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Hints & Tips

Hints & Tips. Author : Bob Guinn Venue : University of West London Date : Mar 2011. Show only certain types of asset. If you get in the habit of using the drop down arrow here to show only certain types of assets. ( Webfolios for example) it makes it easier to find things. Use Tags.

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Hints & Tips

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  1. Hints & Tips Author: Bob Guinn Venue: University of West London Date: Mar 2011

  2. Show only certain types of asset • If you get in the habit of using the drop down arrow here to show only certain types of assets. (Webfolios for example) it makes it easier to find things

  3. Use Tags You can create your own tags. Tags allow you to search for assets easier. Also you can add a page to a webfolio that is everything tagged by a certain tag . That page is then constantly updated when you tag things with that tag from then on!

  4. Make your webfolio pages much more interesting by adding pictures... You can add pictures to your webfolio pages embedded in your text, either to the left or right or on their own. See next slides for how to do this...

  5. Make your webfolio pages much more interesting by adding pictures... AA Nov 10 When editing a page of your webfolio, choose the ‘add images in text...’ icon

  6. Make your webfolio pages much more interesting by adding pictures... • Choose here if you want the picture left, right or centered • Select a picture or upload one using this icon You can add text here

  7. Make your webfolio pages much more interesting by adding pictures... • If you have a Flickr account select here to choose an image from there. • Click the tick when done. Select a picture you have already uploaded from here Or select this icon to upload one now

  8. Make your webfolio pages much more interesting by adding pictures... You can change the size of the picture here Add another picture/text section below using these icons

  9. Make your webfolio pages much more interesting by adding pictures... Here is the finished result

  10. You can comment on webfolios • Add comments

  11. Uploading video problems You can upload files up to 10 MB in size to PebblePad Video files are likely to exceed this Use YouTube to store your video Mark as ‘unlisted’ so the public can’t find it but itcan be link to

  12. Adding a YouTube video to a webfolio Cont... You can add a youtube video (or a static picture) to appear above the navigation on any page of your webfolio To do this select the ‘Add multimedia...’ icon

  13. Adding a YouTube video to a webfolio Then select the Youtube video you want to add.. Then select the YouTube icon The first time that you do this you will be asked to link your pebblepad account to you youtube on by logging in to youtube.

  14. Adding a YouTube video to a webfolio Your YouTube video appears here

  15. Use the Info tab • The info tab tells you whether assets are sent to a gateway, tagged, commented, published on the web etc

  16. Deleting an asset • Often to save confusion it is necessary to delete an asset, to do this select the asset and then select more options > remove. • You can recover deleted assets - see next slide.

  17. Recovering deleted assets • You can always retrieve anything you have deleted by viewing the contents of the Trash Can. Select the arrow then the Trash Can from the asset viewer pad..

  18. Linking files or other assets to a Webfolio • Highlight the webfolio • Select more options and then add/edit link

  19. Linking files or other assets to a Webfolio • Select the file you want to add either by browsing your computer for a local file or adding it from your asset store

  20. Asset is now linked to webfolio • The asset link now displays in the webfolio • Clicking the link will open the report

  21. Info is updated • If you select the info tag you can see that an asset has been linked

  22. How to add a link to appear below the navigation on your webfolio • Highlight the webfolio • Select more options and then add/edit link

  23. Add your link Select the web/email tab Paste the YouTube code into the link URL box Save

  24. Viewing gateways • Gateways are a way for a tutor to view assets you have created to mark or comment on. • Tutors can also use a gateway publish to you assets to use for activities / assignments

  25. The contents of your gateway • On the left of the screen, select the gateway you belong to and you will see what you have already sent • Don’t keep clicking this! (Copy and publish) • It adds new copies to your asset store!

  26. Removing assets from gateways has to be done in PebblePad (not the Gateway) • Select the asset and from the info tab click on the gateway info • You can then remove the asset from the gateway

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