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Part 1 Monte Carlo uncertainty evaluation of emission reduction scenarios constrained by observations from the ESQUIF campaign M. Beekmann (LISA), C. Derognat (Aria-Technologies).
Part 1 Monte Carlo uncertainty evaluationof emission reduction scenarios constrained by observations from the ESQUIF campaignM. Beekmann (LISA), C. Derognat (Aria-Technologies)
Part 2 Extension of CHIMERE to Eastern Europe and evaluation with surface and satellite dataI. Konovalov (Institute of Appplied Physics, Nizhny Novgorod) M. Beekmann (LISA)R. Vautard (LMD/IPSL)A. Richter (IUP, University of Bremen)J. Burrows (IUP, University of Bremen),
What is the uncertainty in the simulation of emission reduction scenarios ?Case of Paris agglomeration Monte Carlo uncertainty analysis Model output uncertainty due to uncertainty ininput parameters Constraint by measurements (ESQUIF campaign) (Bayesian Monte Carlo uncertainty analysis) Reduced uncertainty
METHODOLOGY (1)SET-up of the CHIMERE model for the Paris region (version 2002) OX, NOy 16/7/99 14h POI6 • Domain 150 km x 150 km with 6 km horizontal resolution • 5 vertical levels from surface to ~3 km • Forced by ECMWF first guess or forecast • Gas phase chemistry: MELCHIOR with 82 compounds, 338 reactions • Emissions, refined for regional scale from AIRPARIF, also biogenic • Boundary conditions: from CHIMERE at continental scale
METHODOLOGY (2)Definition of the probability density function for input parameters
METHODOLOGY (3) Constraints from ESQUIF observations From circular flights (DIMONA, MERLIN) • DOX, DNOy, DNOx, (DVOC) DC = C (plume) – C (background) From airquality network (AIRPARIF) • DOX = OX (urban) – OX (background)
METHODOLOGY (3) Constraints from ESQUIF observations From circular flights (DIMONA, MERLIN) • DOX, DNOy, DNOx , (DVOC) DC = C (plume) – C (background)
METHODOLOGY (4)mathematical formulation of the constraint For each Monte Carlo simulation k: Likelihood L for model output Yk to be correct for observations Oi(Bayesian Monte Carlo analysis Bergin and Milford, 2000): 1 (Oi – Yk,i)2 L(YkY | Oi) = _____________ EXP [ -0.5 _______________ ] (2p)0.5si si2 L(Yk | O) = L(Yk,,1 | O1) * L(Yk,2 | O2) * ……. Measurement errors siof observations Oi are assumed as • normally distributed • independent They stem from • instrumental errors • uncertainty in representativity for model grid
METHODOLOGY (5) Simulations performed • For 3 days in POI’s 2 and 6: August7, 1998 and July 16,17 • 500 Monte Carlo simulations with base line emissions • 500 Monte Carlo simulations with reduced emissions • - 50 % anthropogenic VOC • - 50 % anthropogenic. NOx • - 50 % anthro. VOC + NOx
RESULTS (1) • Cumulative probability plots Surface O3 maxima for baseline and 50% reduced emissions With (____) and without (- - - -) constraint
RESULTS (2) Surface O3 maxima for baseline and 50% reduced emissions
RESULTS (3) Chemical regime averaged over the pollution plume: Difference in surface O3 between a • NOx emissions –50 % and a • VOC emissions –50% scenario Positive values : VOC limited chemical regime Average over 1998/1999 : VOC sensitive or intermediate chemical regime (thesis C. Derognat)
RESULTS (4) OH averaged over the pollution plume at 14 UT (layer 2 50-600 m):
RESULTS (5) A posteriori and a priori probability of input parameters : NOx and VOC emissions
CONCLUSIONS • Uncertainty in simulated max. ozone (for baseline and reduced emissions) reduced by a factor 1.5 to 3 due to measurement constraint • Uncertainty in VOC limited regime is reduced for two days, shift from slightly VOC limited to slightly NOx limited for anaother day • For OH, the uncertainty is less reduced, but very low values are rejected, remaining uncertainty factor 1.5 – 2.5 • Weighting procedure through likelihood function changes distribution in input parameters namely NOx emissions
Limitations of this study: • Uncertainty in model formulation is neglected (transport, model chemistry) • Uncertainty in the definition of pdf’s for input parameters • Uncertainty in error distribution of observations (covariance always zero ?) Perspectives : • Application to continental scale • Application to air quality forecast
Part 2 Extension of CHIMERE to Eastern Europe and evaluation with surface and satellite dataI. Konovalov (Institute of Appplied Physics, Nizhny Novgorod) M. Beekmann (LISA)R. Vautard (LMD/IPSL)A. Richter (IUP, University of Bremen)J. Burrows (IUP, University of Bremen),
Model set up • Domain covering EU to Ural + Mediterranean regions with 0.5 ° horizontal resolution • 8 vertical levels from surface to 500 hPa • Forced by NCEP forecast (2.5°) and MM5 (1° res.) • Gas phase chemistry: MELCHIOR reduced • Emissions from EMEP and EDGAR, if needed • Boundary conditions: from MOZART
Comparison between GOME and CHIMERE derived tropospheric NO2 columns, June – August 1997 University of Bremen, GOME version V2 320 * 40 km resolution I. B. Konovalov, M. Beekmann, R. Vautard, J. P. Burrows, A. Richter, H. Nüß, N. Elansky, ACP, 2005
CHIMERE tropospheric NO2 columns versus GOME tropospheric NO2 columnsAverage June – August 1997 Western Europe Eastern Europe Slope = 0.75 R = 0.91 Slope = 0.70 R = 0.77
differences in GOME / CHIMERE tropospheric NO2 columns versus tropospheric NO2 columns (1015mol.) Western Europe • Random error in monthly mean (in a spatial sens) is mainly of multiplicative nature (25-30%), no attribution to GOME or CHIMERE possible
differences in GOME / CHIMERE tropospheric NO2 columns versus tropospheric NO2 columns (1015mol.) Eastern Europe • Random error in monthly mean (in a spatial sens) is less clearly of multiplicative nature for Eastern Europe than for Western Europe
CONCLUSIONS • CHIMERE domain has been extended to Eastern EU and Mediteranean region • Correlation with surface O3 obs. larger in WE (>80%) than in Central and EE <60-70%) • Comparison with GOME tropospheric NO2 :* No bias* slope 0.70-0.75* multiplicative spatial random error 15% EE – 30% WE