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The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation

The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. Connecting academic excellence worldwide Knowledge transfer and cooperation at the highest level. Melanie Schmitz: 4c. Historical and Intellectual Roots.

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The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation

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  1. The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Connecting academic excellence worldwide Knowledge transfer and cooperation at the highest level Melanie Schmitz: 4c

  2. Historical and Intellectual Roots • Alexander von Humboldt (1769 – 1859): discoverer, universal genius, cosmopolitan and patron of excellent scientific talent • 1953: establishment of today’s Alexander von Humboldt Foundation • international network of academic cooperation and trust • more than 22,000 Humboldtians worldwide, including 40 Nobel Prize Winners

  3. The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation • Excellence worldwideindividual sponsorship for excellent scientists and scholars from all countries and disciplines based on research fellowships and research awards • Autonomy and freedomfree choice of research project and research partners. The Foundation does not stipulate how research proposals should be implemented. • Neutrality and independeceno ideological, commercial, political or denominational ties; the sole selection criterion are academic qualifications • Durability and sustainabilitymaintaining a worldwide network of 22,000 scientists and scholars; sponsorship even after the research visit has come to an end

  4. Academic Excellence • sole selection criterion: academic excellence • individual sponsorship for people, not projects • no quotas for countries or subjects • free choice of academic host/collaboration partner in Germany • worldwide excellence network of Humboldtians

  5. Five out of twenty-two thousand • Robert Grubbs – 2005 Nobel Prize for Chemistry. 1975 Humboldt Research Fellow. One of the leading American researchers in organometallic chemistry. • László Sólyom – President of Hungary and the powerhouse behind democratic change in his country. Humboldt Research Fellow 1981, 1984 and 1988. Humboldt Research Award Winner 1999. • Tricia Striano – Sofja Kovalevskaja Award Winner. The excellent American junior research psychologist is investigating early-childhood development. • Hamadi Boga – Georg Forster Research Fellowfrom Kenya. The biologist is investigating flagellating micro-organisms in the intestinal tract of termites. • Erin Taylor – one of ten German Chancellor Fellows,a programme for future leaders. The American political scientist is comparing German and American strategies in the dialogue with the Islamic world.

  6. Humboldt Foundation Financing The annual budget is approx. 60 mill. EUR, more than 97% of which is publicly financed by the Federation. Financing is distributed as follows: • AA: Federal Foreign Office • BMZ: Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development • BMBF: Federal Ministry of Education and Research

  7. Research Establishments • more than 300 institutions of higher education: research in all disciplines • 80 Max Planck Institutes: basic research, especially in science but also in the humanities and social sciences • 57 Fraunhofer Institutes: contract research of a technical-scientific nature • 15 Helmholtz Institutes: the state’s long-term research goals in science and engineering as well as in bio-medical research • 84 institutes in the Leibniz Association: research tasks ranging from knowledge-oriented basic research to applied research

  8. Research Country Germany

  9. Sponsorship Programmes at a Glance

  10. Humboldt Foundation Programmes Research fellowships and research awards for highly qualified scientists and scholars from all countries and disciplines • research fellowships • research awards • other sponsorship programmes • other fields of activity

  11. Research Fellowships for highly qualified junior researchers from abroad • Humboldt Research Fellowship- 6 – 12 months, extension to maximum of 24 months - doctoral degree, up to the age of 40 - no quotas for countries or subjects • Georg Forster Fellowship- 6 – 12 months, extension to maximum of 24 months - doctoral degree, up to the age of 45 - developing and threshold countries - research visits of relevance to development policy, no quotas

  12. Application requirements • doctorate or equivalent degree • academic publications for internationally recognised journals and publishing houses • age limit • agreement by academic host to provide a research position • autonomous research project in agreement with the host • knowledge of German and/or English

  13. Application procedure • applications at any time to the Humboldt Foundation directly • assessment by independent expert reviewers • decision by Humboldt Foundation Selection Committees (3 times per year) • duration of procedure after submission: approx. 3 to 6 months

  14. Humboldt Research Fellowships Sponsorship provisions • Duration: 6 to 12 months (extension to maximum of 24 months) • Endowment: 2,250 to 3,150 EUR per month, including health insurance and mobility lump sum In addition • language fellowship (2 to 4 months in Germany) • European fellowship (up to 6 months in other European countries) • family allowances and reimbursement of travel expenses • alumni sponsorship: sponsorship for further research visits to Germany, donations of equipment, grants for conferences, worldwide alumni network, institutional partnerships

  15. Disciplines of Guest Researchers 2001-2005: Arts and Social Sciences 24%, Science 66%, Engineering 10%

  16. An association for a lifetime • maintaining continuous, life-long contact to all Humboldtians worldwide • actively sponsoring academic contacts amongst Humboldtians worldwide through events at home and abroad; Humboldt Associations • systematic network sponsorship embracing: • further research visits to Germany • guest visits by German academics to Humboldtians’ institutes abroad • long-term research collaboration (institutional partnerships)

  17. Sponsorship – personal, individual, sustainable • experienced staff at the Foundation • direct contact to staff during events • alumni associations in more than 70 countries • network online • sponsorship for academic cooperation with partners in Germany and abroad during an entire academic career

  18. Contact Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Jean-Paul-Straße 12 53173 Bonn Germany Tel: +49 228 833-0 Fax: +49 228 833-199 www.humboldt-foundation.de info@avh.de

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