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I am in1 st /2 nd Greensborough Cub Scouts. I have been doing it for 2 years. We meet on Friday nights at 7 o’clock for activities. I am in Black Six. .
I am in1st/2nd Greensborough Cub Scouts. I have been doing it for 2 years. We meet on Friday nights at 7 o’clock for activities. I am in Black Six.
When you come to Cubs for the first time you get given a white scarf and keep it for 3 weeks. After 3 weeks you can choose to stay or if you don’t like it you can leave. If you like it you get invested.
When you get invested you get lots of badges a new scarf and a yellow book. You can go on lots of camps and earn new badges. The highest badge you can get is the Grey Wolf badge.
Before you ever go on a camp you have to pack the trailer or the car. If you don’t you won’t have any supplies or clean clothes. But always check the tents are complete.
I went to a camp called Leadership. With this camp you have to be invited- only the Sixers, Seconders and future Sixers and Seconders attend. (I am probably going to become one.)
Cub leaders are all named after characters in the “Jungle Book”. In our pack, the leaders are Bagheera (Jayne), Akela (Pete), Chil (Sharon), Haithi (Robin) and Kaa (David). These are the leaders:
My mum is the equipment manager at Cubs. (No one else wants to do it because you have to do a lot of work.) I always help her because we need to fold up tents and fix poles, but I like it.
I like Cubs because we do lots of fun things and see friends from other schools. It’s a great local activity!
http://www.scouts.com.au/main.asp?iStoryID=16486392 • http://cubpack109.tripod.com/whoakala.htm • Photos taken from: Lily Shering personal collection • Photos taken at: Cubs • Image from Clip Art • Cool Text Generator • Power Point (Obviously)