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Gyaku(Inverse) Data Base

Gyaku(Inverse) Data Base. New idea of Emulsion track link to SFT trigger in PEANUT. Y.Nonoyama Nagoya Univ. Principle of link counter. Traditional : counter(SFT) → Emulsion Emulsion track(scan back) linked using counter prediction (CHORUS, OPERA CClike..) New idea : Emulsion → SFT

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Gyaku(Inverse) Data Base

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  1. Gyaku(Inverse) Data Base New idea of Emulsion track link to SFT trigger in PEANUT Y.Nonoyama Nagoya Univ.

  2. Principle of link counter • Traditional : counter(SFT) → Emulsion • Emulsion track(scan back) linked using counter prediction (CHORUS, OPERA CClike..) • New idea : Emulsion → SFT • Emulsion track match SFT trigger inversely • Look for matching trigger with Emulsion track • This method called “Gyaku Data Base”

  3. Purpose • Counter bias(track reconstructed efficiency..) can be free. • Emulsion track can have time stamp. • Non bias neutrino physics. • Neutrino flux • ne component beam study (NuMI, J-PARC..)

  4. Gyaku Data Base method • Emulsion track extend down stream. • SFT hits on the track ?? no match match allowance Emulsion track match match SFT = 10layer (x,y-projection), 2layer (u-projection) Allowance : +- (1mm + 3mrad * z axis) SFT plane alignment + angle measurement error (and scattering error)

  5. Scanned doublet and try this method Tried Gyaku Data Base method Show this

  6. BL040 903( 269 out of 1172 tracks are different alignment ) Estimation of track origin (scanned area = 56cm2 ) Rock muon : 1*56*4.3x105/4.0x104= 560 n interaction : 3-4*56/125*4.3x105/4.0x104= 15-20 Cosmic ray(for alignment) : 0 (BA+de-pack) : 1hour*56*0.2(|q|<0.4) = 650 MINOS observed value Rock muon event late : 1/cm2/day(4.0x104trigger) n interaction event late : 3-4/brick/day(4.0x104trigger)

  7. Position of BL040 (222) u-projection x-projection y-projection

  8. Demonstration - 1 • Show Gyaku Data Base • 903 track matched with 4.4x105 trigger • Selection 1 • x match layer >=2 & y match layer >= 2 • MEMO • Content of SFT trigger • NULL(no hits) 80% • Rock muon 10% • n interaction 0.1%

  9. # of matched trigger per track 3tracks doesn’t match any trigger Almost Emulsion track matched 5 trigger Maximam 13trigger

  10. # of matched track per trigger Matched trigger is almost over lapping Total matched trigger is 912 trigger

  11. Demonstration - 2 • I selected by eye-check • Rock muon event • Neutrino interaction event

  12. Result • Rock muon event : 156 • Neutrino interaction event : 165(30trigger) • No match any trigger : 582 • Cosmic ray, low energy electron, scattering track..

  13. Summary • Now, I polish this method. • Program, selection parameter.. • Gyaku Data Base method will work. • So non-bias neutrino physics is possible. • And we have 2 future plan to use this method.

  14. Future plan • PEANUT RUN2 • NuMI beam study. • ne contaminate • Change target mass consider beam energy. • We plan to start early next year. • J-PARC • It’s same purpose of PEANUT RUN2 • Set emulsion on T2K near detector (280m) located.

  15. Back up

  16. PL3 scan result

  17. MINOS 実測値 Rock-Muon : 1 / cm^2 / day Neutrino-Int : 3~4 / ECC / day *1宇宙線込み *2 903+269(cosmic) *3鉄ブリック(鉛x0.7) *4宇宙線(BAM+解体) 10/cm^2 PEANUT 検出器 Rock-Muon : 1 / cm^2 / day * A Neutrino-Int : 3~4 / ECC / day * B

  18. SFT plane allignment

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