Period 2: Y12 & 13 Combined (M2) • Period 6: Y12 only (M4) • Friday Period 6: Y12 & 13 Combined (M2) I’m going to book D1 as much as possible, as well as the new room called “Language Recording Room” (Formally used for Y13 Head of School’s office). So when I’m teaching one year level the others can go and use the computers or have a conversation practice. Etc.
The Learning Tools for Senior Japanese Class(日本語学習のための教材) Text Book “WAKATTA!” 「わかった!」 One textbook does for both Y12 and Y13. (issued by the school. Return it at the end of the year).
Y12 • Term 1 Unit 1 “Myself, My family「私のこと、家族のこと」 Unit 2 “Home and friends’「家のこと、友だちのこと」 • Term 2 Unit 3 “daily routine” 「日課」 Unit 4 “Neighbourhood” 「近所のこと」 • Term 3 Unit 5 “School Life” 「学校生活」 Unit 6 “Shopping and eating out” 「買い物と食事」 • Term 4 Revision for NCEA 「試験の準備」
Y13 • Term 1 Unit 4 “Nieghbourhood”「近所のこと」 Unit 7 “Leisure” 「レジャー」 Unit 8 “Traditions and culture” 「伝統と文化」 • Term 2 Unit 9 “Planning a trip”「旅行のけいかく」 Unit 10 “Travelling in Japan”「日本での旅行」 • Term 3 Unit 11 “Future Plans and Work”「将来の計画と仕事」 Unit 12 “Issues”「社会事情」 • Term 4 Revision for NCEA 「試験の準備」
Workbook “WAKATTA! • Y12:Volume 1 (Pink) • Y13:Volume 2 (Yellow) This workbook has practices for all Kanji, Vocab, Grammar, Listening, Reading and writing. Make sure you buy it before the beginning of week 3.
Notebooks/Refills/Binders for worksheets • My aim for this year: To use Power Point as much as I can for the notes. I’ll upload it to online for you to download/take note. But I still use whiteboard for explanations etc. As you know I’m fast and messy writer and you need to take note on the pace I go.
Taking notes You need to have the refills or notebooks for; • Taking note for new kanji, including meaning, reading (both On and Kun), sample word, story with pictures. YES, YOU WILL DRAW PICTURES!!! • Note for new vocab. I’ll introduce the new words related to Level 1 words, other words using same kanji, words of opposite meaning, etc. You need to take note so that you can make a strong link between new words and your previous knowledge. • Grammar note: The explanation and notes I give you for grammar will be of the highest quality in the country. The more neatly you take note, the more clearly you grasp the new knowledge. • Extra worksheet: I’ll make 2 holes on each sheet so it’ll be wise if you organise a binder for them. I’ll try to reduce the number of sheets given to students this year.
Language Perfect • Now and then we go to D1 and use Language Perfect for vocab learning. Make sure you know your login code.
Facebook • I have created the group called “Cashmere High School Senior Japanese”. Please join it if you haven’t. I post some Japanese related information there.
Wiki Space This year I’ll endeavour the way I upload the resource online so it’s available at home for you to use. Wiki Space seems the way to go but as I haven’t used it it’s till unknown….
6. Goals and expectations (目標と心得) • It is your responsibility to attend every class on time, complete homework in time and complete each task in class. I’ll be very strict on this as I won’t be able to monitor each student as closely as normal class situation. This year I also use Nao, Y13 student who is a native speaker, as my assistant. While I’m teaching the other year group you can ask her questions and for assistance. • You need to set your goal at the beginning of the year and need to remind yourself time to time. • I’ll ask you to write this in Japanese on the sheet provided. We’ll display this in the classroom so that you won’t forget what you’re here for.
7. Special programmes (特別企画) • Japanese Restaurant Trip and cooking class I’m planning to organise a Japanese restaurant visit for this class. In previous years I took Y13 out and for Y12 we have had a cooking class in H block. This year I may combine both year group together and do both. • Tono Exchange Tono High School, our sister school, is planning to send us a group of students at the beginning of Term 4. Unfortunately this is going to be the last exchange programme with them as last year’s earthquake and tsunami made the situation around the area where Tono is stuated very difficult to continue such a programme. I’ll ask you to give as much assist you can while they’re staying with us.
Japan Trip The Japan Trip is planned to take place at the end of this year, from 6 to 20th December. Tappenden Sensei will give you more information very soon but I’ll ask you to consider taking this opportunity if possible. There is nothing better way to learn Japanese than visiting the country. • Other Japanese visitors We are hoping to get some other group of students from Japan this year. I’ll try to bring them into this class so that you can have a real conversation with “real” Japanese people as much as possible. • Conversation class with Japanese students at Cashmere Last year I invited our own Japanese students into our senior classes. I’d like to do that again this year. It was a success and benefitted both you and the Japanese students.
Hard work and lots of fun. 「がんばりましょう。たのしみましょう。」