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Keywords. Ribbed vault : bóveda de crucería, en la techumbre se cruzan arcos apuntados. Dome: cúpula, bóveda de media esfera para cubrir el edificio. Pointed arches : arcos apuntados, fundamental en Gótico, distribuyen mejor el peso. Thin walls : los muros adelgazan y se llenan de vanos.

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  1. Keywords • Ribbedvault: bóveda de crucería, en la techumbre se cruzan arcos apuntados. • Dome: cúpula, bóveda de media esfera para cubrir el edificio. • Pointedarches: arcos apuntados, fundamental en Gótico, distribuyen mejor el peso. • Thinwalls: los muros adelgazan y se llenan de vanos. • Flyingbuttresses: contrafuertes calados, soportes exteriores para soportar el edificio unidos por arbotantes. • Latincrossplant: planta de cruz latina, característica del Gótico, también la basilical. • Naves: naves, espacio comprendido entre muros o columnas. • Transept: transepto, crucero, también se refiere a la nave horizontal o del crucero. • Ambulatory: deambulatorio, nave que recorre todo el templo hasta rodear el altar en catedrales • Reliefs: relieves, escultura adosada al muro. • Free-standing sculptures: escultura de bulto redondo, no están adosadas al muro como los relieves. • Realistic: realismo, en escultura y pintura. • Capitals: capiteles, parte superior de la columna. • Tympanum: tímpano, imagen principal en la fachada del templo. • Murals: frescos, pintura mural, se prepara la pared con cal y se pinta mientras esté húmeda. • Portraits: retratos, se generalizan con la pintura al óleo en los Países Bajos • Background landscapes: paisajes, refiere al fondo de las pinturas. • Altarpieces: retablos, paneles de madera utilizados para decorar el altar. • Miniatures: miniaturas, pequeñas ilustraciones para libros o textos religiosos conservados por estar hechos en vitela.

  2. Historicalcontext • The Gothic stylebeganfromthe late 12th century in France and itwaswidespreadallacrossEuropeveryfast. Itwasthe natural evolution of theRomanesquestyle. • Being a style influenced by the Church, it was also influenced by the new wealthy merchants (bourgeoisie). It was a urban style.

  3. Late MiddleAges, a period of growth and change in the 12th and 13th centuries and crisis in thenextcenturybecause of wars and blackdeath. • Urbanincrease. New urbansociety and wealthymerchantstakenoverthegovernment of thecities. • Thosebourgeoisiewanted a realistic and naturalistic art style and Gothic wastheanswer. • Important role of theChurchover culture and art, butitmust be emphasizedthe new urbansociety. • TheChurchis no longertheonlyclientfor art and wehave new topics in art as well as a new concept of decorationbasedonnaturalism.

  4. Gothic architecture • Thisstylewascalled Gothic becauseitwassupposedtohavegothorigins. • Key characteristics of Gothic architecture: • Gothic churcheswerestonebuildingswith heavy stoneroofs, buttheytried a betterdistribution of weighttryingtoreachheavens. • Themostimportanttechniqueswere: dome, ribbedvault, flyingbuttresses, pilars and columns, pointedarches, basilical orLatincross plan. • Naturalisticdecoration. • Illuminationwasalsoveryimportantusingstainedglasswindows and rose windows.

  5. Distribution of weight in Gothic. León Cathedral, 13th century, south view

  6. León Cathedral, 13th century, natural light in interior of Gothic

  7. Gothic in Spain León Cathedral, 13th century Burgos Cathedral, 13th century

  8. European Gothic, France • Notre Dame of Amiens Cathedral, 13th century • Our Lady of Chartres Cathedral, 13th century

  9. EuropeanGothic, England • Lincoln Cathedral, 13th century • Wells Cathedral, 13th century In England Gothic became a national style and lasted until 19th century

  10. European Gothic, Italy • MilanCathedral, 14th century, Milan • Palazzo Vecchio, Florence citytown hall, 13th century, Tuscany

  11. European Gothic, Germany • CologneCathedral, 13th century • Strasburg Cathedral,13th century

  12. European Gothic, Belgium • Leuven City Town Hall, 14th century • Cloth Hall Ypres,14th century Civil architecture, 14th century, Belgium

  13. Gothic sculpture • Stillreligious and educationalpurpose. Religiousscenesmadepeople familiar withbiblicalnarrativeseveniftheywereilliterate. • Themostimportantcharasteristics: lessrigid, realisticwithsmallmovement, details and expression of human emotions. Figures beganinteraction. • Most of thesculptures are reliefs (in capitalsortympanum), butalso free-standing (Christonthe Cross ortheVirgin and Child). Itmust be emphasizedalso funeral sculpture (tombs), altarpieces and non-religioussubjects (gargoyles).

  14. The Well of Moses, late 14th century by Claus Sluter

  15. Other examples

  16. Leon Cathedral, White Virgin, 13th century

  17. Gothic painting • Stillreligious and educationalpurpose, butalso civil portraits. Religiousscenesmadepeople familiar withbiblicalnarrativeseveniftheywereilliterate. • Themostimportantcharasteristics: figures lessrigid, realistic, background. Paintings are painted in brightcolourswithblackoutlines. Oilpainting in 15th century (Van der Weyden, Van Eyck) • Most of thepaintings are murals (Giotto) butwehavealsoaltarpieces (paintedonwoodenpanels and usedtodecoratealtars), portraits and miniatures in books.

  18. Arnolfini Marriage, 15th century, Van Eyck Details

  19. Crucifixion, Giotto Di Bondone. 14th century, italian trecento.

  20. The Descent from the Cross, 15th century. Van der Weyden.

  21. Madonna of Chanciller Rolin, XVth century, Van Eyck

  22. Made by Francisco Javier AbadesAnsián History teacher at Castilla y León (Spain)Feel free to use, study or share this presentation

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