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Streaming mit Microsoft

Streaming mit Microsoft. Frank Koch (Bern) Technologieberater Developer & Platform Group Microsoft Schweiz GmbH http://blogs.technet.com/chitpro-de. Viele Webseiten setzen heute auf Videos. 2007 . MTV.com, 1996. Web Video Ad Revenue is Soaring. Growing Broadband Adoption.

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Streaming mit Microsoft

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  1. Streaming mit Microsoft Frank Koch (Bern) Technologieberater Developer & Platform Group Microsoft Schweiz GmbH http://blogs.technet.com/chitpro-de

  2. Viele Webseiten setzen heute auf Videos 2007 MTV.com, 1996

  3. Web Video Ad Revenue is Soaring Growing Broadband Adoption 55% of online video consumed will be user-generated (by 2010) (Source: Screen Digest December 2006) Video streams viewed per month will rise from3bn (2006) to 12.4bn (2010) (Source: Parks & Assoc. 12/2006) ~12% des Webtraffics kommt von Youtube

  4. Streaming ist ein wichtiger Teil von Silverlight

  5. Streaming ist aber nur ein Teil von Silverlight HTML DOMIntegration Framework Browser Host MS AJAX Library Controls DRM Inputs Integrated Networking Stack Media Editing Keyboard Mouse Ink Layout UI Core DLR BCL Data WPF .NET for Silverlight Vector Text Extensible Controls Generics Ruby LINQ Collections XLINQ Python Images Animation CLR Execution Engine Networking REST POX Application Services Legend Legend RSS JSON XAML V1.0 V1.1 Presentation Core Installer Media WMA MP3 VC1

  6. Windows Media Player Emerging Microsoft bietet eine komplette Streamingplattform HD-DVD Consumer Electronics Devices Core IP / SDKs Web Experiences / RIA Windows Media & VC-1 Ecosystem Media Center Phones Servers Xbox 360 IPTV Encoders Media Devices Solutions Desktop Applications Web Browser (Win & Mac) VC-1 Open Standard VC-1 Other Media Clients

  7. Create Die Streaming Plattform ist vollkommen renoviert Distribute Experience Expression Blend for creating media experiences Interactivity, video, and animation in browser and/or full screen Up to 2x streaming scalability overWindows Server 2003 Expression Media Encoder for publishing with Silverlight New IIS7 Media Pack with bit-rate throttling for lower cost for downloaded media Seamless, Fast Installation for End Users Consistent experience on Mac and Windows New Secure content delivery over SSL and Cache/Proxy support + Existing ecosystem of WMV technology partners / solution providers

  8. Quality Stunning video quality up to HD (720p) & 5.1 sound DVD-like interactivity and overlays ErstellenSieIhreeigenenInhaltemit Microsoft Expression Encoder Flexible Development • Integrate w/ existing AJAX frameworks • SMPTE-standard VC-1, WMV & MP3 Delivery • Live Streaming or On-Demand • Performance, scale and cost advantages over other solutions

  9. Demo: Encoder Expression Encoder vs. Windows Media Encoder

  10. Whether you are designing rich standards-based websites, ultimate experiences on the desktop, or managing digital assets and content, Expression professional design tools give you the flexibility and freedom to bring your vision to reality. The professional Webdesign tool The professional Interactive design tool The professional Graphicdesign tool The professionalAsset Managementtool

  11. Tipps zum Encoden • For professional quality, use a high-quality video capture device that supports at least standard definition and up to 720p • For consumer-quality video capture, use a device that support USB 2.0 or Firewire (1394)

  12. Delivering Rich Media

  13. Medien können vom Webserver • oder den Mediaservices kommen

  14. Die FunktionsweiseeinesWebservers… • Web server: Block delivery • Web server measured in block throughput • Browser measured in rendering http WEB Server

  15. …unterscheidetsich von Media Services rtsp / http (throttle) • Media server: stream delivery • Media server measured in stream reliability • Client “measured” in smart buffering Media Service IIS 7.0 & MP

  16. Windows Server 2008 unterstütztbeideVerteiloptionen optimal Leverage existing Web sites and optimize bandwidth usage with new bit rate throttling Built-in bit rate throttling, plus live streaming and powerful administrative control over rich media delivery WMS IIS7 + IIS Media Pack Windows Server 2008

  17. Demo: Netzwerktraffic Webserver vs. Windows Media Services

  18. Warumüberhaupt der Aufwand? Not Throttled Throttled Wasted bandwidth • Drop-off point in videos: • microsoft.com = 38% • Typical video site < 20%

  19. Windows 20008 Rich Media Verteilung • “Multimedia that is continuously received by, and normally displayed to, the end user while it is being delivered by provider.” • Windows Media Server: • Live streaming • Built-in bit rate throttling • Fast forward/fast rewind • Built-in proxy/cache • Advanced fast start • Scenario: • You want to broadcast a live event, like a baseball game (MLB). • “A type of streaming in which the audio or video file begins to play after a certain minimum amount of data has been transferred...” • IIS + IIS Media Pack provides: • Consolidated web site management • Bit rate throttling • Extending existing IIS7 Web sites • Scenario: • You are hosting Web sites for customers who also want to provide media downloads Progressive Download Streaming Windows Server 2008

