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Enhancing Tax Credit Participation: Role of Tax Prep Services

Explore impact of Tax Preparation Services availability on Earned Income Tax Credit participation. Learn how info diffusion influences decisions and policy implications for increasing participation rates in low-income neighborhoods.

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Enhancing Tax Credit Participation: Role of Tax Prep Services

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  1. Information, Tax Preparation Services and Participation in the EarnedIncome Tax Credit Eduardo Fajnzylber HEC Montréal

  2. Objectives • Investigate the importance of information on the decision to participate in the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) • Focus on a specific sources of information: the availability of tax preparations services in the neighborhood

  3. The Earned Income Tax Credit • Currently, the main cash transfer program in the US • Provides positive incentives to work for low income families with children • Application is performed through the income tax system • Disadvantaged population is often unfamiliar with filing tax forms

  4. Tax Preparation Services (TPS) • They provide two essential services: • Reduce the transaction cost of filling a form • In many cases, provide advance payment (loan) • With expansion of the EITC, they started operating in poor neighborhoods • Idea: the more TPS in your neighborhood, the more likely you are to participate • They also facilitate information diffusion in neighborhoods (interact w/peer effect)

  5. Econometric Model • EITC participation: Yin = a + b Xi + g TPSn + h Zn + ei • Problem: Endogenous location decision of TPS; they can locate in higher eligibility potential areas. • Solutions: Test for positive sorting into neighborhoods using 1990 Census data to construct time varying eligibility measures

  6. Results • Increasing TPS by one unit (the average number is 2.16) in an averagely sized zip code would increase the likelihood of participating in the EITC by 10 % points. • Our endogeneity analysis suggests negative selection (into areas with lower eligibility potential), thus our results are a lower bound on the effect of TPS

  7. Policy Implications • Information is costly to diffuse • Private sector can contribute to this diffusion if the margin is high enough:The EITC gives a large 1 time benefit, which justifies hiring a private service • Other programs could increase the per-time benefit by reducing frequency of payments.

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