  20. Media Service s bieten Hochverfügbarkeit

  21. Wieviele Clients könnenbedientwerden?

  22. WelcheBandbreitensindrealistisch (UC)? • 5.1 sound ab 128 Kbps • HD Movie content deutlichhöher (700 Kbps+) • BenötigteNetzwerkKapazität = Content bit rate x Clients Content bit rate ~ Dateigrösse / Spielzeit [sec] Beispiel: 2 MbyteDatei ~ 16,000,000 bits; 1½ MinutenSpieldauer (90 sec) Netzwerkkapazität pro Stream: ~ 180 Kbps bei 500 gleichzeitigenZuschauern: 90 Mbps (100 Mbps reichtnicht!) • Fast streaming Technologiefürbessere Client Experience • Fast start (höhereBandbreitebis Cache gefüllt) • Advanced start (Player startetbevor Cache gefüllt) • Fast Cache: SchnelleresNachfüllen des Cache • Variable Bit Rate

  23. Progressive Download Tips Adjust bandwidth limit per connection to 110% of content bit-rate to accommodate network glitches. Set initial burst time to be =>2 times the pre-roll value of your content for faster startup

  24. ErgebnisseausdemTestlab*… * Whitepaper “Optimizing Microsoft Windows Media Services 9 Series”, Microsoft

  25. Prozessoren sind nicht alles* Bottleneck is most often Disk I/O (Windows Server caches files, though!) Avoid processor utilization >25 % avg. to allow peaks for other tasks (connections) 100mbit card: 1 proc 1gbit card: 2 proc Wireless clients: 4 procs * Whitepaper “Optimizing Microsoft Windows Media Services 9 Series”, Microsoft

  26. Tipps für Windows Media Services • BessereSkalierungdurch • Trennung Encoder / Streaming Server • 2 publishing points wg. Connections Belastung • BessereNetzanbindung (full duplex) • Mehr Server • Management Pack zurÜberwachungmitOpsMgr • Beispiele (beigleicher Hardware) • X64 bietetrund 40% mehrSkalierung(Caching) • Windows 2003 Scalable Networking Pack:nochmals 40% • Windows 2008 network offload technologies verdoppeltSkalierung • Windows 2008 Server Core: erhöhteVerfügbarkeit(weniger Patches)

  27. Weitere Streaming Performance Tipps • If you set up both IIS and WMS on the same box, assign the WMS server to a different port or IP address to avoid HTTP port 80 contention • Disable buffering on broadcast publishing points for synchronous events • Set a higher acceleration bandwidth limit when serving high bit-rate content (the default is 3.5Mbps)

  28. Demo: Tuning Windows Media Services Windows Media Services in Windows 2003 SP2

  29. Die EntscheidungWebserver / Media Services hängtaberauch von weiterenFaktorenab Media Services Web Server Ideal fürdownload & play HoheBitraten, kleinere Files UnabhängigvomWebserver Vorteile Windows 2008 KannProxyserverpassieren http vs. rtsp Kein Feedback vom Client Keine variable Bandbreite Kein Smart caching “Kein” Smart start BandbreitenVerluste Zuviel Content übertragen • ZwingendfürLivestreaming • Encoder Roll-over • Multicast fähig • Weltweite Content Netzwerke • HöhereSkalierung • protocol roll-over • Client feedback (VBR) • BessereBandbreitennutzung • Smart Caching • Smart Start • Smart Forward • Kaum Proxy Unterstützung • Eigener Cache-Server

  30. Und wennSienichtselberstreamenmöchten:Silverlight Streaming by Windows Live Provides developers a free, scalability-on-demand solution for Silverlight Experience Creation Silverlight Streaming Windows Live Platform http://silverlight.live.com • Free, 4GB hosting and streaming • You build the application, we deliver the scale • 700 kbps peak (4min video max or 300 kbps / 10min) • You can use playlists to connect files, though

  31. Fassen wir zusammen: Microsoft Confidential, DO NOT disclose until April 16th, 2007, 12:01 am EST

  32. “The majority of survey respondents report higher costs with Flash,even at bulk rates” (Source: RampRate 04/2007) “Scalability with Flash has been reported by customers as 3-4 times lower than WMS” (Source: RampRate 04/2007) Studien(RampRate) sprechen für Windows Servern 80% of respondents would be interested in deploying a solution that offers strengths of Windows Media with the cross-platform interactivity of Flash(Source: RampRate 04/2007) Cost of an entry-level streaming server is nearly 50% lower for Windows Media when compared to Flash + Linux Microsoft Confidential, DO NOT disclose until April 16th, 2007, 12:01 am EST

  33. Ein Kostenvergleich der Plattformen zeigt dies auch Experience Deliver Create 11/19/2006

  34. © 2007 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

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